
Damp Jokes

6 damp jokes and hilarious damp puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about damp that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Damp Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What is a good damp joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A runner walks into a bar

An ultra runner jogs into a bar and orders a beer. She reaches into her sweaty sports bra and pulls out a sweaty crumpled $5 bill to pay. The bartender gingerly picks up the damp bill with a pair of tongs and dumps it in a bucket. "You realize every time I get money with b**... fluids on them I have to report it to the government," the bartender grumbles. "It's g**... income."

What do you call a slightly damp bear?

A Drizzly bear!

I needed a new washer and dryer

So the guy at the appliance store sold me those units that have Wi-Fi. I've bern walking around with damp underwear for two weeks because I can't remember my password.

Tunnel love

A gawky lad from New England came to New York with his girl, and took her to nearby Playland Amusement Park. They had heard a lot about the Tunnel of Love and were especially anxious to try it out. But when they got home, the kids expressed disappointment.
Shucks, the boy said, it was dark and damp and uncomfortable. Besides, we got soaking wet.
How come? asked a friend. Did the boat leak?
The kid looked amazed. There's a boat?

I don't like damp things

For the moist part

TIL It's a myth that people's joints hurt because it's cold and damp

Turns out it's just a mist ache.

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