
Elite Jokes

30 elite jokes and hilarious elite puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about elite that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Elite Short Jokes

Short elite jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The elite humour may include short elves jokes also.

  1. The elites and nobles of Ancient Greece would often pay Diogenes with grape or bread in exchange for his wisdom. It's food for thought.
  2. A man walks into a bar... *[This joke is not a part of your premier package. To see this joke you must upgrade to our Platinum Plus Elite Tier.]*
  3. I'm writing a musical about a rag-tag team of Breitbart columnists standing up to the mainstream media elites. It's called Fake Newsies.
  4. Why are the top elites around the world scrambling to buy school supplies? Because scissors beats Panama papers .
  5. What is the name of Apple's revolutionary new product that allows elite pirates to see from their eyepatches. The iEyeCaptain
  6. I think that the powerful, elite titans of industry have learned an important lesson from this whole Harvey Weinstein ordeal. Never hire a board of directors.
  7. What do you call a food that used to be enjoyed by the poor, but is now eaten by the wealthy elite? Gentrifried rice.
  8. What do you call an elite group of detectives that are comprised of hens? The Clue Clucks Clan
  9. I fought the Elite Four using only Luvdisc. That battle was intense, not for the faint of heart.

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Elite One Liners

Which elite one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with elite? I can suggest the ones about evil and elope.

  1. What's the name of the elite hacking group from Canada? Anonymoose
  2. I used to be elite back in my country, but then I moved to the USA Now I'm just 1:37 PM
  3. An elite military unit is now full of disabled people. They call it the 'Special Forces'.
  4. I just joined an elite military branch of trained dolphins The Navy Squeals
  5. What do you call an Elite Team of United Airlines employees? Steal Your Seat Team Six.
  6. I told the insect I knew he used to be part of an elite military unit he was exuberant
  7. Q: What do you call a computer expert?
    A: A control-alt-elite.
  8. Before the Rothschilds, who was the elite banking family? The Rothsparents
  9. What do you call a developmentally challenged member of the ruling elite? An autistocrat.
  10. What do you call an elite team of crime solving tree surgeons? Special branch.
  11. Blackline Elite is that the new product!!
  12. The most elite s**... club in the world is... the illuminaughty.
  13. What do you call a dating agency for well-to-do h**... sufferers? Elite Shingles

Elite joke, What do you call a dating agency for well-to-do h**... sufferers?

Hilarious Fun Elite Jokes to Bring Joy & Laughter with Friends

What funny jokes about elite you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean elem jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make elite pranks.

So who's winning?

Two men talking at the bar:
\- So, whats new?
\- NATO is at war with Russia
\- Oh, so how it's going?
\- Russia lost couple thousands of their soldiers including their elite squads, over hundred helicopters and planes, couple hundreds of armored vehicles and tanks, three vessels, capability to exchange currency, Ikea, McDonald's and it's possible their whole country will go bankrupt in couple of weeks.
\- And how's NATO doing?
\- NATO didn't entered the war yet

Anybody know some white people jokes?

I'm an avid racist and like to have plenty of denigrating jokes at the ready for any particular race. Sadly I know very few targeted at Caucasians, and the ones I do know make them look sorta good (rich, stable, part of ruling elite). Anybody know any jokes that poke fun at being white?

Elite joke, What do you call a developmentally challenged member of the ruling elite?