
Depreciate Jokes

24 depreciate jokes and hilarious depreciate puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about depreciate that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Depreciate Short Jokes

Short depreciate jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The depreciate humour may include short jokes also.

  1. Self depreciation is the best type of depreciation Because you don't lose anything of value.
  2. My car has no self-confidence. It's been self-depreciating since the moment I took it off the lot!
  3. What does the car say to its new owner as they drive off the lot? Thank you. I depreciate it.
  4. Did you hear the King of Thailand threw himself in jail? He made a self depreciating joke.
  5. My accountant friend's dad just bought him a new car for graduating college I'm sure he really depreciates it.
  6. Why are cars always referred to as "she's"? Because cars and women are both depreciating assets
  7. s**... with my wife has depreciated like Coca Cola "c**...", "Caffeine", "Light" and now "Zero"
  8. here is a self depreciating joke. **Q: What is the difference between me and a brick?**
    A: Bricks get laid

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Depreciate One Liners

Which depreciate one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with depreciate? I can suggest the ones about and .

  1. Self depreciation is my best skill, And I'm pretty bad at it.
  2. If self-depreciation was a sport... I'd probably be pretty rubbish at that too.
  3. As someone who invested in real estate last year.. I appreciate depreciation.
  4. My wife is my property... but she's a depreciating asset.
  5. Some guy keyed my car I wonder how much they've depreciated in value
  6. How is a new car like a p**...? They both depreciate after the first ride.
  7. I love self-depreciating humor.. ..but I s**... at it

Depreciate Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about depreciate you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make depreciate pranks.

A businessman interviews a mathematician, an accountant, and an economist for a job

A businessman interviews a mathematician, an accountant, and an economist for a job. He asks them, What is 2 + 2?
The mathematician answers, Exactly 4.
The accountant replies, Depending on what your interest, depreciation, and taxes are, approximately 2.
The economist walks over to the door, shuts and locks it, closes the blinds on the window, and leans over and softly asks, What do you want it to be?

manager told me this one at dinner last weekend

Working in the field of engineering, things can get pretty here it goes.
There once was a man, lets call him John, who applied for a position at Tyco to manufacture Tickle-me Elmos. He figured he would make the cut as he knew the hiring manager. John landed the job and was told he'd be needed right away.
John reports to duty the next day and is immediately greeted by a man storming out of the building who obviously just got fired. On his way out he tells the John "Watch out, sales are might be next."
Once John reports to his manager(friend), he inquires about sales being down to which the manager responds, "Yes indeed, sales are down because quality has depreciated." John asks why and the manager says, "People aren't testing the Elmo dolls seriously, you need two test tickles not just one"