
Enforcer Jokes

57 enforcer jokes and hilarious enforcer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about enforcer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Enforcer Short Jokes

Short enforcer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The enforcer humour may include short jokes also.

  1. I once saw a sign that said "Speed limit enforced by aircraft." I'm pretty sure if you're getting pulled over by an F-16, you deserve to be driving that fast.
  2. What do you call a law enforcement agency that refuses to buy it's own vehicles? The Pro-lease department
  3. A criminal defense lawyer says "Don't talk" to his clients regarding interactions with law enforcement, except to his deaf-mute clients, to whom he says "Don't sign anything."
  4. How is your wife like law enforcement? She will never ask you a question she doesn't already know the answer to.
  5. I respect the Secret Service They are the only law enforcement agency in the country that gets in trouble if a black man gets shot.
  6. What do you call a financially unstable law enforcement officer that writes dark poetry and literature? A po popo Poe
  7. How do you tell the difference between a gay man and someone in law enforcement? How they pronounce CATCHTHESEMEN
  8. Why do people who say, "I'm moving out of the USA if ___________ doesn't win!", never actually leave? Because other countries actually enforce their immigration laws.
  9. If i could change my DNA to be better in law enforcement ... It could lead to serious genetic cop-sequences.
  10. My first stand-up performance was for a law-enforcement fraternity. It didn't go so well... ... in fact, they wanted to charge me with "Attempted Manslaughter".

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Enforcer One Liners

Which enforcer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with enforcer? I can suggest the ones about and .

  1. What is a cats way of keeping law and order? Claw enforcement!
  2. What are law enforcement officers called in Vatican City? The Pope Po
  3. What will the gas stove enforcement agency be filled with? "gas-stop-o" agents
  4. If Apple made a drug enforcement agency... would be a good iDEA
  5. What do you call a group of armed nuns enforcing the status quo? a force of habit
  6. What's another name for rural class justice? Lawn enforcement
  7. Who's the law enforcement in the font world? Sans Sheriff
  8. Homeless & unemployed cyborg law enforcer Hobocop
  9. What Makes Harry Potter a Great Mob Enforcer? He is the best at catching snitches.
  10. What is the administrative policy enforced in a ghost town? Booreaucracy
  11. What do you call people who protect their yards? Lawn Enforcement.
  12. What do law enforcement personnel sing during Christmas? Police navidad
  13. What do you call the religious leader of law enforcement? the popope.
  14. What agency did Agent Smith work for in The Matrix? Code Enforcement.
  15. What's a Roman law enforcement officers favorite language? Pig Latin

Enforcer Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about enforcer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make enforcer pranks.

A mouse chanced on a pool of whiskey that was the result of a raid by prohibition-enforcement agents.
The mouse had had no previous acquaintance with liquor, but now, being thirsty, it took a sip of the strange fluid, and then retired into its hole to think.
After some thought, it returned to the pool, and took a second sip of the whiskey.
It then withdrew again to its hole, and thought.
Presently, it issued and drew near the pool for the third time.
Now, it took a big drink. Nor did it retreat to its hole. Instead, it climbed on a soap box, stood on its hind legs, bristled its whiskers, and squeaked:
"Now, bring on your cat!"

The phone rings at Federal Drug Enforcement Agency headquarters.

"Hello, is this the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency?"
"Yes. What can we do for you?"
"I’m calling to report my neighbor Tom. He is hiding c**... in his firewood."
"Thank you, this will be noted."
Next day, the Drug Enforcement agents come over to Tom’s house.
They search the shed where the firewood is kept, break every piece of wood, find no c**..., swear at Tom and leave.
The phone rings at Tom’s house.
"Hey, Tom! Did the Federal Drug Enforcement guys come by?"
"Did they chop your firewood for you?"
"Yeah, they did."
"Okay, now it’s YOUR turn to call. I need my garden plowed."

Law of Gravity doesn't apply to Chuck Norris, he enforces it... with a round house kick.

Bubba n' Buford IV

Law enforcement officers in east Texas must also be linguists on occasion just to communicate. Take the time Bubba n' Buford were pulled over outside of Madisonville and the officer walked up and simply said "You boys have any ID?". Now that would seem a simple, clearly understood request...but not in east Texas. Buford with a puzzled look on his face responded "ID 'bout what?"

Arvind Kejriwal wants absolute control of "Aam aadmi party" to enforce inner party democracy.

Welcome back to /u/JokeExplainBot

I banned on a rule that we had enforced in the past. However, we talked the issue over and were able to reach common ground. Sorry for any trouble this caused.

A friend of mine in law enforcement doesn't like The Clash.

I guess you could say that sheriff don't like it.

The US Drug Enforcement Agency is considering making an app for iPhone.

Now there's a good iDEA

How can Hillary enforce a no-fly zone...

... when she can't even enforce a no fly zone on her face?

TIL : There are several states in the United States Of America that enforce death penalty for homosexuals

and heterosexuals, and bisexuals.

Guns don't belong in the hands of the teachers, they belong in the hands of the thin blue line

That's right, the hall monitors. It's time we enforce the **real** rules, people.

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Because 7 brutally r**... and murdered several other numbers and is still on the run from law enforcement

Australia should hire WWE wrestlers to enforce sentencing on convicted s**... offenders.

That way we can have Undertaker and Mankind throw Pell in a cell.

Law Enforcement

Back in the 80's the government wanted to have a competition to see which branch of law enforcement was most effective. They released 3 rabbits into 3 separate forests and asked the FBI, the CIA, and the LAPD to go find the rabbits. The FBI, after questioning the plants and minerals, determine rabbits do not exist. The CIA burn down the whole forest and say they have no regrets. And finally the LAPD, after 2 weeks, come out with a beaten and bruised bear screaming "I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit!"

A classic joke from Ronald Regan (Not exactly accurate)

There are two Russians in the Soviet Union talking to each other and a curfew is about to be enforced
The two men say goodbye to each other and just as they do a soviet soldier walks over to the both of them and shoots one of the men dead
The other man says Why did you shoot him?
The soldier says I'm his friend I know where he lives he wouldn't have made it home in time

In the US, law enforcement is like Clorox 2...

safe for w**..., but really made for colors.

I'm planning on starting a s**... club....

... in Poland. It will be called Pole Land.
I will hire people from ex law enforcement as strippers.
The slogan for the club will be: "Welcome to Pole Land, in Poland: Where Polish police polish your pole".
The slogan did pretty well in market research polls.