
Doodle Jokes

10 doodle jokes and hilarious doodle puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about doodle that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

If you love to laugh and have a doodle dog, you've come to the right place! Get ready to giggle with these hilarious doodle jokes involving Yankee Doodle, cheese doodles, doos and even roosters. Spice up your day with some fun and laughter as you learn all about cockles!

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Laughable Doodle Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles

What is a good doodle joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

Sing to the tune of "Yankee Doodle"...

Helen Keller went to town,
A-ridin' on a pony,
Stuck a feather in her hat
and called it "Hunngunnggunufffungg"

I was making a mocha in the barn

when I spilled some hot chocolate mix. I used my fingers to turn the mess into a rough picture of my pet rooster.
Shortly thereafter, the rooster himself strolled by, looked at my sketch and made a cocoa doodle too.

A Golden Retriever mixed with a Poodle is called a Golden Doodle.

Aren't you glad they didn't call it a p**... Retriever?

I drew my dog while I was on a boring phone call and I'm really proud of it!

It's a golden doodle.

Cute repartee from "Dr. Katz"

The good doctor is between clients, and Laura, the administrative assistant, walks into his office. Dr. Katz is lying on his patients' couch and this surprises her.
"I've just never seen you on the couch before," she says.
"Well," Dr. Katz says, "I was just in a reflective mood, and I wondered if the couch might do for me what I hope it does for my patients."
"I see," says Laura. "Would you like me to sit in your chair and doodle and pretend to care?"

Yankee Doodle can use other names too

Helen Keller went to town while riding on a pony, stuck a feather in her hat and called it 'UGLABERPL'
Adolf h**... went to town while riding on a pony, when someone stuck a feather in his hat, he threw it on the ground and screamed 'NIEN!'

Saw a dog in the park this morning that was a cross between a cockerpoo and a labradoodle.

A cocker doodle p**..., if you will.

What do you call an American Drawing?

A Yankee Doodle.

After all exhaustive, unsuccessful search for a mate, what did the gay rooster say?

"At this point, any c**...'ll doodle do."

What do you call a rooster drawing a doodle?


Doodle joke, What do you call a rooster drawing a doodle?

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Doodle joke, What do you call a rooster drawing a doodle?

Doodle joke, What do you call a rooster drawing a doodle?