
Cyclist Jokes

33 cyclist jokes and hilarious cyclist puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cyclist that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking for some jokes to break the ice with fellow cyclists? Look no further! This article contains a collection of the funniest cyclist jokes about lycra, unicycles, motorcycles, rude cyclists, and anti-cyclists. Enjoy!

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Funniest Cyclist Short Jokes

Short cyclist jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cyclist humour may include short bicycle jokes also.

  1. I'm sick and tired of people telling me to turn off lights to save the environment. I tried it once and I killed a cyclist.
  2. A shark can swim faster than a human, but a human can run faster than a shark… ..So in a triathlon it comes down to who's the better cyclist
  3. yes, sharks can outswim you. but you can outrun sharks. so far in a triathlon you're square. all comes down to who's the faster cyclist.
  4. My grandfather always said: "If you hit something with the car, you should release it from its suffering" Still, I felt sorry for the cyclist
  5. A shark can swim faster than I can... But I can definitely run faster than a shark.
    So really, in a triathlon, it would come down to who is the better cyclist.
  6. A shark could swim faster than me, but I could probably run faster than a shark. So in a triathlon, it would all come down to who is a better cyclist!
  7. What do colour-blind people and cyclists have in common? They can't tell the difference between red and green.
  8. When you are bisexual, transgender and a cyclist You are hated by 3 people:
    The homophobes, the transphobes and everyone else.
  9. What do a cyclist and a politician have in common? Both demand you respect them, but don't want to follow the same rules as you.
  10. My wife and I were riding our bikes near the beach and I caught her checking out some ladies sunbathing. I guess she's a bi-cyclist.

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Cyclist One Liners

Which cyclist one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cyclist? I can suggest the ones about riding bicycle and bikers.

  1. My Cyclist Friend Was A Decent Guy Until he turned into a cycle path.
  2. Who do you sell second hand bikes to? A re-cyclist.
  3. What do you call a cyclist with an unnatural love of children's bicycles? Pedalphile
  4. Why did the cyclist stop riding? He was two tired
  5. What do you call a cyclist who likes guys and girls? A bicyc-sual!
  6. What do you call a cyclist that loves children? A Pedalphile
  7. Which athlete has the most blood and attitude? A menstrual cyclist.
  8. I only like one race. Tour de France, cause I'm a cyclist.
  9. What do you call a group of cyclists? An accident waiting to happen.
  10. What do you call a crazy cyclist? A Cyclepath
  11. What does a cyclist ride in the winter? An icicle.
  12. Why was the cyclist arrested? He was a pedalphile
  13. They found a dead cyclist on the side of the road Police say it was suicycle
  14. Who's the fastest cyclist in the world? Chris Vroom
  15. How do you know who is a cyclist and a vegan? Don't worry, they will tell you.

Cyclist joke, How do you know who is a cyclist and a vegan?

Comical Cyclist Jokes to Spread Joy and Laughter

What funny jokes about cyclist you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean riding bike jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cyclist pranks.

what do you call a cyclist without a helmet?

an o**... donor.

Some cyclists are like clowns

- They dress funny.
- They don't follow any rules.
- If anything bad happens to them, everyone laughs at them.

A tourist is cycling in the Dutch countryside...

...when a passing car slows down beside him. The driver rolls down the window and asks You're awfully fast – are you heading to Sexbierum?
The cyclist replies Just the beer and the r**.... I'm married.

Me and my friend were riding on my motorcycle...

... on a particularly windy day when we saw a cyclist in front of us, pedaling in the middle of the road,
with a car honking furiously behind him...
So we drove over and asked the guy "Why don't you move to the side and let the car overtake you?"
The guy replied "I am trying!!!"

What's the difference between a dog and a cyclist?

When you run over a dog you don't have to go back and get the GoPro.

Why was the cyclists right arm shorter than his left?

Because once he left his right turn signal on.

Cyclist joke, What do you call a cyclist who likes guys and girls?