
Einstein Relativity Jokes

36 einstein relativity jokes and hilarious einstein relativity puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about einstein relativity that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Einstein Relativity Short Jokes

Short einstein relativity jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The einstein relativity humour may include short theory relativity jokes also.

  1. Albert Einstein owed the inspiration for one of his best ideas to his cousin who had Down Syndrome... he had a special relative, you see?
  2. I'm pretty sure that I am related to Albert Einstein. However despite all of my research into my family tree, I just can't prove my theory of relativity.
  3. Can't believe that it's been over a hundred years since Einstein proposed his theory of relativity. Feels like it was only yesterday...
  4. Why did Einstein married his cousin? Because it was all relative!
    PS: Inspired from a comment on TIL about Emma Noether!
  5. I can't believe it has been more than a hundred years since Einstein published his Theory of Relativity. It seems like only yesterday.
  6. My SO told me she had never heard of Einstein's Theory of Relativity before today. I said, "It's about time!"
  7. Albert Einstein Begins a Lecture on General Relativity: Ok, let's get started, so here is the gravity of the situation...
  8. What's the difference between Einstein and Kim Kardashian? Einstein is famous for special relativity, Kim is famous for simple reality tv.
  9. einstien Einstein married his first cousin... You could say that even his marriage was relative.
  10. How is dating in the south much like one of Einsteins most famous theories? They're all relative.

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Einstein Relativity One Liners

Which einstein relativity one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with einstein relativity? I can suggest the ones about einstein theory and relativity.

  1. Einstein's second wife was his cousin ... ... so I guess sometimes love is relative.
  2. Was Einstein's theory good? Relatively
  3. Why Einstein loved his parents and grandparents? They were all relatives.
  4. Why did Einstein only own grandfather clocks Because time is relative
  5. Why did Einstein marry his first cousin? Because, it was all relative.
  6. Why did Einstein invite time to his wedding? Because it was relative.
  7. Why did Einstein invite time to his birthday? Because time is relative.
  8. A bar walks into Albert Einstein. See, all motion ees relative, ja?
  9. Chuck Norris is the reason why Einstein's theory of relativity is still a theory.
  10. Einstein was caught doing 65 in a 30 He was arrested for i**....
    "Speed is relative"

Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Einstein Relativity Jokes and Friends

What funny jokes about einstein relativity you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean theory of relativity jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make einstein relativity pranks.

After 5 long years of studying, a student comes rushing into Einstein's office shouting...

"Sir, Sir, I finally understand your theory of Special Relativity!"
Einstein rolls his eyes, "It's about time"

How five Jews changed the way we see the world:

Moses: "The Law is everything"
Jesus: "Love is everything"
Marx: "Money is everything"
Freud: "s**... is everything"
Einstein: "Everything is relative"


A student is taking the train back to MIT, and realizes that Albert Einstein just sat down in the seat next to him! Excitedly, the student asks: "Excuse me, professor. Does Boston stop at this train?"

'Time is certainly a very complex topic in physics, and there are people who believe that time does not actually exist. One common argument they use is that Einstein proved that everything is relative, so time is irrelevant'.

I said boldly to my boss! But he still fired me for being 3 hours late.

Einstein, Newton and Darwin are having a small argument.

Newton, a bit annoyed, says "Guys, I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation".
Einstein replies, "I think I do relatively understand it."
On which Darwin says, "Please don't let this evolve into a big fight, aight?"

Two guys are talking about their family histories...

GUY 1: Hey, I heard you're Einstein's distant cousin.
GUY 2: I'm not sure, really. It's just a theory of relativity.

I can't believe it is already more than a hundred years since Einstein proved that Time is relative.

Feels like it was just yesterday.