Energizer Jokes
47 energizer jokes and hilarious energizer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about energizer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
A collection of hilarious Energizer Bunny jokes that your friends will love. A great way to pass time, these jokes involve Duracell and also some laughs from the prison yard. Enjoy!
Funniest Energizer Short Jokes
Short energizer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The energizer humour may include short freshener jokes also.
- What happens when you put the energizer bunny's battery's in backwards? He keeps coming and coming and coming.
- Why did the Energizer Bunny go to jail? He was charged with Battery
I know...it's bad...but it had to be shared. - Did you hear that the Energizer Bunny was arrested last week? Yeah it's crazy. He was charged with battery.
- A stranger attacked me with 1 triple A energizer and sodium chloride. I guess you could say I'm a victim of a salt and battery
- The Energizer bunny got arrested today! He was arrested for battery.
This was a joke I posted on Facebook 7 years ago. - Bought a vintage Energizer Bunny but accidentally put its batteries in backwards... Now it keeps coming and coming and...
- Why was the Energizer Bunny tried in court? He was charged with battery.
- If you're attacked by the Energizer Bunny... ...is he charged with battery?
- The Energizer bunny was arrested for battery... It was awful. It took 5 cops to pull him off his wife. He just kept going, and going, and going....
- I installed the batteries in the Energizer Bunny backwards. He kept coming and coming and coming and coming...
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Energizer One Liners
Which energizer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with energizer? I can suggest the ones about energy drink and heater.
- Why was the Energizer Bunny thrown in jail? Because he was charged with battery.
- Ever wonder why you don't see the energizer bunny anymore? He got arrested for battery.
- Did you hear about the Energizer Bunny? A judge charged him with battery.
- Energizer Bunny Arrested Charged with battery.
- Breaking News: Energizer Bunny Arrested Charged with battery
- Why did the energizer bunny go to jail He was charged with battery
- Why did the Energizer Bunny go to jail? because he was charged with battery
- The energizer bunny has been arrested!! Has been charged with battery
- The Energizer bunny was just releases from prison. He was charged with battery.
. . . - I just found out that the Energizer Bunny got arrested! He was charged with battery.
- Police arrested the Energizer Bunny today, Police say he was charged with battery.
- Hey I heard the energizer bunny got arrested! He got charged with battery
- Did you hear that the Energizer Bunny was arrested? It's ok; he wasn't charged.
- Why was the Energizer Bunny sent to jail? Domestic battery
- Why did the Energizer Bunny need to lawyer up? He was charged with battery.
Energizer Bunny Jokes
Here is a list of funny energizer bunny jokes and even better energizer bunny puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The energizer bunny was arrested on a charge of battery.
- Why don't you ever hear about the Energizer bunny's dad? Because one night he went out for cigarettes and just kept going and going and going
- What is it called when The Energizer Bunny punches someone? Battery
- The energizer bunny was arrested on a charge of battery.
- Instead of dressing up as the Energizer Bunny for Halloween, this year I'm going to be the Crack Rabbit.
- Did you hear what what happened to the Energizer bunny? He got charged.
With battery. - The Energizer bunny finally died last night... Someone put his battery in backwards; he kept coming, and coming, and coming.
- What did the Energizer Bunny go to jail for? Battery
*Police tried to restrain him but he just kept on going, and going, and going...* - The Energizer Bunny stole the Morton's girl umbrella. It was assault with battery!
- Are you the energizer bunny cause you just keep going and going through my mind.

Quirky and Hilarious Energizer Jokes to Let the Chuckles Begin.
What funny jokes about energizer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean vibrator jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make energizer pranks.
The Energizer Bunny was found dead today from s**... exhaustion
His battery was put in backwards and he just kept coming and coming and coming.
Did you hear the awful news? The energizer bunny died of s**... malfunction.
Someone put the battery in backwards and he just kept coming and coming and coming and coming.
The Energizer Bunny died last night...
...of s**... exhaustion. Someone put in his batteries the wrong way and he just kept coming and coming and coming...