Deadline Jokes
25 deadline jokes and hilarious deadline puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about deadline that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
It's the time of year when you hear a lot of tax deadline jokes. So, in the spirit of April 15th, here's a collection of funny jokes and puns about submission dates, the IRS, and taxes due that are sure to put a smile on your face before the day's deadline expires. Toto, we're definitely not in Kansas any more!
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Funniest Deadline Short Jokes
Short deadline jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The deadline humour may include short expiration jokes also.
- Have you ever found yourself staring at a deadline, with no real work done, and then going to your teacher to beg for an extention? Well then you know how UK feels
- Doctor gave me 3 months to live... I'm so lazy I missed the deadline, that was 4 months ago.
- It's comforting to know that the US government works the same way as a college student when it comes to deadlines... They both wait until the last minute, then get an extension.
- Say what you like about the make-a-wish foundation. But they can work to a deadline. - Jimmy Carr
- what's the best thing about the make-a-wish foundation? they can really work to a deadline.
- "Time is an arbitrary concept" is apparently a bad way to explain to your boss why you missed the project deadline
- I get plenty of exercise. I'm frequently jumping to conclusions, pushing my luck, and dodging deadlines.
- I went out last night with a group of enthusiastic weavers. Unfortunately they had to rush off to meet a looming deadline.
- Job ad: Position of a psychic at large international corporation open ($1M/annually) Submit your application and cover letter you know where. The deadline is you know when.
- What do we want!? Megaphone holder: What do we want!?
Megaphone holder: When do we want it?!
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Deadline One Liners
Which deadline one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with deadline? I can suggest the ones about timing and daytime.
- What company is the best at meeting deadlines? The Make a Wish Foundation
- Say what you want about the Make-a-Wish foundation At least they can work to a deadline
- While dogs can smell fear Printers can smell deadlines
- I have a lot of work to do in the morgue today. There's a new deadline I need to meet.
- I love deadlines. I love the whoosing sound they make as they go by.
- I'm reading a book about meeting deadlines. I should have finished it a week ago.
- I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make when they fly over my head.
- Why was the zombie in such a rush to get to his book signing? He had deadlines to meet
- What do you call a Jedi who worries about not making deadlines? Panickin' Skywalker.
- What do you call wanting to get rich within your life time? Setting a deadline.
Share Hilarious Deadline Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter
What funny jokes about deadline you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean timer jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make deadline pranks.
The year is 2192. The British Prime Minister visits Brussels to ask for an extension of the Brexit deadline.
No one remembers where this tradition originated, but every year it attracts many tourists from all over the world.
A genetic botanist doesn't show up to the church picnic.
Her concerned husband finds her in her lab working feverishly on a new pesticide resistant strain of maize.
"Aren't you coming to the congregation picnic?". He asks.
"Screw them and their impossible deadlines! They told me I have until today to get the corn bred!"
Calvin had a mean teacher.
So when he missed a deadline for an assignment, Calvin begged for an extension.
The teacher said, No, I'm giving you a 0, Calvin.
Calvin replied, You are absolutely cold.
Jack was deeply involved in finishing a report for the upcoming board meeting received a call from his wife that she had a good news and a bad news.
Because of the deadline he asked if she could just give him the good news. The wife replied "Okay, the good news is that the air bags work."