Deadbeat Jokes
24 deadbeat jokes and hilarious deadbeat puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about deadbeat that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Deadbeat jokes can range from the absurd to the cruel, but all have one thing in common--they poke fun at irresponsible parents who fail to fulfill their obligations. Explore the humor of unpaid bills, deadbeat dads, and unconventional lifestyles through these uproarious jokes.
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Funniest Deadbeat Short Jokes
Short deadbeat jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The deadbeat humour may include short bad dad jokes also.
- How many deadbeat dads does it take to change a lightbulb? I wouldn't know, mine's never around.
(Alternately: "Well, he went out to get one...") - The White House has become low income housing and it's main tenant is a broke, deadbeat There goes the neighborhood!
- I finally asked my Deadbeat, Deserting Dad what makes him happy. His Answer? He hasn't gotten back to me.
- Communism is like a deadbeat dad. No matter how much it could potentially do, it never works.
- Jesus is a deadbeat dad Said he'd be coming back soon 2000 years ago and we're still waiting.
- What's the difference between a deadbeat dad and a robot? One nuts and bolts and the other is nuts and bolts.
- Sometimes I'll write the setup for a really good pun but just get bored and give up... I've been accused of being a deadbeat dad-joker.
- Jesus Perfect? Honor your father and mother?
He disrespected Joseph, his legal adopted Dad, a lot by hanging out with his deadbeat birth father. - I used to call my boyfriend "Daddy," but then he left me. Does that make him a deadbeat dad?
- Valve is like a deadbeat dad.... They both do well on creating, but s**... at taking care of the offspring.
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Deadbeat One Liners
Which deadbeat one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with deadbeat? I can suggest the ones about dead dad and unemployed.
- What's a deadbeat's dad favorite animal? Bison
- Spring is like a deadbeat dad It keeps promising it'll be there, but never shows up.
- What do you call headphones that walk out on their children? Deadbeats
- A circle trying to convince a deadbeat dad to attend his son's game: Sir, come for Ence.
- What does a hardware store and a deadbeat dad have in common? Screws, nuts, and bolts.
- I'm horrified of my zombie children If I kill them, I'll be called a deadbeat dad.
- My dad cannot dance on beat It was because he was a deadbeat dad
- What do you call a stay-at-home dad? A deadbeat
- What do you call a m**... zombie? A Deadbeat.
- My friend just died while m**... He was a real deadbeat
Delightful Fun Deadbeat Jokes for a Roaring Good Time
What funny jokes about deadbeat you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dead parent jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make deadbeat pranks.
Some people have accused me of being an alcoholic...
I tell them that's absolutely not true! I'm a deadbeat drunk. Alcoholics go to those s**... meetings just to boast about how proud they are of being quitters!