Dj Khaled Jokes
60 dj khaled jokes and hilarious dj khaled puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about dj khaled that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Dj Khaled Short Jokes
Short dj khaled jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The dj khaled humour may include short jay z jokes also.
- DJ Khaled has just declined a role in his upcoming biopic. When asked about his decision, he was quoted to have said "never play yourself."
- DJ Khaled was featured in a Weight Watchers commercial for losing weight... ...He must have stopped eating out...
- How many DJ Khaled's does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Doesn't matter, we're still gonna need anotha one.
- Why does DJ Khaled have sleeping issues? Because everytime he tries to count sheeps before falling asleep, he always goes like : "Another one, another one, another one..."
- DJ Khaled DJ Khaled's full name is Khaled Ibn Abdul Khaled, so basically his name is Khaled Khaled.
When his mum named him, he was like another one. - I finally figured out why DJ Khaled yells his own name in songs... Because his wife never yells it in the bedroom.
- DJ Khaled invented a weight loss app Everytime you lose a pound, his voice comes on and says "Another one".
- DJ Khaled's favorite number Is 11 cuz There's another 1.
Saw this comment on Wild Thoughts. - Your assistant says you have a voicemail from a music producer The DJ Khaled
- Between Justin Bieber, Quavo, DJ Khaled, Chance the Rapper, and Me, who is the worst rapper? That's a No Brainer, I'm the One.
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Dj Khaled One Liners
Which dj khaled one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with dj khaled? I can suggest the ones about dj songs and kanye west.
- What's DJ Khaleds favourite number? 11 because it has another 1.
- What is DJ Khaled's favorite number? Eleven. Because it has another one.
- Dj Khaled is like a Pokemon All he does is shout his name
- What's DJ Khaled's favorite number? 11, cuz it's got *anotha one*!
- Why is DJ Khaled's favorite number 11? Because there's another one.
- How many pounds does DJ Khaled plan to lose with Weight Watchers? Another one
- DJ Khaled was playing cards with his family. And a mother won.
- Some people say DJ Khaled fell off If he really had fallen off, we'd have felt it.
- What's DJ Khaled say his favorite gaming system is? Wii the best
- What's DJ Khaleds favorite phone One plus one, because it has another 1
- Dj Khaled is like a pokemon he just says his name.
- What did DJ Khaled say when the second plane hit the World Trade Center? Anotha one!
- DJ Khaled must be asian.... all he does is nguyen.
- What's DJ Khaled's favorite type of battery? Li-ion
- What did Dj Khaled say to the barn owl? You talonted
Laughable Dj Khaled Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles
What funny jokes about dj khaled you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean r kelly jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make dj khaled pranks.
DJ Khaled: "Meek Mill, wake up!" Meek Mill: "Why, what's going on?"...
Why is DJ Khaled so good at music?
He loves major keys.
Why doesn't DJ Khaled write any sad songs?
Because they aren't in a major key
Whats Dj Khaleds Favourite Jetski Brand?
What kind of a battery does Dj Khaled use?
A Li-ion battery.
DJ Khaled is a priest in mexico. What does he say at baptism?
Another Juan
What does DJ Khaled call his mexican friends?
Another Juan
Why does DJ Khaled love mexico ?
I dunno, somejuan should ask him.
What is DJ Khaled's favorite fraction?
1/9. Because, after the decimal, it's always another one.
What did DJ Khaled say after losing an eye?
At least I have another 1.
How do you get from 1000 to 1001
DJ Khaled:"you add another one"
Il see myself out
What is DJ Khaled's favorite drink?
What did DJ Khaled say after he listened to his 'Grateful' album?
"I just played myself."
What is Neo's favorite DJ Khaled song?
"I'm the one."
What do Hurricane Irma and DJ Khaled have in common?
They both got the keys 🗝🗝
How many DJ Khaleds does it take to change a light bulb?
Another one.
What does the show Orphan Black and DJ Khaled have in common?
Another one
Dj khaled won't go down on his wife coz
That's too much exercise for that fatty
What does DJ Khaled say when he gets his second Hispanic baby?
Another Juan
Why does Dj Khaled's son have a babysitter?
He never plays himself