
Dental Jokes

104 dental jokes and hilarious dental puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about dental that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Need a good laugh? Look no further! Check out these hilarious dental jokes perfect for dental hygienists, dental assistants, Halloween, April Fools', implant, humor, Christmas, crowns, cavities, and teeth!

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Funniest Dental Short Jokes

Short dental jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The dental humour may include short dentist jokes also.

  1. CSI Alabama was a failure . . . . . . all of the DNA is too similar and there are no dental records.
  2. Why are crimes in the 'Deep South' so hard to solve? There's no dental records & all the DNA matches...
  3. Why does West Virginia have so many unsolved murders? There are no dental records and all the DNA is the same.
  4. My Dad has the heart of a lion and so much hate mail he had to shut down his dental practice
  5. Got this from my dad tonight...You know why they don't have CSI in Arkansas? They don't have enough teeth for dental records, and they all have the same DNA.
  6. Did you know I'm dating a dental hygienist? She has the cleanest teeth I've ever come across.
  7. Why are murders so hard to solve in Alabama? There are no dental records and all the DNA is the same.
  8. My local dental hygienist passed away last week. A plaque was put up in her honour, but it kept getting removed.
  9. My roommate is really dedicated to dental hygiene just last night I heard her using an electric toothbrush for what seemed like an hour
  10. Why are crimes so hard to solve in Alabama ? Because their are no dental records and all the DNA matches

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Dental One Liners

Which dental one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with dental? I can suggest the ones about teeth and tooth.

  1. I once dated a dental hygienist She had the whitest teeth I ever came across.
  2. My dentist and orthodontist have the same name... Isn't that coinci*dental*?
  3. What do you call dental X-rays? tooth pics
  4. What's brown and very bad for your dental health? A baseball bat.
  5. What do you call a dinosaur with good dental hygiene? A flossiraptor
  6. 9/10 dentists recommend good dental hygiene... The other dentist is from England.
  7. Nobody knew she had a dental implant until it slipped out in conversation.
  8. Why did the Hindu monk refuse Novocaine? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
  9. What do you call a Gungan with bad dental hygiene? Tartar Binks
  10. What do you get when you cross an orthodontist and a secret agent? It's confi-dental
  11. When you said friends with benefits … … I assumed you offered a dental plan.
  12. "Thanks for the gold, kind stranger" I told as I was taking away his dental implant.
  13. What is another name for a dental assistant? A flossitute.
  14. What is a dental hygienist's favorite subject? Flossophy.
  15. Yo' Mama is so poor, my jack-o-lantern gets better dental work then she does.

Dental Office Jokes

Here is a list of funny dental office jokes and even better dental office puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My dentists office is called "Two Thirty Dental" Because you go there when your tooth hurty.
  • What did the clumsy dentist name his new office ? Acci-dental

Dental Floss Jokes

Here is a list of funny dental floss jokes and even better dental floss puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My Wife's cooking is so bad If you left Dental Floss in the kitchen

    The Roaches would hang themselves!
  • Yo' Mama is so skinny, she uses dental floss for toilet paper.
  • How do you render a Chinese man blind? Put dental floss over their eyes.
  • What do you call it when you grind your teeth because you are bugged you forgot your dental floss? Flossless compression!
  • Yo mamma so skinny, she uses dental floss as toilet paper.
  • How to you blind a chineses man? With dental floss
  • What do Asians use to cover their eyes? Dental floss
  • how do you blindfold a chinese person? dental floss
  • How do you blindfold a Chinese guy? Dental floss!
  • How do you blindfold a Chinese man? You use dental floss.
Dental joke, How do you blindfold a Chinese man?

Dental Hygiene Jokes

Here is a list of funny dental hygiene jokes and even better dental hygiene puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My mom was always obsessed with dental hygiene... ...she would always take her electric toothbrush to bed and brush her teeth all night!
  • Start taking dental hygiene seriously at a young age It's nothing to brush off lightly

Dental Hygienist Jokes

Here is a list of funny dental hygienist jokes and even better dental hygienist puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • What do you call an aspiring doctor who ends up in the wrong program? Acci-dental hygienist.
  • My dental hygienist is cute.
    Every time I visit, I eat a whole package of oreo cookies while waiting in the lobby.
    Sometimes she has to cancel the rest of the afternoon's appointments.

Dental Assistant Jokes

Here is a list of funny dental assistant jokes and even better dental assistant puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • When dental assistants f**...... they use suction pump to cover up
    p.s. true story
Dental joke, When dental assistants f**......

Silly & Ridiculous Dental Jokes to Spread Joy & Laughter

What funny jokes about dental you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean teeth gum jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make dental pranks.

Why are even the best forensic teams unable to catch h**... criminals?

Because they all share the same DNA and there are no dental records.

So they were going to make a new CSI tv show in West Virginia...

But they had to scrap production when they realized there were no dental records and all the DNA was the same.

Why is it so difficult to convict a r**...?

Because they all have the same DNA and no dental records.

Did you hear about the guru who refused to let the dentist use Novocain to numb his mouth?

The guru said he wanted to transcend dental medication

Why are r**... crimes so hard to solve...

Because everyone has the same DNA and there are no dental records.
Not original, I heard it on satellite radio yesterday.

Did you hear about the dentist who was also a hypnotist?

He uses a trance in dental medication.

Why are r**... murders so hard to solve?

There's no dental records and all the DNA matches

Check up time.

I've just been for my 6 month check up and everything seem to be going well until he slipped his finger in to check my prostate. I will not be using that dental practise again.

My dentist is a buddhist...

He uses Transcendental Meditation to help us Transcend Dental Medication.

why is it so hard to solve a m**... in Kentucky?

Because everyone is related and there are no dental records.

I once knew a dental nurse who liked giving blow jobs and smoking w**...

Her name was o**... high jean

Went to the Indian reservation to get some dental work done...

Ended up just buying some Sioux veneers

Why is it so hard to solve a r**... m**...?

All the bloods the same and there are no dental records

[OC] If you ever feel like you need drugs during dental surgery...

...just say NO.

Do you know why dead r**... are so hard to identify?

Because there's no dental record and all their DNA is too similar

A swami needed his teeth fixed, but refused Novocaine.

He wished to transcend dental medication.

Why aren't the police making any neo-n**... arrests in m**... cases?

There's no dental records and all the DNA matches

What do you call dental work you get while on vacation on an indian reservation?


Why did the Buddhist monk refuse Novocaine?

Because he wanted to *transcend dental* medication.

A dental doctor with patient

A woman says to the dentist "I don't know which is worse having a tooth pulled or having a Baby." The dentist says "Well make up your mind I gotta adjust the chair!"

Why are murders so hard to solve in Tennessee?

Because there are no dental records and the DNA is all the same.

Why is it so hard to solve a m**... in a trailer park?

Because the DNA evidence is all the same and there are no dental records

h**... murders are the hardest to solve

They don't have dental records and all their DNA is the same.

why can't you solve a r**... crime

because there are no dental records and all the DNA is the same

Why are r**... m**... victims so hard to identify?

There are no dental records...

Congress announced today they would be removing all crime lab budgets from the state of Alabama

Because crimes can't be solved there since everyone has the same DNA and there are no dental records.

A mans wife goes in for a dental checkup.

After the appointment the doctor comes out to greet the man.
The man says "how was it?"
The doctor replies "Your wife has a lot of cavities that need to be filled."
The man replies "that must be hard on you."
The doctor replies "Not really I get paid every month to drill your wife."

Had my wisdom teeth removed and the doc wrote me a script for oxys

The percs of dental surgery

I asked my girlfriend to roleplay as a doctor, and she said "Great idea! How about I start with a full cavity search?"

She opened my mouth and started to poke at my teeth with a metal dental scraper.

Did you hear about the Buddhist monk who refused anesthesia for his root canal?

He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Crude Dental Work (In Australian)

Man on island, has bad tooth. Needs tooth removed. Friend with an axe is like, I know what to do mate. Uses axe to try to remove tooth but unintentionally knocks out all his teeth. First guy is like, Ouch-aroo mate, that is a 10/10 on the pain scale. Axe guy says, 'Hey man, it was Axe-y Dental'

Why are r**... m**... victims the hardest to identify?

Because there are never any dental records

Do you know why it's so hard to solve a r**... m**...?

Because the DNA is all the same and there's no dental records.

Why are r**... cases the hardest to solve ?

Because all of the DNA matches and there are no dental matches.

To celebrate my cake day, here's a joke that gave me a giggle

An old lady walks into a dental surgery, sits down in the chair, lifts her knees up and spreads her legs.
Dentist: 'Miss, I believe you're in the wrong room'.
Woman: 'You put my husbands new teeth in last week. I'm here to have them removed'.

Why's it so hard to solve a r**... m**...?

Cause the DNA's all the same and there ain't no dental records.

My cousin told me it's totally safe to get a dental piercing

Turns out he was lying through his teeth.

I'm filling in for my friend today ...

His patients won't be happy when they learn that I never went to dental school.

I'm filling in for my friend who got hung over from yesterday's drinking..

His patients wont be thrilled if they knew I never went to Dental College

r**... murders are hard to solve

There aren't any dental records and all of the DNA is the same

Imagine America's best dentists competing against each other in fixing dental problems

We'll call the show "Top Gum"

Why are Red Neck m**... cases so Hard to Solve?

Because everyone has the same DNA and there are no Dental Records.

CBS was looking to start up a new show "CSI: Mississippi"

But they couldn't, because there's no dental records and everyone has the same DNA.

Why can't Sherlock Holmes solve ANY crimes in Alabama?

He can't find any dental records, and all the DNA is the same for everyone.

A buddy of mine recently invested in a friend's dental practice and it just paid off big-time.

"So I guess that makes you...a denture capitalist now, eh?"
That's it. I'm done. Only downhill from here.
EDIT: showed my wife the comments and she muttered something under her breath about divorce. I love this sub.

Dental joke, A buddy of mine recently invested in a friend's dental practice and it just paid off big-time.

jokes about dental