Deep Fried Jokes
29 deep fried jokes and hilarious deep fried puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about deep fried that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Deep Fried Short Jokes
Short deep fried jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The deep fried humour may include short deep fry jokes also.
- Man: Why should I stop eating deep fried cheese because you heard something in your horoscope? Doctor: Once again, it's stethoscope.
- What do science and deep fried food at the Texas State Fair have in common? At their core, both concepts ask if you could but not if you should
- What do you get when you grind up Kim Jung Un's junk, mix in some shredded potatoes, ball them up and deep fry them? dicktator tots
- Modern food, I just don't get it. I mean, Japanese-style batter and deep fry, I've no quarrel with that. But then they start applying this to these giant salt-water eels...
*O tempura! O morays!* - My brother told me this (US Politics) The reason why Americans need so much oil is so they deep-fry all their food.
- My friend got really angry with me the other day when i started talking about deep fried chocolate bars! I didn't realise it was such a hot topic
- Did you hear that Snoop Dogg and Sean Connery like to get together twice a month and deep fry various objects? Fo' shizzle.
- What happened when the husband tried to deep fry his wife? She went to the battered women's shelter
- What's the difference between a catfish and a lawyer? One's a slimy, s**...-s**... bottom feeder, and the other is delicious dipped in batter and deep-fried.
*-Hannibal Lecter*
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Deep Fried One Liners
Which deep fried one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with deep fried? I can suggest the ones about deep frying and chicken fried.
- What do you call a Japanese deep fried mattress? A Tempura-Pedic
- Where do cannibals go to eat deep fried food? The battered women's shelter
- What did the monk use to make fried chicken? A deep friar.
- What do you call a deep fried underwater cow? Cowamari.
- I tried to deep fry my turkey this year but it went horribly wrong Boom. Roasted.
- The moment when potato looks at another potato Deep fried
- I love sushi... deep fried in batter.
- Q. Why do Americans deep fry so much food? A. They love OIL ✈__✈ █ █
Cheerful Deep Fried Jokes for Unforgettable Laughter with Friends!
What funny jokes about deep fried you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean frying jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make deep fried pranks.
in h**...
A man goes to h**.... They tell him:
-- You have not sinned too much, so we allow you to choose t**... yourself.
He goes into the first room and there people are fried in a frying pan. It doesn't suit him and he leaves.
In the second room needles are inserted under the nails.
It hurts too, he says and leaves.
In the third room there are men knee-deep in s**... having a smoke.
-- This is for me, although it stinks probably I have no better choice.
He gets into s**.... He takes out a cigarette, lights it.
And then he hears:
-- The smoke break is over, finish off eating!
I'm opening up a snack shop in DC.
I'm opening up a snack shop in DC. We will serve things like:
Triple fudge brownie sunday with double whipped cream, only 100 calories!
Cheesy deep fried nachos, more vitamins and less fat than a salad!
I'll call my shop "Alternative Snacts".
I think it's weird that county fairs are being cancelled.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a *good* idea, but... I just figured that anyone who isn't afraid to hop onto a 60-year-old rusty roller coaster, that gets disassembled and reassembled 22 times a year by a traveling m**... head with an allen wrench, while eating a deep fried stick of butter, wouldn't give a c**... about Covid.
As a Southerner, this is one of my favorite jokes...
Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. They struck up a conversation, and it was found out that one man was from the North, and the other was from the South. The Southern man asks the Northern man what his diet usually consists of. The Northerner says, 'Well, the usual things really. Pizza, spaghetti, salads, eggs, etc.'
'Oh, wow that sounds great,' says the Southerner.
'Why, what do you usually eat?' asks the Northerner.
'Everything you eat, just deep-fried.'