
Elm Jokes

6 elm jokes and hilarious elm puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about elm that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Fun Elm Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What is a good elm joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Why was Freddy Krueger late for work?

Cause traffic is a nightmare on Elm Street.

Did you hear about the results of the recent Ent election?

The alder statesman will remain at the elm, despite losing the poplar vote.

It was career day in Elm Park Elementary School...

and each student had to write about their dad's profession. Ruby wrote about her dad being a doctor and David wrote about his dad being a construction work.
When the teacher asked Johnny he said, "My dad is a p**... and a drug fiend."
"What?!?! Johnny, be honest. I know that's not what your dad does!"
"You're really gonna make me to tell the entire class that my dad is a banker?!"

My family is putting an electrical plug in our elm tree.

They were going to put it in the bushes, but I convinced them that a tree-prong outlet would be better for the ground.
"Tree-prong outlet" stolen from an engineer I was talking to today, but joke format is all mine.

The bus ride

Bus Passenger: Hi! I'm vacationing in your town. Does this bus stop at Elm Street?
2nd Passenger: Yes it does. Just watch me, and get off on stop before I do.

Web developer got fired

So a web developer, Bob, got fired during the recession. The only job he found was a UPS deliverer. His boss got a call from one person one time because the person never gets his package. Boss calls bob and says "Why didn't you deliver this person's package "
Bob says " I can't find that place"
Boss: "Why?"
Bob: "Coz' the street number says 404 Elm pike "

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