
Duck Drug Jokes

47 duck drug jokes and hilarious duck drug puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about duck drug that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Duck Drug Short Jokes

Short duck drug jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The duck drug humour may include short duck bill jokes also.

  1. So there's this duck, trying to sell drugs to this horse The duck hold out his wing and says: "Quack?" The horse shakes his head and says: "Neigh!"
  2. A duck walks into a drug store, He goes and puts lip stick on the check out counter.
    The cashier asks, "will this be cash or check?"
    The duck says, "neither; just put it on my bill."
  3. Drugs Q. Heard about the drug addict fisherman who accidentally caught a duck?
    A. Now he's hooked on the quack.
  4. A duck walks into a drug store and asks for some chap stick.
    The pharmacist asks if it will be cash or charge
    The duck replies...
    Just put it on my bill.
  5. Duck walks into a drug store... Duck asks, "please, can I have some chap stick?" Clerk asks, "will this be cash or charge?'.
    Duck replies, "just put it on my bill".
  6. A duck walks into a drug store He says "Do you sell chapsticks?" And the store clerk says, "Yes, we do, but you don't have any money." And the duck says, "Just put it on my bill."
  7. What is a duck's favorite drug? Quack.
    Girlfriend came up with it. It was so bad it was good.
  8. I had my pet duck drug tested this morning... Turns out he's been doing quack this whole time!
  9. A duck walks into a drug store. He says "Give me some chap stick."
    The cashier asks "Will that be cash or credit?"
    The duck says "Just put it on my bill."
  10. Why did the duck go to rehab? (Different answer than normal) He wanted to quack down on his drug usage.

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Duck Drug One Liners

Which duck drug one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with duck drug? I can suggest the ones about duck and duck feather.

  1. What do you call a drug-addicted duck? A quackhead.
  2. What kind of duck uses drugs? A quack head
  3. What do you call a duck on drugs? A quackhead
  4. What kind of drugs do ducks take ? Quack
  5. Where does a duck hide it's drugs? In its buttquack
  6. Did you hear about the duck with a drug problem? he was a quackhead
  7. What's a duck's favorite drug? Quack.
  8. What is a ducks favourite drug? Qrack.
  9. A duck goes into a drug store He says gimee some chap stick put it on my bill
  10. Why did the duck get arrested? Because he was selling quack.
  11. Old Mcdonald Had a Drug Dealing Duck With a crack crack here, and a crack crack there.
  12. Why are ducks the worst drug dealers? They're always trying to get you hooked on quack.
  13. What kind of drugs do ducks do? Quack c**...
  14. What's the most popular drug with ducks? Quack c**...
  15. What is a ducks favorite drug? Quack c**...

Duck Drug Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about duck drug you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean duck hunt jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make duck drug pranks.

A duck walks into the drug store

A duck walks into the drug store and asks for a pack of condoms.
Druggist says: "would you like me to put that on your bill?"
Duck says: "nah, I'm not into that weird stuff".

A duck waddles into the drug store and says, Sorry, I don't have my wallet today but I really need to buy a c**.... The pharmacist chuckles, No problem, shall I just put it on your bill? The duck exclaims quacks in surprise...

Sir! What kind of a duck do you think I am?!

Did you hear about the duck with a drug problem?

He was addicted to quack c**...
(I honestly wish I could take credit for this)

TIL about Mexican drug birds.

During the early 60s drug cartels would use South-American mallard flocks to smuggle drugs over the border.
The birds' predictable migration patterns and considerable size made them perfect for the job, until a few years later.
That's when the ducks got wise and just started smoking all the quack.

Heard about the drug addict fisherman who accidentally caught a duck? Now he's hooked on the quack.

A truck on the way to the zoo was pulled of on suspicion of carrying i**... drugs.

The truck was carrying various animals including a few ducks. The driver was promptly arrested for trasporting large amounts of *quack* across state lines.

What is a duck's favorite drug?

You might think it's quack, but it's actually mariwaddle...