
Dramatic Jokes

29 dramatic jokes and hilarious dramatic puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about dramatic that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Laugh until you cry with this collection of hilarious dramatic jokes! Featuring everything from classic theatrics to owlgebra jokes, you'll appreciate the comedic timing alongside the seriousness of dramatic irony.

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Funniest Dramatic Short Jokes

Short dramatic jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The dramatic humour may include short tragic jokes also.

  1. when i die I want it to be from being hit by a falling piano That way my life ends on a dramatic note.
  2. The Supreme Court has changed dramatically since Justice Ginsberg died. It has become Ruth less.
  3. A colon can dramatically change the meaning of a sentence. Example:
    I ate Julie's sandwich.
    I ate Julie's colon.
  4. My wife told me my drinking has been out of control lately. I said "Honey, don't be dramatic. I don't even remember the last time I blacked out."
  5. Dramatic performance I once had a dramatic performance on the subject of puns, but then I realized it was just a play on words.
  6. Tickets for the Indiana State Philharmonic went up dramatically after they doubled the width of the stage. You didn't think that the ISP would give out twice the band width for free did you?
  7. In just 24 hours, my level in English has increased dramatically. I understood almost all words from the presidential press conference.
  8. Art students are so dramatic Art students are so dramatic deny them one thing and they go off and start a war
  9. My friends say I'm always underreacting They often tell me to stop being so mellow dramatic
  10. I remember the time my cousin completely lost it and threw a giant fit at her 12th birthday party. After she changed her outfit she was fine... It was a post dramatic dress

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Dramatic One Liners

Which dramatic one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with dramatic? I can suggest the ones about humorous and emotional.

  1. Where do theatrical cats wear their gloves? On their...
    Dramatic Paws
  2. What is the most dramatic type of Sandwich? Ham.
  3. What do you call a dramatic alien? An extraterrestrial.
  4. What does a cat use to talk? *DRAMATIC PAWS*
    His Meowth
  5. What do you call the earth when a dramatic earthquake happens? A shakesphere
  6. My wife told me I'm too dramatic. I almost burst into tears.
  7. My wife makes such theatre out of doing the laundry, and oh, all that dramatic ironing.
  8. I'd say h**... was too dramatic. I mean, the Holocaust was pretty overkill.

Dramatic joke, I'd say h**... was too dramatic.

Laughable Dramatic Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles

What funny jokes about dramatic you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean artistic jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make dramatic pranks.

A shooting club was holding a competition. The winner was to get a somewhat ugly trophy, the second-placed shooter - a crate of champagne.

By the end of the final round, two shooters were tied for first place, so they were told to do a tiebreaker round - 5 shots at maximum distance. To keep things more dramatic, they had to shoot at the same time.
After both had stopped firing and were awaiting the results, one shooter turned to his rival and said with a little smile: "I'm sorry, pal. I put all five shots in the wall."
"I'm sorry, too," replied the other, "because I put all of mine into your target."

A woman who lived next door to a preacher was puzzled by his personality change.At home he was shy, quiet and retiring, but in the church he was a real fire orator, rousing the masses in the name of God. It was as if he were two different people.

One day she asked him about the dramatic transformation that came over him when he preached.
Ah, he said, That's my altar ego.

A 13 year old boy has difficulty with mathematics, failing in public school.

His parents were not religious but after a friend's suggestion they felt a private Catholic school may be more effective. His grades began to rise dramatically after this switch. Asked what has helped him so much, he responded
"When I saw the guy nailed to the plus sign I knew they meant business!"

Dramatic Arts

Little Charlie has had his dreams set on becoming an actor, and, finally, he lands a part in the school play. He runs home after school to tell his dad. "That's fantastic!" his father replies. "Who do you play?" he asks. "Dad, I play a guy who's been married for twenty years!" His dad plants a hand on Charlie's shoulder, smiling sweetly, and says, "Maybe next time you'll get a speaking part."

Tom had been a compulsive worrier for years...

...until he found a way to overcome this problem.
His friends noticed the dramatic change.
"You don't seem to be worried about anything anymore."
"I hired a professional worrier for $1000.00 a week, Tom replied.
'I haven't had a single problem since."
"A thousand a week," said Doug. "You can't afford that, how are you going to pay him?"
"Tom replied, "That's his problem."

Thor was viewing the earth, when he saw a beautiful milkmaid. He transformed to human form, descended to earth - and seduced her.

They made love for 3 days and 3 nights, then one morning Thor was stood with his back to her, shuttered sunlight streaming through his golden hair and across his massive frame - the very image of godlike perfection. And he spoke.
Darling, I must away from this place he turned round for dramatic effect, then thundered. FOR I, AM THOR!
She replied YOU'RE thor? I can barely thtand!

A man goes to see a film alone...

...and sits down next to a young boy, who has a golden retriever sitting on the seat aside him.
The film starts, but the man has a hard time paying attention. As the film progresses, his focus is increasingly diverted to the young boy and his golden retriever. The dog is laughing uproariously during all the funny scenes, gasping and pointing during all the shocking scenes, wooping and hurrahing during all the action scenes, and gently sobbing during all the dramatic scenes. By the end of the film, the man is utterly awestruck by this wondrous animal.
As the film draws to a close and the credits begin to roll, the man leans over and addresses the boy: "That animal of yours is absolutely amazing! He laughed, he cried, he gasped, he cheered. He enjoyed the film on every level that it could possibly be enjoyed. I am thoroughly impressed".
The boy says: "I'm impressed too! He hated the book..."

A man decided to visit a fortune teller...

After looking into his hand and into the crystal ball, the fortune teller says in a dramatic tone:
You sir, will be responsible for the death of millions
Shocked and taken aback, the man goes back to his home. Along the way, he passes near a river and sees a small boy drowning helplessly.
Well, if millions of people are going to die because of me, I might at least save one life.
He jumps into the river and pulls the boy out. The shocked mother comes in tears and says:
Oh my dear god, thank you so much Mr., you are a saint. Adolf, you should thank this gentleman yourself.

I read that donations to s**... banks have dropped dramatically...

It's probably because, these days, most men do their banking online...

The World Health Organization has stated that eating bacon increases your chances of getting cancer.

Statistics also show that not eating bacon dramatically increases your chances of blowing yourself up.

A mum, dad and their son walk into a pub.

After a few drinks, the dad jumps up onto a table and starts reciting quotes from Shakespeare to his wife. The wife joins in, and responds with, "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" Then they dramatically kiss, as the whole pub stops and watches.
The son lifts his face from his palms and says, "Please... mum, dad... you're making a scene".

An old engineering professor ...

An old engineering professor was welcoming the incoming class of freshman. "I've been teaching here for over 50 years and have seen some dramatic change over that time. When I started, less than 5% of the class was female, and they all looked like they were kicked in the face by a horse.
"Today, more than half of you are female, but by God, we still have the same horse."

I saw this pretty homeless lady while I was walking home from work.

So I walked over and asked if I could take her home. She smiled and said yes. However the look on her faced changed dramatically when I picked up her cardboard box and started walking away it.

Dramatic joke, In just 24 hours, my level in English has increased dramatically.