
Deep Philosophical Jokes

26 deep philosophical jokes and hilarious deep philosophical puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about deep philosophical that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Deep Philosophical Short Jokes

Short deep philosophical jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The deep philosophical humour may include short philosophical jokes also.

  1. I believe the theological philosopher Thomas Aquinas was rather overweight...... I guess this makes him an early deep fat friar
  2. I guess I was feeling philosophical at the bar last night because I ended the night deep in THOT.
  3. What do you call the man with a lisp who drowned? A philosopher.
    Cuz he's a deep thinker.
  4. My friend brought me to a club for philosophical digging. It got pretty deep.
    ^*I* ^*tried*

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Deep Philosophical One Liners

Which deep philosophical one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with deep philosophical? I can suggest the ones about deep thought and philosophical question.

  1. What do you call a philosophical priest? A deep friar
  2. My father was a U-boat captain and amateur philosopher. Such a deep sinker.
  3. why do philosophers love the ocean so much? because it's deep!
  4. How does a philosopher lose his virginity? By getting deep in thot.
  5. Why couldn't the lifeguard save the philosopher from drowning? He was too deep.
  6. I met this philosophical pizza. It was deep af.
  7. Where do you find a philosopher at a pool? In the deep end.
  8. Why do philosophers like oceans? because it's deep!
  9. Did you hear about the philosopher who went to the s**... club? He was deep in THOT.

Deep Philosophical Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about deep philosophical you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean profound jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make deep philosophical pranks.

Did you hear that Adelle started a campaign to raise awareness for sea life by reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone while scuba diving 60 ft under the water.

They called it "Rowling in the Deep"

Oh, a joke standing still indeed!

A philosopher, a tree, and an elephant resided along the shore of a lake. As time passed, the philosopher, the tree, and the elephant became thirsty. The philosopher, not knowing how or where to drink safely, observed the elephant. He watched as the animal moved away from the shore into deeper waters. The elephant proceeded to drink the water surrounding itself. This was of no help to the philosopher, as swimming towards the deep waters of the lake would have proved dangerous due to predatory animals. The philosopher sought to observe the habits of the tree, but its roots were too far underground to analyze, and the different way of utilizing water made the task of understanding the system impossible to complete with only direct observation by a human. Feeling defeated, the philosopher pondered, If I cannot even keep myself healthy, why value the advanced intellect I possess over these creatures? . The intellectual grew tired, so he made his way out of the man-made safari; he drank from a water fountain close to the exit and continued by walking out of the tourist attraction.

Two Sandwiches in a Deli

One day two sandwiches are sitting in a deli. One sandwich - a veggie sandwich - asks the other "Hey man, if you could be any kind of sandwich, what would you be?"
The other sandwich - a turkey sandwich - isn't in the mood. He retorts "I'm tired man. I don't feel like having a deep conversation right now."
But the veggie sandwich persists. "I'm sorry to bug you. It's just that I'm doing this study for a class. I need to know your response in order to fully understand the psyche and whims of a turkey sandwich. I promise, just the one question, and that's it."
The turkey sandwich replies "Look man, I'm happy just being a turkey sandwich. I know I'm not the most exotic food item out there, but I'm content with my situation."
The veggie sandwich tries taking a more motivational approach. "Come on man, I'm not trying to imply that you're not awesome. Of course you are. But surely you have dreams. We all have dreams. If you could be ANY kind of sandwich in the world, what would you be?"
The turkey sandwich is still reluctant to enter into anything resembling a philosophical conversation with the veggie sandwich. It's always ended poorly in the past, but he knows how relentless the veggie sandwich can be. "Fine," he says, knowing that he has to make a decision. "If pressed, I would be a panini."

Old Russian Joke as told by one of my college professors who was Russian.

Had a professor in college who was one of Gorbachev's and later one of 21 economic advisers under Yeltsin. He used to tell us these sort or stale Russian jokes that I always got a kick out of. Here is one of them:
Jimmy Carter and Brezhnev were having a deep philosophical discussion comparing the freedoms of the west to the iron clad fist rule of Russian Communism.
Jimmy Carter said "you know, in our country we have protesters outside the White House daily carrying signs and chanting 'Down with Jimmy Carter' - 'Down with this administration' and as a country, they are free to do that and voice their arguments to the government without retribution or censorship"
Brezhnev countered "This is the same in Russia. Our people are free to come to Red Square and carry 'Down with Jimmy Carter' signs too.