
Cycling Jokes

29 cycling jokes and hilarious cycling puns to laugh out loud. Read sport jokes about cycling that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Are you looking for the best cycling jokes out there? Get ready to laugh out loud with these terrible cycling jokes that revolve around cobblestone roads, tyred riders, and triathlons!

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Funniest Cycling Short Jokes

Short cycling jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cycling humour may include short biking jokes also.

  1. Having homosexual parents must be terrible Either you have double dosage of dad jokes or you are stuck in cycle of go ask your mom
  2. I keep getting hit by the same bike, at the same time and place, day after day... It's a vicious cycle.
  3. I feel bad for children of gay couples. They either suffer twice as many dad jokes or an endless cycle of ask your mother.
  4. My wife rotates playing her guitar, drum, or flute once a month. It's part of her minstrel cycle.
  5. Did you hear about the guy who couldn't stop pouring maple syrup on his bike? Apparently he's stuck in a viscous cycle.
  6. My partner laughed at me when I told her I was going to make a bike out of Macaroni You should've seen her face when I cycled pasta.
  7. I feel bad for children of gay parents They either have to deal with twice as many dad jokes, or be stuck in an endless cycle of "go ask your mom"
  8. Man, after joining a Biker Gang: Do we or don't we ride our bikes at the same speed? Biker: Yes, we do. But stop calling it synchronizing our cycles.
  9. Two nuns are cycling down the Royal Mile in Edinburgh.... "One says, "I've never come this way before."
    The other says, "Me neither. It must be the cobblestones."
  10. My wife said I am going to cycle 10 miles every day to get my body back in shape, I said good girl go for it, I have noticed a massive difference after just 4 weeks. She is 280 miles away.

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Cycling One Liners

Which cycling one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cycling? I can suggest the ones about bicycle riding and riding bike.

  1. Every single morning I get hit by the same bike It's a vicious cycle.
  2. A bike in town keeps running me over It's a vicious cycle
  3. I keep falling off my bike. It's a vicious cycle.
  4. I personally identify as one cycle per second. Because everything hertz.
  5. If you had lesbian parents, You would be in an endless cycle of "Go ask your mother."
  6. Does Lance Armstrong enjoy cycling? Of course he does! He has a ball!
  7. Did you hear about the man who got hit by a bike every morning? It was a vicious cycle.
  8. My dog kept chasing people on bikes I never should have taught him to cycle!
  9. Why is there so much blood when I'm on my cycle? I'm never mountain biking again.
  10. What do a bisexual monarch and a cycling enthusiast have in common? Biking
  11. My Cyclist Friend Was A Decent Guy Until he turned into a cycle path.
  12. Why can't a cycle stand on its own? Because it's two tyred.
  13. Every time I go for a Jog I get hit by the same bike It's a vicious cycle
  14. If a man opens a cycling shop... he a bicycle peddler?
  15. What do young Eskimos ride to school? Ice-cycles.

Cycling joke, What do young Eskimos ride to school?

Cheerful Fun Cycling Jokes to Brighten Your Day with Humor and Joy

What funny jokes about cycling you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean bicycle jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cycling pranks.

Two cycling girls decide to explore the old town...

"I never came this way before!"
"Me neither, must be the cobblestones."

Two nuns...

Are cycling the cobbles streets of Paris together.
One turns to the other and says, I've never come this way before .
The other replies, Neither have I but it feels great!

So I bought a bottle of scotch from the store and put in my bicycle basket....

I decided that I would drink the scotch before going cycling back home because the bottle might break.
It turned out to be a very good decision because I fell multiple times on my way home.

A tourist is cycling in the Dutch countryside...

...when a passing car slows down beside him. The driver rolls down the window and asks You're awfully fast – are you heading to Sexbierum?
The cyclist replies Just the beer and the r**.... I'm married.

Sea lions can run and swim faster than humans

Which means when you compete against one in a triathlon you really need to make up time on the cycling.

My wife always says that men cannot multitask.

Well the joke is on her as I'm typing this post and cycling at the sa

I wanted to get into cycling a bit more since I got out of shape during quarantine.

So I downloaded this app called 'Cycle tracker' and apparently cycling is very sexist towards men.

I started a cycling club. It's been 1 Month and still no members....

Maybe I should revise the name "The Pedalphiles" :-/

Why did the koala fall out of the tree?

It died.
Why did the second koala fall out of the tree? - It was tied to the first koala.
Why did the third koala fall out of the tree? - It thought it was a game.
Why did the man cycling through the bush fall off his bike? - He was hit by three koalas.

My first s**... experience was similar to first cycling experience

A lot of pain and blood, but at least it was a son-father activity.

Cycling joke, My first s**... experience was similar to first cycling experience

jokes about cycling