
Court Case Jokes

89 court case jokes and hilarious court case puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about court case that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Court Case Short Jokes

Short court case jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The court case humour may include short court jokes also.

  1. BREAKING NEWS: A man who took an Airline company to court after his luggage went missing has lost his case.
  2. A man lost his luggage so he took the airline company to court Apparently he lost his case
  3. The US Justice Department were hellbent on taking IKEA to court a few years ago. Unfortunately they had to walk away as they were having difficulties putting a case together.
  4. I took British Airlines to court after losing my luggage. The judge threw it out because we had no case
  5. I hired a guy to represent me in court today. He was very cheap and brought me the best cup of coffee. Unfortunately we lost the case.
    He told me next time hire a barrister and not a barista.
  6. A woman lost a court case... and was fined for bringing her own popcorn, coke and candy to a movie theater. Overall, she still saved a considerable amount of money.
  7. I reported to the police that some thieves had stolen my suitcase. The matter got taken to court. Long story short... I lost the case.
  8. After telling a friend about losing a court case, the friend asked, Did your lawyer give you bad advice? No. He charged me for it.
  9. I went to the food court today. And in the case of Pizza V Hamburger, the judge ruled in favor of the plantiff.
  10. Why can't Christians stay in court longer than a week? Because on the seventh day they rest their case.

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Court Case One Liners

Which court case one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with court case? I can suggest the ones about court appearance and case.

  1. Know a guy who took an airline to court over missing luggage... ...He lost his case
  2. Why did Johnny Depp lose his court case? Because he didn't have Heard immunity
  3. Did you hear about the guy that went to court over a stolen bag? It was a brief case.
  4. A man took an airline to court after they lost his luggage He lost his case
  5. What was the court case between an immigrant and a priest called? Alien v. Predator.
  6. Took Qantas to court over my missing luggage. They lost the case.
  7. This guy lost his luggage, so he went to court. He apparently lost his case.
  8. My friend took Delta to court after his luggage went missing ... He lost his case.
  9. How is your password like an emotional family court judge? They're both case sensitive.
  10. The airport lost my luggage so I took it to court. I lost my case.
  11. I said hi to a feminist today. The court case is decided for November 8th.
  12. Deaf people always lose court cases... They can't get a hearing.
  13. Lawyer A: What is your favorite court case? Lawyer B: Alien v Predator
  14. What supreme Court case involved people in a canoe, stranded far from shore? Row v. Wade
  15. A man took an airline company to court after losing his baggage He lost the case

Court Case Funny Jokes And Hilarious Puns.

What funny jokes about court case you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean supreme court jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make court case pranks.

There was a man driving a pickup truck down a country road, when suddenly he was broad sided by a trailer truck.
Some time went by, and the case got to court.
The defense attorney said to the plaintiff, "How can you be suing my client now when you told a trooper after the accident that you felt fine?"
The man replied. "Well sir, it was like this. We was driving down the road, minding our own business, when a big trailer truck came out of nowhere and creamed us. When I came to, I was in the ditch, and a trooper was pulling up with his car. He looked at the hogs, and they was most dead, so he shot them. Then he looked at my dog, and he was hurt real bad, so he shot him."
Then he came over to me and he said, "How you feeling?"
I said, "I never felt better in my life."

What happened to the case?

When a person takes another guy to court for stealing his case, but the court session is quick, some would call it a... 'brief case'.

Court Case

A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus.
She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her.
She immediately moved to another seat.
This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again.
The man seemed more amused.
When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing,
she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.

The case came up in court.

The judge asked the man (about 20 years old)
what he had to say for himself.
The man replied,
'Well your Honor, it was like this:
when the lady got on the bus,
I couldn't help but notice her condition.
She sat down under a sign that said,
'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned.
Then she moved and sat under a sign that said,
'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile.
Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said,
'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself.
But, Your Honor, when she moved the fourth time
and sat under a sign that said,
'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident!'
... I just lost it.'


In the Supreme Court of Composition...

"Your honor, this man has - with malice aforethought - clearly, wantonly, and remorselessly copied my newest song's Time Signature.
You might call this a clear-cut-case of Four-Forgery."

A right-wing law firm is trying to overturn Roe v Wade.

They find their test plaintiff, a man whose daughter had gotten an abortion after he forbade it. The firm sues the doctors, and the appeals go all the way to the Supreme Court, exactly as intended. The Court even agrees to hear the case ... only to uphold Roe v Wade, 5 - 4.
All in all, it was a classic case of abort, retry, fail.

"Mr. Smith, I have reviewed this case very carefully,"

...and I've decided to give your wife $275 a week," said the divorce court judge.
"That's very fair, your honor," the husband replied, "and every now and then I'll try and send her a few bucks myself."

Lawyer Humor (From a textbook)

A traffic court judge found himself facing two attorneys, both of whom he knew very well. Both were charged with speeding violations. "Gentlemen," he said, "I could not be truly objective in either of your cases, so I'm going to let you judge each other's case." Both Lawyers agreed. Attorney Number One climbed to the bench. "You are charged with driving 40 in a 25 mph zone. How do you plead?" he asked Attorney Number Two. "Guilty," was the response. "I fine you $50," said Number Two. Then they exchanged places. "You are charged with driving 40 in a 25 mph zone," said Number Two. "What is your plea?" "Guilty," said Number one. "Then I fine you $200," said Number Two. "Hey! That's unfair," said the first. "I fined you only $50." "Yes," was the reply, "but there is too much speeding going on. This is the second case we've had like that today"

Custody Case

A man and his young wife were in divorce court, but the custody of their children posed a problem.
The mother gets up and says to the judge that since she brought the children into this world, she should retain custody of them.
The man also wanted custody of his children, so the judge asked for his justification.
After a long silence, the man slowly rose from his chair and replied, "Your Honor, when I put a dollar in a vending machine and a Coke comes out, does the Coke belong to me or the machine?" 😂

3 Ducks Go to Court

The first duck walks up to the judge and the judge says, "What is your name and what did you do?"
The duck replies, "I am Duck QUACK and I got caught blowing bubbles in the pond."
The Judge sentences the duck to two years and calls the next case.
The second duck walks up to the judge and the judge says, "What is your name and what did you do?"
The duck replies, "I am Duck QUACK QUACK and I got caught blowing bubbles in the pond too."
The judge says, "Same as the first, two years" and calls the next case.
The third duck walks up to the judge and the judge says, "Don't tell me you're Duck QUACK QUACK QUACK?" and the duck replies, "No, I'm bubbles."

Custody Battle

Husband and wife are fighting in divorce court for the custody of their child.
The judge asked the mother to make her case as to why she deserves to have custody.
The mother puts on a passionate plea and shocks everyone in the court room. When she is done the judge turns to the father and says "she makes a compelling case and doesn't look like your getting the child but I must give you a chance to speak"
Father knows he is s**... as he is standing up to make his statement, being nervous by putting his hand in his pocket. All of a sudden he feels a coin in his pocket knowing that he is s**... out of child custody as well as the family equity... pondering over and finally speaking the words "Your honor, if i put this coin in a pop machine and a pop comes out does the pop belong to me or the vending machine?".
Judge says to the father "you get custody"

One day in the courtroom...

One day in the courtroom, there was a very big and intense court case going on. Mr. Larius was being charged with the first degree m**... of his wife. He had plead not guilty.
During the court case, the prosecution called up a witness to the stand. During the examination, they asked, "Did you see the m**...?" and the witness said, "Yes! I certainly did!"
Then the prosecution asked, "Do you know who did it?" and the witness said, "Yes! I certainly do!"
Then the prosecution asked, "If he is in the courtroom, may you please point him out?" and so the witness pointed to the defendant and cried out, "It was HE! LARIUS!"

Why did Oscar Pistorius lose his court case?

He hadn't got a leg to stand on.

An old lady was arrested for shoplifting carrots.

At her court hearing the judge looked at her and said "I'm going to sentence you to one month for every carrot you stole to teach you a stole four carrots so that's four months jail time for you."
Before he could swing his gavel down the old lady's husband raises his hand and says "Your honor, can I make a statement on behalf of my wife before you pass sentencing?"
The judge says "Yes, make it quick I have other cases to try today."
The husband looks at his wife, then the judge and says "She also stole a can of peas."

Contempt Of Court

Having had to take the day off work to appear in court for a minor traffic summons, the man was growing increasingly restless as he waited hour after hour for his case to be heard.
Finally, late in the afternoon, his case was called. He stood before the judge, only to hear that court would be adjourned until the next day and he would have to return.
"What!" What for?" he yelled at the judge.
His Honor, equally irritated by a tedious day and the sharp query, roared, "That will be twenty dollars for contempt of court! That's what for!"
Noticing the man checking his wallet, the judge added, "That's all right. You don't have to pay right now."
The man replied, "Oh, I'm just looking to see if I have enough for two more words!"

Did you hear about the guy who was on trial for m**... to obscure court cases?

He got off on a technicality.

What do you call a court case in which an immigrant is suing over s**... harassment?

*Alien v. Predator*

A Defendant in a Lawsuit . . .

A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sums of money was talking to his lawyer. "If I lose this case, I'll be ruined!"
"It's in the judge's hands now," said the lawyer.
"Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?"
"No! The judge is a stickler on ethical behavior. A stunt like that would prejudice him against you. He might even hold you in contempt of court."
Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of the defendant. As the defendant left the courthouse, he said to his lawyer, "Thanks for the tip about the cigars. It really worked!"
Confidently the lawyer responded, "I'm sure we would have lost the case if you'd sent them."
"But I did send them.", replied the man.
"What?" shouted the lawyer.
"I sure did, that's how we won the case... good thing I remembered to enclose the plaintiff's business card."

I got sacked from the dodgems.

I'm going to take them to court and win the case based on funfair dismissal.

A man is in court for m**...

So a man is in court and is suspected of m**.... His defense lawyer is at the last legs of his argument. In one final attempt, he says to the court
"In ten seconds the man my client is suspected of murdering will walk into the courtroom completely unharmed".
The defense lawyer counts down from ten and everybody looks to the door. Nothing happens.
" Ah ha!" says the defense "you all looked to the door, therefor I conclude that their is reasonable doubt in this case and ask that my client be found not guilty."
The jury then deliberates. After twenty-five minutes they return the verdict of guilty. "But you all looked!" Says the lawyer. "Yes," says the Jury, "but your client didn't."

What's the best way to drink hard alcohol after losing a tough case in court?


Wells Fargo is taken to court by the US government...

...for secretly opening accounts for their customers. Right before the case the governement prosecutor suddenly goes missing. The government suspects that they have an unaccounted sollicitor on account of unsollicited accounts.

Which Supreme Court case involved the use of integrals?

Plus C vs Ferguson

Court cases in the future.

Lawyer: You claim you were at the gym during the m**....
Defendant: That's right.
Lawyer: Yet you didn't post about it on Facebook.
Judge: Wow, GUILTY.

A blonde goes to court

A blonde goes to court.
Eventually the judge says: I hereby declare the case closed. There is not enough evidence that you stole the 10000 US$.
The blonde is thrilled: Gosh, so does that mean I can keep the money?

Why do people in wheelchairs never win court cases?

Because they have nothing to stand on.

Famous court cases

A man in a canoe and a man on foot were arguing over the better way to cross the pond.
It was a row vs. wade.

Did you hear about the landmark Supreme Court case concerning the best way to cross a shallow creek?

It was *Row versus Wade.*


Devil's t**... and the ensuing paternity court case.

My court case was thrown out when the judge caught me m**...

I guess you can say I got off on a technicality

My mate bought a new suitcase

My mate bought a new suitcase advertised as 'indestructible!', with a lifetime guarantee.
One week later one of the wheels broke clean off and the case would fall over when being used.
He tried to return his broken suitcase but the company refused to deal with him.
'Im going to sue!' my friend said angrily
I told him I would too but I was afraid his case wouldn't stand up in court.

What happened to the pillow who went to court?

He lost his case...

An oregano farmer recently lost a high profile court case and was ordered to pay 20 million dollars. However the spices industry had been on a steady decline so he didn't have that kind of money on hand.

Needless to say his wages were garnished

A man is caught feasting on a Bald Eagle by a park ranger.

He is taken to court and the judge asks him why he committed this crime.
The man replies I had no other choice and this was my only way of survival.
Given the circumstances, the judge decides that this man is telling the truth and let's him off the case. But being curious, the judge asks Well, how did it taste like?
The man replied Have you ever had Spotted Owl?

My friend has a drinking problem, stole a lot of beer, and now has a court date

IANAL but I've volunteered to help him with the case.

I lost a court case against a well known fabric softener company.

Yes, I fought Lenor and Lenor won

I went to court over being s**... harassed and touched inappropriately by my boss

The court dismissed the case because I'm self employed....

Netflix is releasing a documentary of a court case between Elián Gonzál**... and Michael Jackson

They're calling it Alien vs Predator.

The Supreme Court ruled against increasing tax on flatbread imports from India.

The case was closed by a no naan cents judge.

Cliff Richards

The singer Cliff Richard has been suffering from much online a**... since the court case
He's got himself some spying, talking, tweeting, stalking, living trolls

Despite the stress of the court case and a**... allegations they say that.....

Bill Cosbys wife hasn't lost any sleep over it.

Why was the Water's s**... assault case against the Oil thrown out of court?

All of the physical evidence was immiscible.

I had just began to present my client's case in Court the other day when without warning the Judge slammed down his gaval, yelled "Guilty! ", and left the room.

Clearly he struggles with p**... adjudication.

Day in court

In the traffic court of a large city, a young lady was brought before the judge to answer for a ticket given her for driving through a red light. She explained to the judge that she was a schoolteacher and requested an immediate dismissal of her case so she could get to the school on time.
A wild gleam came into the judge's eye.
You're a schoolteacher, hum? he said. Ma'am, today I shall realize my lifelong ambition. I've waited years to have a schoolteacher in this court. Sit down at the table and write 'I went through a red light' 500 times!

Chad wants to divorce his wife.

He files a court case and during the hearing, the judge asks him why.
He respond by saying - she doesn't satisfy me anymore.
The wife quickly replies - Your honor, the entire neighborhood is satisfied with me, he is the only one who's never happy.

My b**... community took me to court for not being h**... enough. I got off with just a slap on the wrist.

So I lost the case.

A martial arts expert is arrested for m**....

When the case is taken to court, he is asked by the judge why he doesn't have a lawyer with him.
'I don't need a lawyer', the martial arts expert replies.
'Why not? It could really help your case if you have a defense lawyer' the judge says.
'No, thank you', the martial arts expert replies again, 'I can do it by myself. After all I am a self defence expert'.

A man was arrested for public intoxication at the wine store

A man was arrested for public intoxication at the wine store.
At court he explains to the Judge that it was a case of a simple misunderstanding.
Judge: I don't see how this can be a misunderstanding. You were arrested for drinking straight out of the wine bottle at the register!
Man: I can explain that. I was exhausted that day after working 11 hours at the warehouse. I was zoning out and in hindsight, I should have known what the cashier meant when she said I could "start loading up now"...

Funny husband in court

A divorce court judge said to the husband, I have reviewed this case very carefully, and I've decided to give your wife $800 a week.
That's very fair, your honor, he replied. And every now and then, I'll try to send her a few bucks myself.

A serial killer goes on a killing spree

He then skins all the faces off his victim and puts them in giant scrapbook.
The scrapbook is then tied to a post which he erects on his front lawn. It is quite a gruesome sight to behold.
Naturally the police find him pretty easily.
When he gets to court though his case is thrown out by the judge.
When asked why he let a serial killer go, the judge replies: "If we arrested everyone for bad facebook posts, half the country would be in jail!".