Dale Earnhardt Jokes
29 dale earnhardt jokes and hilarious dale earnhardt puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about dale earnhardt that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Dale Earnhardt Short Jokes
Short dale earnhardt jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The dale earnhardt humour may include short earl jokes also.
- How'd they know Dale Earnhardt had dandruff? They found his head and shoulders in the glovebox.
- An oldie but a goodie: What do Pink Floyd & Dale Earnhardt Sr. have in common? Their last biggest hit was The Wall
- What do Donald Trump, Pink Floyd, and Dale Earnhardt Sr have in common? Their biggest hits were all "The Wall"
- How are Princess Diana, Dale Earnhardt, and Pink Floyd related? Their last greatest hit was The Wall.
- What's your favorite (non racist)dead celebrity joke? Here's mine: What did Pink Floyd and Dale Earnhardt have in common? Their last big hit was The Wall.
- What is the difference between Dale Earnhardt Jr and Jesus Christ? One of them is the son of God and the other one died for your sins
- What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common? Both of their last big hits were....wait a second...this joke doesnt work anymore.
- What was the last thing that went through Dale Earnhardt's mind before he died? The steering wheel.
- What do Dale Earnhardt and Adolf h**... have in common? They both died before finishing a race.
- Why should r**... NOT vote for Trump? Because Trump wants to build a wall, and a wall is what killed Dale Earnhardt.
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Dale Earnhardt One Liners
Which dale earnhardt one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with dale earnhardt? I can suggest the ones about bert and ernie and nascar driver.
- Racecar backwards is still racecar But racecar sideways is how Dale Earnhardt died.
- What do Donald Trump, Pink Floyd, and Dale Earnhardt all have in common? The wall.
- What's The Same About Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd? Their last big hit was the wall
- What does Dale Earnhardt have in common with Pink Floyd? His last big hit was the wall.
- What do Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd have in common? Their number one hit was The Wall
- How are Dale Earnhardt and Pink Floyd similar? Both's greatest hit was The Wall
- Who is Pitbulls favorite sports icon? Dale! Earnhardt Jr.
- Where did Dale Earnhardt park his car before he died? The parking lot
- Who is Pitbull's favorite nascar driver? Dale Earnhardt jr.
- What is Dale Earnhardt's philosophy on big government? HANS off.
Experience Good Cheer with Hilarious Dale Earnhardt Jokes and Friends
What funny jokes about dale earnhardt you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean earl grey jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make dale earnhardt pranks.