
Discord Jokes

10 discord jokes and hilarious discord puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about discord that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Looking for a laugh? Check out this collection of Discord Jokes! From Discord Packing and the Discord Pack Bible to Discord Mods and Discord Kitten Outages, these funny jokes will have you in stitches. Learn about Discord Status, Discord Moderators, and Discord Dark Bots for a fun and unique take on Discord.

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Discord Jokes to Giggle and Enjoy A Night of Unforgettable Laughter

What is a good discord joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

How many Discord users does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They prefer dark mode.

So I was on discord and this guy tells me

I have an 11 kill streak.
So I asked on which game
He said, no I don't play games, I'm a police officer.

A chat server has been opened for world leaders to talk to one another,

and the world has fallen into chaos and Discord.

Whats the best flashlight ?

Discord light mode

My friend was testing his mic for Discord, I told him to get a Scope

So he wont have Troubleshooting

What social media platform do fetuses use?


What is a discord moderator's favorite musical chord?

A minor

What do you do when a scientist is sick?

If you can't helium, you might as well barium!
I stole this from some dude on the discord, her username is Amalgamate_UnderplayChara. (On discord)

I realized I am old.... I don't know what Discord is...

So I altavista'd it and apparently it's like ICQ..

A woman on Discord found herself unable to speak, except for when she went into labor

Turns out her settings were on 'push to talk'

Discord joke, A woman on Discord found herself unable to speak, except for when she went into labor

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Discord joke, A woman on Discord found herself unable to speak, except for when she went into labor

Discord joke, A woman on Discord found herself unable to speak, except for when she went into labor