Dead Lawyer Jokes
34 dead lawyer jokes and hilarious dead lawyer puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about dead lawyer that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Dead Lawyer Short Jokes
Short dead lawyer jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The dead lawyer humour may include short bad lawyer jokes also.
- How many dead lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb? More than 6, because my attic is still dark. Very dark.
- What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? There are skid marks in front of the dog
- A 95 year old man and a 93 year old woman file for divorce. Lawyer: Why divorce now after all this time together?
Woman: We wanted to wait until the kids were dead. - A man waiting for a heart transplant... ... says "I only want the heart of a dead lawyer." "Why?" asks the doctor.
"I want one that's never been used." - What's the difference between a dead cat and a dead lawyer on the road? The dead cat has skid marks around it.
- What is the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead lawyer? Skid marks leading to the skunk!
- What was the difference between the dead lawyer and the dead cat on the side of the road? The cat had tire marks before it.
- Whats the difference between a dead lawyer and a dead skunk on the highway? Skid marks in front of the skunk.
- Whats the difference between a lawyer and a raccoon? when found dead on the side of the road, the raccoon has skid marks in from of it.
- What do you call 500 dead lawyers chained together at the bottom of the ocean? A good start
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Dead Lawyer One Liners
Which dead lawyer one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with dead lawyer? I can suggest the ones about dead body and dead dog.
- What do you call 100 dead lawyers? A good start
- What's worse than a dead lawyer? A living one.
- How is a good criminal defense lawyer like a dead h**...? I use them both to get off.
Share Hilarious Dead Lawyer Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter
What funny jokes about dead lawyer you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean dead horse jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make dead lawyer pranks.
A lawyer was interviewing a doctor about the death of a patient
"When you examined the patient, did you check his pulse?" asked the lawyer.
"I didn't" said the doctor.
"And did you listen for a heartbeat?" said the lawyer.
"No, I did not" the doctor said.
"So in other words" the lawyer said "When you signed the death certificate you had NOT taken adequate steps to confirm he was dead."
"Well, let me put it this way," said the doctor- "At that point, the man's brain was in a jar on my desk. But for all I know I guess he could've been out practicing law somewhere!"
So these three lawyers are zooming along a country road and they get into an accident with a gravedigger.
So the gravedigger pulls himself out of his car and he's okay, but the lawyers are kind of messed up, so he buries them, right there, and walks into town and calls the Sheriff. 'Sheriff,' he says, 'terrible accident I just had. Three lawyers in it, they was all dead, so I buried them.' Sheriff says, "What?
You went ahead and buried them already? Are yousure they was dead?' Gravedigger says reluctantly,
"Well, they said they wasn't, but you know how those fellas lie.
A 94 year old man decided to divorce his 93 old wife...
They went to the lawyer together. When he asked why they were divorcing at such an old age, the woman replied, "We wanted to wait until the kids were dead".
A dead lawyer
lawyer dies in his sleep and arrives at the gates of heaven.
He asks St Peter "Why am I here? I was healthy, and so young!"
St Peter replies "Young? You were 103 years old!"
The lawyer says "What? No! I was 36!!"
St Peter looks at his ledger and then says "Ahh, I see the problem. We were going by hours billed."
A hundred year old couple seeks a divorce.
A hundred year old couple enters a lawyers office. After inviting them to sit he asks what he can do for them. They tell him they are seeking to divorce. The lawyer is puzzled and asks how long they've been married for. 79 long years the woman replies. The man adds that they've been deeply unhappy and disinterested in each other for many decades.
The lawyer is a bit shocked and asks why after all this time have they chosen to get divorced.
The ancient couple exchange a glance and the man says well...we just thought we should wait till the children were dead.
An elderly couple in their 90s go to a divorce lawyer.
They tell him they'd like to file for divorce. He looks at them and asks, "Why would you get a divorce at your age?" The husband replies, "Well, we wanted to wait until the kids were dead."
Brainless Lawyers
In a m**... trial, the defense attorney was cross-examining the coroner:
"Before you signed the death certificate, did you take the pulse, listen to the heart or check for breathing?"
"So, when you signed the death certificate, you weren't sure the man was dead, were you?"
"Well, the man's brain was in a jar on my desk, but I suppose he could have still been practicing law for a living."
Two young girls were talking
Girl 1: What does your daddy do for a living?
Girl 2: He's a lawyer. What about your daddy?
Girl 1: My daddy's dead
Girl 2: What did he do before he died?
Girl 1: He sort of clutched at his chest and fell over
From Garrison Keillor's "pretty good joke book"
What's the difference between a lawyer and a p**...?
At least a p**... won't screw you when your dead.
Three lawyers go on a hunting trip…
Two were from Germany, the third was Czechoslovakian. They were about two days into their hunting trip, having a good ol' time when two bears come out of nowhere and devoured the three hunters.
Crime scene investigation was called in after a couple of hikers stumbled across the b**... campsite, and the detective came to the conclusion that the two Germans were eaten up by the female bear.
When asked how he knew, he pointed behind a tent where the second bear was sprawled out dead, with a foot sticking out, and he said, 'well, if you do a dna test, you'll find that the Czech is in the male.'
Thank you. I'm here all night.
A baton-twirling dancer walks into bar...
The bartender is delighted to see her.
"It's so good to see a fresh face It's so drab seeing the same lawyers and rabi's here! Like, can you get any more tired of the same setup?"
"I know!" replies the dancer, "I'm so sick of those overused..."
Just then, a horse walks into a bar. The bartender rolls his eyes and the dancer sighs and begins walking over to the horse, baton in hand.
"What are you doing?" asks the bartender.
The baton-twirling dancer turns, "I'm not entirely sure yet, but it looks like we're about to beat a dead horse."
Anti jokes
What smells like blue paint?
Red paint
What did the lawyer say to the other lawyer?
We're both lawyers
Why did the monkey fall out of the tree?
Because it was dead
Feel free to share some anti jokes in the comments i'd love to hear some more
A couple, 98 and 100 years old, see a lawyer and ask how to go about in getting a divorce.
Surprised, the lawyer asks, why they want to get a divorce at this point of their lives.
The woman answers: 'We wanted to wait till the children were dead.'
Whats the difference between a dead dog on the side of the road and a dead lawyer on the side of the road?
There are skidmarks before the dog.
What's the difference between running over a lawyer and running over an aardvark?
There's skid marks leading to the aardvark's dead body.
Johnny in school
At school, the children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture.
"Just think how nice it will be to look at the picture when you're all grown up and can say, 'There's Jennifer... she's a lawyer,' or 'There's Michael... he's a doctor' or..."
Suddenly, Little Johnny spoke out "And there's the teacher... she's dead."
Q:How can you tell the difference between an attorney lying dead in the road and a coyote lying dead in the road?
A:With the coyote, you usually see skid marks.
Q: What is the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road and a dead lawyer in the middle of the road?
A: The skid marks in front of the skunk.
Lawyer Joke
The phone rings at Smith and Associates Law Firm. The receptionist answers, and the voice on the other end says"I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith the lawyer please." The receptionist asks in a somber tone,"Are you a client of Mr. Smith's?" "No," the caller says "but my ex wife was." the receptionist responds, "I'm deeply saddened to inform you that Mr. Smith passed away last night." "Thank you," the caller says and hangs up. Only minutes later, the receptionist picks up the phone to hear the same voice ask, "can I speak to Mr. Smith? ". Confused, she again replies, "I'm sorry but Mr. Smith passed away last night. The caller hangs up, but moments later calls back and asks to speak to Mr. Smith. "Look, "the receptionist says in frustration, "I've tool you twice already Mr. Smith is dead!" "I know," the caller says cheerfully, "but I just so enjoy hearing it!"