Eater Jokes
43 eater jokes and hilarious eater puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about eater that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Eater Short Jokes
Short eater jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The eater humour may include short eats jokes also.
- A black hole walks into a bar and orders a drink... The bartender asks if he'd like food with that.
The black hole said "no thanks, I'm a light eater." - When two meat-eaters fight, it's called beef. When two vegans fight, it's called a tofeud.
- Statistics show that vegetarians live on average ten years longer than meat eaters Ten long miserable years
- Why yes I'm also a member of PETA and an animal rights person Yup I'm a Preferred Eater of Tasty Animals and all animals have a right to be served on my plate.
- What do cannibal parents tell their kids when they become picky eaters? Eat the vegetables
- There are flat earthers, there are tide pod eaters, And there are people who want the first two to be the same.
- I always wanted to be a competitive eater Unfortunately, I just never had the stomach for it
- What do you call a bottle that eats pliers, screwdrivers, and hammers? A tool eater bottle.
- Why does nobody like eating with Lionel? Because he is a Messi eater!
- What is a homosexual's favorite Metal Gear Solid game? Snake Eater.
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Eater One Liners
Which eater one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with eater? I can suggest the ones about eaten and manger.
- What do you call an incestuous nephew? An aunt-eater.
- I can't stop myself from eating every morning. I'm a cereal eater.
- What kind of vehicle is a really good eater? A chew chew train.
- Whats big, red, and eats rocks? A big-red-rock-eater
- [OC]What do death eaters eat for dessert ? Cornelius Fudge
- Basketball players are very messy eaters They're always dribbling
- What do you call an annoying fish-eater? A peskytarian
- Why are yogurt eaters sophisticated? Because they're WELL-CULTURED.
- Was tryin to think of a punny meat-eater joke. But carnivore think of one. r_r
- What do you get when it rains t-rexes? A meat-eater shower
- If your Uncle was an animal, what one would he be? An Aunt-eater.
- Jared was a good eater But he always left a little behind
- Why don't ant eaters get sick? They have lots of anty bodies inside them.
- Where do Death Eaters go to shop? Voldemart.
- I think I'm a light eater. As soon as it's light, I start eating.
Picky Eater Jokes
Here is a list of funny picky eater jokes and even better picky eater puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- My son won't eat anything but plectrums. He's a picky eater.
- (FYI THIS IS KINDA RACIST) Jews are picky eaters. Even when they find a sausage they can eat. They always ask for the skin off it.
- I'm not a picky eater Except for my nose.
- whats orange and black and hates lasagna? A picky eater wearing a Garfield costume.
- I've never understood picky eaters... you won't eat a tomato but you'll put someones unwashed g**... in your mouth.
Messy Eater Jokes
Here is a list of funny messy eater jokes and even better messy eater puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- Why are messy eaters so rude? They always have a chip on their shoulder.
Comedy Eater Jokes to Make Your Friends Giggle
What funny jokes about eater you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean diner jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make eater pranks.
r**... Logic Joke
Two r**..., Hunter and c**... decided that they weren't going anywhere in life and thought they should go to college to get ahead.
The first went in to see the counselor, who told him to take math, history, and logic.
"What's logic?" the c**... asked.
The counselor answered, "Let me give you an example. Do you own a w**... eater?"
"I sure do."
"Then I can assume, using logic, that you have a yard," replied the counselor.
"That's real good!" said c**....
The counselor continued, "Logic will also tell me that since you have a yard, you also own a house."
Impressed, c**... said, "Amazing!"
"And since you own a house, logic dictates that you have a wife."
"That's Betty Mae! This is incredible!"
c**... was catching on.
"Finally, since you have a wife, logically I can assume that you are heterosexual," said the counselor.
"You're absolutely right! Why that's the most fascinatin' thing I ever heard! I cain't wait to take that logic class!"
c**..., proud of the new world opening up to him, walked back into the hallway where Hunter was still waiting.
"So what classes are ya takin'?" asked Hunter.
"Math, history, and logic!" replied c**....
"What in tarnation is logic?" asked Hunter.
"Let me give you an example. Do ya own a w**... eater?" asked c**....
"No," Hunter replied.
"Then you're gay."
I saw biggish girl at the pub last night,
Her t shirt said "watch out I'm a man eater!"
I went up to her and said " excuse me, love ... About your t shirt slogan."
She interrupted me and angrily snapped " oh let me guess: you want to know how many man I've eaten? Well, you know what, I can't help my size."
I said "Actually, no, I wasn't going to say that at all. "
She looks happier and smiled as she said "Oh yes, what did you what to say then?"
"That's not how you spell manatee."
Two cannibals stumble upon a corpse
They decide to eat the body. One started at the head while the other began with the feet. As they were eating, the face eater asks the other, How's it going?
The foot chewer replies I am having a ball.
Slow down, you're eating too fast
A woman goes into a restaurant for her lunch break.
She sees a man sitting at a table, alone with his bowl of tomato soup. Politely she asks him: "Excuse me, sir, is this seat taken? Mind if I join you?" He answers: "No problem, ma'am. But I have to warn you, I'm a very messy eater!" She smiles and sits down, and says: "Then it was a good idea to wear a red shirt when eating tomato soup, wasn't it?" He answers: "Nope, I'm NOT wearing a red shirt..."
A penguin takes his car to the shop and the mechanic says it'll take about an hour for him to check it
While he waits, the penguin goes to an ice cream shop and orders a big sundae to pass the time. The penguin isn't the neatest eater, and he ends up covered in melted ice cream. When he returns to the shop, the mechanic takes one look at him and says, "Looks like you blew a seal." "No," the penguin insists, "it's just ice cream."
What do you get when you mix a Puerto Rican with a goat??
A w**... eater that doesn't work.
Decided to use guitar strings in my w**... eater...
But now my yard seems a little flat.
I asked my wife what she wanted for Valentine's Day, and she said "Something long and powerful that vibrates."
I hope she likes her new w**... eater!
What's green, little, eats stones and lives 1,5meters underground?
The little green stone eater.
If theres a hole through the whole earth and you droppes a rock, how far down will it go?
1,5meters then the little, green stone eater will eat it.
What's blue lives on the moon and eats rocks?
A blue moon rock eater