
Disappointed Jokes

133 disappointed jokes and hilarious disappointed puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about disappointed that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Disappointed Short Jokes

Short disappointed jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The disappointed humour may include short disappointing jokes also.

  1. Prisoner: I'm sorry I tried to escape. Guard: I'm not mad, just........disappointed.
    Remember, kids, never let your guard down.
  2. It turns out, 'Fox News' has no actual coverage of foxes. I was also disappointed by BBC news.
  3. There's a support group for people addicted to plastic surgery... The head of the group walks in and says, "I'm seeing a lot of new faces this week, and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed."
  4. "Hello everyone, welcome to plastic surgery Addicts Anonymous." "I see a lot of new faces here tonight, and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed."
  5. "Dad, my girlfriend is pregnant "Dad, my girlfriend is pregnant"
    Son, I'm not mad.. Just disappointed
    "Hi disappointed, I'm dad"
    Son, did you just-
    You're ready.
  6. Plastic surgery anonymous "Hello everyone, welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous, I see a lot of new faces here today and I have to say I'm really disappointed with you all..."
  7. What's the difference between my parents and my girlfriend? I don't need to take my pants off to disappoint my parents.
    Also, my parents are real.
  8. Welcome to plastic surgery anonymous I'm seeing a lot of new faces in the crowd this week and I have to say i'm really disappointed.
  9. I was disappointed to find out a vasectomy doesn't prevent you from getting your wife pregnant. It just changes the color of the baby. :(
  10. I was disappointed to have to pay for my new roof they promised me it would be on the house

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Disappointed One Liners

Which disappointed one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with disappointed? I can suggest the ones about dissatisfied and frustrated.

  1. Is my girlfriend disappointed in my body? A tiny part of me says 'yes'.
  2. Welcome to Masturbators Anonymous. I'm disappointed that you all came today.
  3. "You look like a million bucks", said bill gates disappointedly to his wife.
  4. Hey baby are you my GPA? Because you look like you'd disappoint my parents.
  5. After a disappointing summer, Humpty Dumpty ended up having a great fall.
  6. This sub is really disappointing me lately. I'm going to try the meatballs next time.
  7. Why was Leia disappointed on her wedding night? Han shot first.
  8. I bought a DVD on dealing with disappointment. When I opened it, the box was empty.
  9. Not only am I the master of suspense... ...I'm also the master of disappointing endings.
  10. I made an appointment but it was cancelled. It was ... disappointing.
  11. They say you are what you eat I don't remember eating a big disappointment
  12. My bloodtype is really disappointing. My doctor keeps saying "be positive".
  13. My kids and this punchline have a lot in common. They're both a disappointment.
  14. What do you call a disappointed giant? A sighclops
  15. My doctor cancelled my visit today. I was Disappointed.

Disappointed joke, My doctor cancelled my visit today.

Humorous Disappointed Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about disappointed you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bummed jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make disappointed pranks.

I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me. I'm really disappointed.

You can hardly blame me, I answered. It's not like I was getting any from you.
Well, that's your own fault, she replied. You never told me you were willing to pay for it.

I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me.

I can't believe that you've been visiting prostitutes for s**..., my wife screamed at me. I'm really disappointed. You can hardly blame me, I answered. It's not like I was getting any from you. Well, that's your own fault, she replied. You never told me you were willing to pay for it.

I bought a CD of ice cream van music.

Now I drive with the stereo on full blast, watching the disappointment on all the little kids faces..

I walked out of my local shop today...

...and outside was a t**.... Same guy as always, but I'd never talked to him before. As I passed, he said, "Excuse me, I don't suppose you have a spare cigarette I can have?". I looked around, and I was the only person in the vacinity, so I knew he was talking to me. "Sorry mate, I don't smoke." I replied, which is true. He looked disappointed, but then asked hopefully "Any change?", I thought for a second before answering "Nope, still don't smoke."

I'm going to buy 100 mounted fish and fill a room with them.

When someone comes over and asks where the bathroom is, I'll send them to that room instead. As soon as they come back disappointed, I'll say, "I'm sorry, I thought you said my bassroom!"

I was told to bring a box of tissues with me when my friends and I watched Bambi.

You can imagine my disappointment.

I know this lesbian couple who gave me a watch...

The couple gave me a very nice Rolex for my birthday. I'm slightly disappointed though. I should of clarified what I meant when I said "I wanna watch".

Offensive Joke: The principal of my daughter's elementary school wanted to talk me about her behavior.

Apparently she was making racist remarks towards the black kids in her class and insulting them.
I must say I am terrified and very disappointed, she isn't even allowed to talk to them.

I wanted to have a t**.....

..but then I came to the realization, if I wanted to disappoint two people I'd just have dinner with my parents.

I don't know who this Rorschach guy is, but he is really good at drawing pictures of my disappointed father.

Credit to one of the writers of the Daily Show when I saw him do stand up, but I don't remember the name.

t**...? No thanks

If I wanted to disappoint two people in the same room, I would have dinner with my parents.

Why was Humpty Dumpty disappointed with winter?

Because he had a great fall.

Two deer are leaving a gay bar...

and one say to the other in disappointment "man, I can't believe I blew 20 bucks in there"

Auto-correct is so crazy now a days...

My mom meant to text me 'I love you' but it auto corrected to 'You're a disappointment.'

Dad my girlfriends pregnant

"Dad, my girlfriend's pregnant."
"I'm not mad, just disappointed."
"Hi disappointed, I'm dad."
"Did you jus..."
"You're ready."
"I'm not ready, I just told you that I'm dad."

I was disappointed when it turned out the axe I bought to climb with was useless for the job...

it was an anti-climb axe

How many friendzoned guys does it take to change a lightbulb?

One. He talks to it for hours and hours but is disappointed when it doesn't screw.

My daughter's boyfriend came round.

"Don't even think about having s**... with her," I told him, while she was in the toilet.
"OK, sir. I understand," he panicked.
"Good," I replied, "I wouldn't want you to be as disappointed as I was."

My girlfriend's father is pretty religious and said we couldn't make love...

which is rather disappointing because he's extremely handsome.

Was very disappointed when I went into a German restaurant and asked for their best

but they served me their wurst

When I was a kid my mom told me I could become whatever I wanted

So I became a disappointment

I met up with my internet friend yesterday.

We were both disappointed when we realised we were both middle aged men, and not 10-year-old girls.

I went for a job interview

I went for a job interview last Tuesday and was asked to describe myself in three words.
"Violent when disappointed," I replied.
I hope to get the appointment letter on Monday.

My birthday present from my friendly Lesbian neighbors

So it was my birthday and I'm really good friends with the lesbian couple next door. I told them what I was wanting this year and they ended up giving me a brand new gold Rolex. I was disappointed to say the least.
I think they misunderstood me when I said "I wanna watch"

Person asked me If I wanted to have a t**...

I said no thanks if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I'd go out to dinner with my parents.

The funny thing about teen pregnancy is that before it happens all you hear is "Don't do it! You'll regret it! You'll lose your freedom! Make the responsible choice!" Then after it happens, they say "We're a still disappointed, but we can still make the best of this. It's not the end of the world."

s**... auto-correct: I meant "Trump's presidency" not "teen pregnancy".

I thought of having a t**...

But then I realized that if I wanted to disappoint two people at one time I might as well have dinner with my parents

Welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous

I see a lot of new faces here this week, and I just want you to know I'm disappointed.

What did the disappointed s**... get for Christmas?

Clothes but no cigar...

The difference between your boyfriend and Ronda Rousey is...

Ronda actually gets paid to disappoint people for 48 seconds.

A man goes to the hospital to see if he has diabetes.

Once he arrives, a nurse asks him for a u**... sample. He complies, and moments later, the nurse comes back into the room with the results.
"I'm sorry, sir, but we've found high traces of glucose in your u**.... You're diabetic." She says.
Disappointed, the man manages to reply, "Well, I'm still very thankful for your help today, nurse."
"Sure thing, sweet pee."

If you sit on your hands 15 minutes before filling in an exam,

it feels like somebody else is disappointing for your teacher.

If I had a dollar...

For every time I disappointed my family, I would have enough to make them proud.

My bank account was hacked!!!

The hacker was so disappointed, he started a fundraiser for me.

Dear Fox News.....

I have yet to see any news about foxes.
Sincerely, Disappointed viewer.....

The funny thing about teen pregnancy is they all say, "Don't do it! You will lose all your freedom! Make the responsible choice." But after it happens they say "We're disappointed but we can make the best of this. It's not the end of the world."

Whoops, I accidentally autocorrected "Trumps' Presidency" to "teen pregnancy"

My boyfriend looked so excited when I told him I was going to get him an e**... for his birthday!

I couldn't understand why he looked so disappointed when I handed him the keys to his new Ford

First day of school

One day, a mom took her son to his first day of school. When they were walking to school, he looked all excited, but when his mom came back to pick him up, he looked disappointed. Trying to cheer him up, the mother asked what he had learned today at school. "Apparently not enough," he said. "I have to come back tomorrow!"

I'm not that into threesomes

If I wanted to disappoint 2 people at once, I'd just talk to my parents.

Once two girls asked me if I wanted a t**....

I told them that if I wanted to disappoint two people at once, I would just go home to my parents.

Husband and wife get into bed for sleeping

And the husband turns to wife and starts making out.
Wife says "don't start now, I have a gynecologist appointment tomorrow morning so I need to keep it clean".
Husband disappointed, rolls around and tries to go to sleep.
In a few minutes, he rolls back and asks "do you have a dentist's appointment tomorrow too?"

There's a support group dedicated to those addicted to plastic surgery...

The leader walks in and says "Wow, I see a lot of new faces. I have to say I'm disappointed!"

The hard of hearing s**......

got really disappointed when he finally arrived at his uncle's wheat farm.

I went to a space museum today but was a bit disappointed...

It was completely empty! Well, except for the black hole on display, but it s**....

A man goes to a zoo and is disappointed to find it has only one animal, a dog

It's a Shih Tzu.

I don't understand why people have threesomes

If I wanted to disappoint two people at once, I'd just get lunch with my parents

The l**... Nextdoor

The l**... nextdoor asked me what I wanted for Christmas.
I said I wanna watch.
I was disappointed when they bought me a Rolex.

I told my Asian parents that i am Asexual

They were disappointed that i wasn't A+s**....

Welcome to Plastic Surgery Addicts Anonymous...

... I see a few new faces here and I have to admit, I'm disappointed.

Welcome to plastic surgery addicts anonymous

I see some new faces with us today so I must say I'm disappointed.

I met a girl in a club last night and after a few drinks, she asked if I would like to go back to her place for s**.... I didn't want to disappoint her, so...

...I said "No."

I wish the name of a business would describe what it sells...

Curry's doesn't sell curries, dominos doesn't sell dominoes, and the v**... megastore, what a disappointment.

My girlfriend asked what I thought about having a t**....

I said if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I would just have dinner with my parents.

He worked for years to invent an engine that ran on ambient disappointment.

But at the unveiling, it wouldn't work.
Then it did.

I changed the name of my printer to George R. R. Martin

It's old, works slow, has issues finishing jobs, and constantly disappoints me.

The other day I got offered a t**...

I had to decline, if I wanted to disappoint two people at once I'd go out to dinner with my parents

A woman goes to a fortune teller

A woman goes to a fortune teller to have her fortune read. The old fortune teller looks through her crystal ball and then gasps with horror. She says "By the next full moon your husband shall be dead!"
The woman looking disappointed says "I already know that part. Tell me if I'll get convicted or not."

The Librarian

What time does the library open? the man on the phone asked.

Annoyed, the librarian composed himself before he answered.
9 am, came the reply. And what's the idea of calling me at home in the middle of the night to ask a question like that?
Not until 9 am? the man asked in a disappointed voice.
The librarian began to get angry.
No, not until 9 am, said the librarian. Why do you want to get in before 9 am?
Who said I wanted to get in? the man sighed sadly. I want to get o

The Nigerian football team were so disappointed with Saturday's performance that they have said they will personally refund all expenses to fans who travelled to support them.

All they need to do is send bank details, sort codes & PINs, and they will transfer the money directly …

Welcome to m**... Addicts Anonymous!

I see everyone came today, which is disappointing.

I'm a proud father since 10 minutes

My son is already 20 years old but he has been a disappointment till now

In a strange way, I was really looking forward to the hurricane and I was disappointed when it was downgraded...

I thought others round these here parts would echo my sentiment, but I guess Carolinians are used to being disappointed by the Hurricanes.

Disappointed joke, In a strange way, I was really looking forward to the hurricane and I was disappointed when it was d

jokes about disappointed