
Duh Jokes

92 duh jokes and hilarious duh puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about duh that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Duh Short Jokes

Short duh jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The duh humour may include short whee jokes also.

  1. Two blondes are walking and one asks, which is closer, the moon or Florida? And the other responds, duh... ... can you see Florida?
  2. Two blondes are walking and one asks, which is closer, the moon or Mississippi? And the other responds, duh... ... can you see Mississippi?
  3. Girl: "Girls are better than boys."
    Boy: "Then why did God make boys first?"
    Girl: "Duh, you have to have a rough draft before the final copy."
  4. What's older Jimmy, the sun or the moon? Jimmy: Well duh, the moon; because it's allowed to go out at night.
  5. If a lesbian couple walks into a bar and the black bartender refuses to serve them, whose fault is it? A white male. Duh.
  6. Two blondes talking to each other... One asks the other, "Which one do you think is closer, Florida or the Moon?"
    The other blonde says, "Well duh! You can't see Florida from here."
  7. I knew a guy who said he didn't marry his high school sweetheart until after he finished college. I asked him, "How come?"
    He said, "Well, duh. I was working on my bachelor's degree."
  8. How many electricians does it take to change a lightbulb? Duh, one. That's light work for them.
  9. a blonde calls 911 and says "help, help, my house is on fire" ...operater says "stay calm ma'am, we'll send the fire department. how do we get to your house?" Blonde: "duh...big red truck"
  10. A blind guy had to go to court The Judge says Is everyone ready for the hearing?
    The blind guys stands up and says Well duh, it's not like I'm going to be doing any seeing.

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Duh One Liners

Which duh one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with duh? I can suggest the ones about hmm and yup.

  1. Who do ghosts worship? Boo, DUH!!!
  2. What do you call a sarcastic canine medical professional? A dog, duh.
  3. What do Chinese bears use to cook? A pan. Duh!
  4. What does a Chinese bear fry eggs in? A pan, duh!
  5. I think our solar system is highly underrated ... ... Seriously, just one star? Duh.
  6. What do you call a tarantula that works for the CIA A spy-duh.
  7. What's a panda's favorite cooking utensil? A pan.. duh??
  8. What do you call an ion that also raps? Fluoride, duh.
  9. What's a wavelength's favorite animal? A lamb, duh!
  10. Why do people from Poland keep their stuff super shiny? Well duh, they're Polish
  11. What do Chinese bears fry dumplings in? A Pan, Duh!
  12. What's a 90's girl favorite drink? It's like so duh
  13. What is Link's favorite Final Fantasy character? Zell, duh!
  14. What type of phones do they use in jail? Cell phones. Duh!
  15. Why did the student take a ladder to school? Because it was a High School duh

Duh Jokes to Giggle and Enjoy A Night of Unforgettable Laughter

What funny jokes about duh you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ooh jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make duh pranks.

This actually just happened...

*Wife: I wanna get into coding.
*Me: Oh, that sounds fun. You might even earn some
money on the side while you're at home. What language
did you wana code in ?
*Wife: English. Duh!

A father meets his son's teacher.

« Sir, I'm afraid your son is a cheater », says the teacher.
« What? No ! What makes you say that? » responds the father
« Well, in the last math test, he had the same answers as his neighbour. »
« Yeah, that's a math test, duh. There's only one good answer, right? »
« Indeed, but in one of the questions, your son's neighbour answered "I don't know" .»
« So what ? »
« Well, your d**... son wrote "yeah, me neither". »

One of the only jokes I know

What a cute bunch of cows!
It's not a bunch, it's a herd
Heard of what?
Herd of cows
Well, duh, of course I've heard of cows!
No, a cow herd
What do I care what a cow heard?

Sorry if it's lame

A blonde, brunette, and redhead are talking about where they would go if they were astronauts.

The brunette says "the Moon. The Redhead says "Mars". The Blond says "The Sun." When the other two girls say she can't go to the sun as she'd get incinerated, she replies with "I'd go at night, duh!"

Bubba n' Buford

Bubba n' Buford were sittin' on their porch one afternoon drinkin' beer n' bein' entertained by the bug zapper when this semi haulin' sod comes over the hill n' passes in front of their trailer. Bubba declares, "When we get rich I'm gonna do that!". Buford, asks "Do what?". Bubba looks at Buford like he's a idiot n' says, "Well duh, send our grass out to get it cut like them folks!".

A blonde's house catches on fire..

She starts freaking out and finally calls 911. She exclaims, "my house is on fire come as fast as you can!" The operated says, "Okay, calm down and tell me how do we get to your house?", the blonde then replies arrogantly and annoyed, "Well duh, in the big red truck!"

There were three sisters

One named Lilly, one named Rose, and the other named Cinderblock. One day Lilly went to their mother and asked, "Mom, why did you name me Lilly?"
"Well, when you were a baby, a lilly petal fell on your head," mother replied.
So then Rose went to her mother and asked, "Mom, why did you name me Rose?"
"Because when you were a baby, a rose petal fell on your head," mother replied.
So then Cinderblock went to her mother and asked, "der der duh der duh"

Blondes Find A Mirror

Two blondes finds a mirror on the sidewalk. The first blonde picks it up, looks into it, and says, "Hey, I know this person! I've seen her somewhere before." The second blonde takes the mirror, looks into it, and says, "Duh! Of course you have -- that's me!"

A waiter is working and sees Jesus come in

Waiter: Hello sir, welcome to our restaurant! What can I get for you?
Jesus: Hello Matthew. Today I would like a steak please.
Waiter: How did you... oh right, you're Jesus! Duh. Anyways, how would you like that?
Jesus: Well done, good and faithful servant

A Blonde in a Fire

One day a blonde woman is in her house and she smells smoke then her fire detector goes off. She quick runs to the phone to dial 911. She explains to the dispatcher her situation. The dispatcher asked her how do we get there? The blonde replies in a big red truck, duh.

A blonde calls the fire department

"My house is on fire, my house is on fire!!"
Fire Chef: " Well how do we get there?"
Blonde: " Duh... big red truck..."

I took Blondie to the movies

Just as the movie was about to start, she got up to leave.
"Where are you going?" I whispered. "The movie is about to start."
"I have to go outside," she said.
"Why on Earth do you have to go outside right now?"
"The movie man said to silence my cell phone," she pointed at the screen.
"So why do you have to leave?" I asked again, as nicely as I could. "I left it in the car, duh."
"Okay. Go ahead. I'll save you some popcorn."

Two blondes are sitting in a room...

The first one picks up a small mirror, looks into it and says :
"Hey ! I know that person !"
The second one takes the mirror from her friend, looks into it herself and says :
"Well DUH... It's me !"

The anti-vaxx couple could not understand why their 2-year old was crying

Everyone cries when they go through a mid-life crisis, duh.

Dumb blonde

A dumb blonde calls the fire department because her home is on fire.
"Help me, help me! My house is on fire!" she says.
"Ok, how do we get to your home". replies the dispatcher.
"DUH! Big red truck!"

From my 5 year old to her mother the other morning: My wife told my little girl that owls are nocturnal.

With a (well duh) face my daughter looked at my wife and said, " I know that mommy! Owls are not turtles! They're birds!"
My little girl got me to spit coffee with her snap back to my wife!

3 Women In A Bar

A redhead asks the bartender for a ML:
Bartender - "what's a ML?"
redhead - " Miller Lite - DUH!"
The Brunette asks for a BL:
Bartender - "what's a BL?"
brunette - "Bud Lite - DUH!"
The Blonde asks for a "15"
Bartender - "what's a "15"?"
Blond - " Seven and seven - DUH!"

2 blondes are sitting on a bench in San Francisco...

One of the blondes says to the other. "Hey, which one is closer; New York or the moon?". The other blonde laughs at the stupidity of the joke.
"Well, duh! Can you see New York from here?"

What do you call a young eigensheep?

A lamb, duh!


A kid was walking into the kitchen when he notices his parents sitting at the table looking upset. He asks,
"What's wrong?"
Dad: "There is something we need to tell you son."
Son: "What is it?"
Mother: " You're adopted."
Son: "Well duh I knew that, tell me something I don't know."
Mother: " I'm not a woman."

A blonde's house is on fire...

so she calls 911 on her cell.
Blonde:"Come quick my house is on fire!"
911 op: "Ma'am I don't see you address coming up how do we get there?"
Blonde: "Well duh, a big red truck!"

Florida and the Moon

Two Blondes living in New York are stargazing.
One looks to the other and asks "Which do you think is farther, Florida or the Moon?"
Her friend responds "You can't see Florida from here, duh."

What do you call an eight-legged insect holding a magnifying glass?

A spy, duh.

What's the oldest trick in the book?

Trick #1, duh. It's at the beginning of the contents.

One I made up.....

What do you call a cross between a dog and a turtle?
A cross. The animals around it have no effect on its name duh.

Why did the elephant stand on the marshmallow?

So it wouldn't fall in the hot chocolate, DUH!

I went down to the dock and I saw a boat with a for sale sign out front...

And I thought to myself "duh, what else would you use it for?"

My wife is so s**... she just asked me what's a Grecian urn...

duh, everyone knows it depends on what job he has.

What's the most obvious name you can give a Panda?

Pan, duh!

In this age of Teslas and other eco-conscious cars, what would Jesus drive?

Duh, a Christler.

What's a widows drug of choice?

A dab. Duh!

Why are Chinese Bears the best cooks?

The Pan Duh.

Why does Willem Dafoe play a villain in a lot of movies?

Duh. Cause he's da foe.

What has 4 legs but cant move?

A child born in Chernobyl, duh.

A five year old just made up this joke.

Q: Why do astronauts eat so fast?
A: Because they're on a rocket ship. Duh.

While getting ready to leave on trip, I was trying to get my wife to hurry up.

She says "Why are you rushin'?"
Too which I replied "Because my grandpa is from Moscow."

A blonde

Is at her friend's house when the kitchen catches on fire, so she calls 911. "My friend's house is on fire!" she tells the operator. The operator asks for the address but she can't remember. The operator thinks for a moment then says, "Well, we are located in the center of town, how do we get to there?" The blonde replies, " Duh! A big red truck."

What do you do if you see a T-rex on your couch?

You run, duh

Exam results have improved since 2001.

Well duh. That's fifteen years ago.

Why do French tanks have rear view mirrors?

To see if they are being flanked, duh

What's a time travelers favorite meal?

Past duh

What's a car company's favorite star wars character?

Han duh.

What does a black and white bear use to cook it's dinner?

A pan, duh!

Why are so many racist jokes about black people?

Because black people can't read. Duh.
I'll show myself out.

Hey you! Over there!

Two blonde Karens were walking along opposite sides of a river. One shouted to the other Hey you, how do I get to the other side of this river ? Back came the answer Well DUH d**..., you ARE on the other side of the river !

Two scientist walk into a bar...

The first one says to the bartender:
I'll have an H2O
The other scientist says:
I'll have an H2O too
The second one dies.
The first scientist freaks out and asks the bartender what should they do, he replies:
Let's barium
*buh duh tssss*

What do you get when you remove the last two letters of Canada?

You get Cana. Duh.

Perhaps we should start throwing small potatoes at FCC Chairman Pai to express our displeasure and to annoy him.

It would make him Ajit-tatered.
(disclaimer, do not throw potatoes at people, duh)

Where do Floridians sleep?

On the floor, duh!

What should you call a female that wants to be a male?

A man, duh.

Why do elephants have flat feet?

from jumpin' outta palm trees, duh

What do you call a man with a colander on his head?

COLIN! Duh!!!

Doctor, doctor! I'm scared of Santa!

after much analysis, the doctor responds: Duh! you're obviously suffering from Claus-trophobia!

Why should Caitlin Jenner's name be Amanda?

Because he's a man, duh

Why is "Amanda" the perfect name for a trans man?

Because she's a man, duh!

jokes about duh