Disliked Jokes
36 disliked jokes and hilarious disliked puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about disliked that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Disliked Short Jokes
Short disliked jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The disliked humour may include short hated jokes also.
- I wrote down the names of everyone I dislike on a piece of paper, and my roommate used that to roll his joint. He is now high on the list of people I never want to talk to again.
- I dislike Nike because they use Indonesian children to make their shoes I hate Indonesian children.
- Why do Soviet Russians dislike running so much? Because they can never make it past the Finnish line.
- Why I dislike this sub: There's not enough cheese and bacon on it. I think I'll go to a different place for lunch next time.
- Something I've observed in my life. You never know how many people you dislike until ... you have to name your child
- I really dislike people doing Michael Jackson impressions Whenever I see one, I turn 360 degrees and walk away.
- I ordered a book called "How to relieve stress" My goodness, for the life of me I really hope that it arrives on time.
And that it's useful.
And that the delivery man doesn't dislike me. - YouTube disabled the dislike counter. I would say that everyone disliked that, but I honestly can't tell.
- Did you know that people who dislike calculus are typically racists? They hate integration.
- A riddle Who's got orange skin, poor speaking skills, is overwhelmingly disliked and is in over his head?
Yeah, I know, too easy right?
It's Jar Jar Binks
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Disliked One Liners
Which disliked one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with disliked? I can suggest the ones about opposed and despise.
- I dislike people who are missing toes… You could say I'm lack-toes-intolerant!
- Why do some people dislike twitch chat? It's just not their Kappa tea
- Why does fruit dislike being preserved? The process is jarring.
- Which kitchen appliance do surfers dislike most? The micro wave.
- Why do people take instant dislike to accordion players? It saves time in the long run.
- Why do so many people take an instant dislike to accordion music? It saves time.
- Why do LGBT people dislike coding? It's binary
- My friend told me he really dislikes "All Star" by Smashmouth. I said: "Hey now..."
- Why do dwarfs dislike the big city? Because of Smaug
- I don't know why everyone dislikes catholics... They are putting so much into the youth.
- Which anion has an intense dislike of itself? Sulfate
- What do you call a person who dislikes people who don't have toes? Lack toes intolerant.
- I really dislike people that never repost… They just can't take a joke.
- Some people like playing Battleship, whereas others really dislike it. It's….hit or miss.
- I like my internet like I dislike my women. Not going down on me.
Disliked Video Jokes
Here is a list of funny disliked video jokes and even better disliked video puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- How do Australians dislike a YouTube video? They press the thumbs up
- give dislike on this video

Ridiculous Disliked Jokes to Spark Fun and Laughter
What funny jokes about disliked you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rejected jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make disliked pranks.
I've been to jail five times and got r**... twice
I'm starting to dislike playing Monopoly with my dad.
Life has never given me lemons
It has given me anger issues, anxiety, stress, a love for alcohol, and a serious dislike for s**... people
I meet these genie.
He asked: Who is the person you dislike the most? I told him that it would be my mother-in-law. He explained to me that I get three wishes but whatever I wish for my mother-in-law gets double of.
My first wish: I want one mansion. My mother-in-law gets two mansions.
My second wish: I want ten billion dollars. My mother-in-law gets twenty billion dollars.
My final wish: Beat me half to death.
I asked my wife what three things she finds most irritating.
She said, "well, I really dislike Sunday drivers. I'm not particularly keen on loud, abnoixious children. But mostly, I really hate it when I have to repeat myself!"
"Oh, yeah, absolutely!" I replied, "You can say that again."