Denial Jokes
91 denial jokes and hilarious denial puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about denial that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Denial Short Jokes
Short denial jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The denial humour may include short denied jokes also.
- It's been 5 months since my best friend drowned in a river in Egypt. ....and he's still in denial.
- Bernie Sanders was asked why he is still in the race and he responded "there are still some states left for me." Those states are Denial, Anger, Grief, Bargaining and Acceptance.
- Did you hear about the Egyptian who refused to accept that he was drowning? He was in denial
- Two Rastafarians go to the river in Egypt and one of them gets in and says "Ey, mon, me not get wet"; his friend replies "Ya right, mon, you in denial"
- A preschool teacher is teaching a student basic geography Teacher: "what state do you live in?"
Student: "denial." - my wife tried to tell me that I'm in denial... So I told her to go back to school and learn geography because I'm standing nowhere near a river in Egypt
- An old Egyptian pharaoh drowned himself when he learned the new, younger pharaoh was taking over... He was in denial.
- When I told my friend how my dad drowned in the longest river on earth, he didn't belive me. He was in denial.
- My buddy told me he has a girlfriend in every state! 1 in a state of denial, 1 in a state of regret, 1 in a state of remorse...
- My friend told me "the first stage is grief" "Isn't it denial?" I replied.
"No, not for me"
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Denial One Liners
Which denial one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with denial? I can suggest the ones about disbelief and rejection.
- Breaking: donald trump has just won another state. Denial.
- Denial, anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance Saturday, Sunday
- There's no "i" in denial.
- Egyptian alcoholics are the hardest to talk to..... They are always in denial.
- I'm canoeing in Sudan, not Egypt - my map must be wrong I guess I'm just in denial
- Why couldn't Cleopatra accept Mark Anthony's death? She was the queen of denial
- I once fell into an African river but refused to accept it I was in denial
- How do you call an alcoholic that doesnt admit the addiction? Jack Denials
- Where would you find an Egyptian psychopathic swimmer? In denial.
- Breaking News: Trump has won another state! The state of denial.
- There is no I In denial.
- I was in denial until her wake... But then I saw her face... now I'm a bereaver
- 2016 Denial 2017 Anger
2018 Bargaining
2019 Depression
2020 Acceptance - Yesterday I thought I was in the Amazon river Turns out I was in denial
- Why did the Pharaoh drown? He couldn't swim but he was in denial.
The Funniest Denial Jokes for a Bone-Shaking Laugh
What funny jokes about denial you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean acceptance jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make denial pranks.
A little doctor joke
Patient: Doctor, I keep thinking I'm in a large African river!
Doctor: Ah, you must be in denial.
Did you hear about the Egyptian m**... who evaded capture by jumping into a river?
Police said he was in denial.
My Egyptian friend's mother just died today.
He's in denial.
1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance ...
The 5 stages of buying petrol.
Fishy tales
Why couldn't the Egyptian fisherman get over the fact that his boat had sunk?
Because he was stuck in denial.
My friends say im in denial
I dont know what theyre talking about.
Did you know it's Holocaust Denial Month?
Happy JewLie.
My Egyptian friend's dad drowned yesterday...
He's still in denial.
Did you hear about the Pharaoh who refused to believe that his boat was sinking?
He was in denial
I asked my brother if he has a f**... for rivers...
He's in denial.
There's no I...
in collaboration.
Or denial.
Did you hear about the African man who refused to accept the fact that he couldn't swim?
They say he died in denial.
Why was Cleopatra so negative?
Because she was queen of denial.
What does a sheep in denial say?
There's no "i"
in denial.
After years of denial and fear, the teenage car part finally told his parents " Mom...Dad...."
I`m a t**...
My roommate seemed like he was in denial when I told him I spilled all his protein powder...
...he just kept saying "no whey, no whey"
My mechanic thinks i'm in denial over my brake fluid leak.
But he's wrong; I can stop any time i want.
Why didn't Cleopatra believe her husband's story?
because she was the Queen of Denial
Me: The first step to success is denial.
Other person: No it's not.
Me: I'm so proud of you.
Breaking news! Due to heavy storms, all the rivers in Egypt are flooding.
The citizens of Cairo are still in denial
My girlfriend asked me if we could explore her denial k**... more.
I said no.
A man is having a session with his therapist.
Therapist: One of your biggest problems is changing the subject all the time.
Man: No I don't.
Therapist: Denial.
Man: Thats a river in Africa.
What do you call a river that refuses to see the truth?
I grew up in Egypt and was thrown in a river as a baby, but I never believed it.
I was in denial.
Why didn't the Egyptian woman think she was pretty?
Because she was in denial.
My wife left me because she believes I live in constant denial
Tonight we'll have a romantic dinner celebrating our 5th year anniversary
I can't believe that Fisherman told me there were no rivers in Africa
He was clearly in denial
What do you call a Jamaican who goes swimming in Egypt?
In denial
There was once a very stubborn man who never learned how to swim...
They say he died in denial.
Always remember...
There's no E in denial
There's no "I" in..
I know a guy who takes denial to the next level.
He doesn't believe in stairs.
There's no E in denial
And no I in Elleterate
Swimmer's mental problems
An Egyptian swimmer and a French swimmer were recently taken to a mental hospital.
One was in denial and the other was insane.
What was moses feeling when his mum put him in a basket on a river?
He was in denial
What do you call it when someone refuses to accept that there are rivers in Egypt?
Why was Cleopatra sitting on a boat, sad, going down a river?
Because she was in denial.
My friend and I took a trip to Egypt. While we were sightseeing, he slipped and fell into a river. I told him he needs to get out as soon as possible but he refused to acknowledge his predicament.
He was in denial.
What's perfectly round and fits into round holes perfectly well?
A square peg in denial.
What do you call a river that thinks it's not a river?
I thought I might be an alcoholic, so I did some research. It turns out the first sign of alcoholism is denial...
So I guess I'm not an alcoholic.
What do you call Cleopatra when she's depressed?
The Queen of Denial.
They need to move China to Egypt ...
... because they are in a deep state of denial.
Cleopatra fell out of her boat but wouldn't admit she was wet.
She was in denial.
People tell me there are lots of rivers in Africa. They're wrong, there's only one.
My friend just went to Egypt
He had a break up and now he's in denial
"Denial isn't just a river in Brazil."
"That's the Amazon."
"No, I refuse to believe that."
What did the Egyptian say when he fell out of his boat?
I'm in denial
Denial is like fickleness
No it's not
Your right, it's not.
What do you call someone who jumped off a pyramid?
In denial
What do you call someone who jumped off the Eiffel Tower?
When it comes to climate change
Denial ain't just a dry patch of sand in Egypt