
Cooking Oil Jokes

26 cooking oil jokes and hilarious cooking oil puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cooking oil that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Cooking Oil Short Jokes

Short cooking oil jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cooking oil humour may include short engine oil jokes also.

  1. I visited a monastery and as I walked past the kitchen I saw a man cooking sliced potatoes in oil... I asked him I asked him Are you the friar?
    He replied No, I'm the chip monk...
  2. American intervention is kind of like my cooking... It always involves a lot of oil... I steam in without really knowing what I'm doing... and lots of people die.
  3. Why should you cook kale in coconut oil? Makes it easier to slide it right into the trash.
  4. Did you hear about the chef who never understood how animal-based oils help the cooking process? For him.... The Lard works in mysterious ways!
  5. [Life Pro Tip] when cooking Kale.. add some coconut oil.. It makes it easier to scrape into the trash bin..
  6. Do you know why s**... b**... have such fit bodies? They only use v**... oil when they cook food.

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Cooking Oil One Liners

Which cooking oil one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cooking oil? I can suggest the ones about motor oil and olive oil.

  1. A rodent fell into a vat of hot cooking oil. It turned into a Chris Pratt
  2. How much olive oil does Snoop Dogg use to cook? A drizzle.
  3. What do cannibals use to cook their food? Baby oil!
  4. What is an Italian mobster's favorite cooking oil? Cannoli Oil.
  5. Yo mama so fat that when she works out too long she starts sweating cooking oil.
  6. What do disabled people cook their food wjth? Vegetable oil
  7. I forgot to use oil when cooking my eggs I guess you could say Black Pan Down
  8. What's a s**...-offender's favourite cooking aid? r**... seed oil.

Hilarious Cooking Oil Jokes for a Fun-Filled Night with Friends

What funny jokes about cooking oil you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean coconut oil jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cooking oil pranks.

A boy reads a restaurant sign that advertised fat-free free French fries.

Sounds great! said the health conscious boy, as he ordered some.
He watched as a the cook pulled a basket of fries from the fryer. The potatoes were dripping with oil when the cook put them in the box.
Wait a minute, those don't look fat free!
They sure are, the cook said. We only charge for the potatoes, the fat is free.

Fat Free French Fries

A boy read a restaurant sign that advertised fat-free French fries.
Sounds great, said the health-conscious boy.
He ordered some.
He watched as the cook pulled a basket of fries from the fryer. The potatoes were dripping with oil when the cook put them into the container.
Wait a minute, the boy said. Those don't look fat-free.
Sure they are, the cook said. We charge only for the potatoes. The fat is free!

Everyone's heard of w**... brownies.

But of a buddy of mine recently had a fierce competition on injecting h**... oil into rib eyes and who could cook the better piece.
Boy I'll tell you… the steaks were high.

A starving man traveling the country goes door-to-door begging for his breakfast meal.

One lady opens her door to the man and he says, please I am starving, I have nothing but some rocks in my pocket. If you let me eat some eggs, I'll show you eating my rocks!
The lady lets the man in and gives him some eggs. The man then asks for a pan to lay the eggs. Then he asks for oil to put on the pan. Then he asks if he can use the stove to cook the eggs. After all is said and done, the man thanks her for the breakfast and prepares to leave, but the lady interrupts him: aren't you going to eat your rocks?
I'm full, but I think I'll save them for the road.