
Curvy Jokes

27 curvy jokes and hilarious curvy puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about curvy that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Curvy Short Jokes

Short curvy jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The curvy humour may include short chubby jokes also.

  1. I once complimented a curvy woman who doesn't believe Earth is round. She replied that it was very flattering.
  2. A study has revealed that curvy hips indicate smart women who deliver intelligent children. So that's what my son's been looking for on PornHub, a smart woman.
  3. she told me her body is curvy when she goes swiming she looks like an island on google maps
  4. While reading a novel... The Ex-Wife of protagonist enters.
    Me:"The plot thickens."
    The Curvy Ex-Wife of protagonist enters.
    Me:"The plot thiccens."
  5. What's the pirate's favorite body part? His b**...!
    What's his second favorite part?
    His pirate's chest!
    And his third?
    His arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm!
    What's his least favorite part?
    His curvy knee.

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Curvy One Liners

Which curvy one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with curvy? I can suggest the ones about skinny and curves.

  1. My girlfriend hates it when I call her 'curvy'. She says it's scoliosis.
  2. She told me she was curvy What she didn't tell me was that she had scoliosis
  3. I like my woman like I like my shoelaces. Curvy, loose, and easy to finger.
  4. I like my women how I like my exams... Curvy.
  5. A pirate desires what kind of woman? The s-curvy girls
  6. Yar, what be a pirates least favourite body type? It s'curvy!
  7. I like my TVs like I like my women Curvy.
  8. I like my tests like I like it my women: Curvy
  9. What do you call a hot, curvy girl? T H I C C - FIL-A
  10. I like my women like I like my old timey tobacco pipes Curvy and remind me of grandpa.
  11. I saw a guy cut a curvy path through a corn field... It was a-ma(i)zing.
  12. A dating ad Ex rally driver is looking to meet a curvy woman.
  13. What happens if a line doesn't get enough Vitamin C? It gets curvy.
  14. What did the sword say to the saber? Your father's d*c**... is curvy

Curvy joke, What did the sword say to the saber?

Amusing Curvy Jokes to Make You Laugh with Friends

What funny jokes about curvy you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean curly jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make curvy pranks.

Two black eyes

A man comes home from work sporting two black eyes. His wife asks, "what happened to you?"
"Well, I was getting on the bus behind this curvy brunette, and noticed her skirt was jammed in between her cheeks. Being a gentleman, I pulled it out for her. She turned around and slugged me."
The wife is seething mad. "Oh do tell. And how did you get the OTHER black eye?"
"h**..., I decided she liked it the way she had it, so I tucked it back in."

A curvy blonde walks into a drugstore

She asks the clerk, "Can you show me where the flashlight batteries are?".
The clerk says, "Sure." and wiggled his fingers at her in a come-hither gesture. "Come this way", he continued.
She replied "If I could come that way, I wouldn't need the flashlight batteries."

I can't find this joke.

No, that was not a setup for a joke, I can't remember the original joke that goes something like
"I'm as straight as an uncooked noodle."
"Well even noodles get curvy when things get s**...," or whatever.
I can't find it and I'm frustrated.
Please help. If anybody finds it I'll reply a joke to them.

Old Man Crying

An elderly man of 78 years was sitting on a bench crying
A man walking by stopped to ask what was wrong.
"Well, I just married the most beautiful woman ever, Nice, young, and curvy in all the right places!" Said the old man.
"Then why cry?" asked the passer by
The old man sighed, "I forgot where I live"

Curvy joke, What do you call a hot, curvy girl?