Converse Jokes
39 converse jokes and hilarious converse puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about converse that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Do you need a laugh? Check out our collection of humorous converse jokes that will bring fun to any conversation. From witty exchanges about converse shoe sizes to jokes about the differences between introverts and extroverts, these jokes are sure to get a few chuckles from everyone. Lace up your converses and get ready for a good laugh!
Funniest Converse Short Jokes
Short converse jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The converse humour may include short sneakers jokes also.
- My girlfriend yelled at me today saying, "You weren't even listening just now, were you?!" I thought, "Man, what a weird way to start a conversation."
- My girlfriend said to me "Are you even listening to me?!" Strange way to start a conversation.
- "Mom? Don't freak out, but I'm in the hospital..." "Jeremy, you've been a doctor for over 8 years now, please stop starting every phone conversation we have with that."
- Two Romans were in a bar having a conversation.. Roman 1: you won't believe how many women I've slept with
Roman 2: mmm?
Roman 1: don't be ridiculous, not that many - My wife yelled at me "are you even listening to me" I said "that's a funny way to start a conversation"
- My girlfriend is weird, she always starts conversations with, "Are you even listening to me!" Thanks, I'll be here all week.
- My wife screamed, "you haven't listened to a single word I've said, have you?!" I was taken aback... what a weird way to start a conversation.
- A conversation with a genie Genie: What is your first wish?
Steve: I want to be rich.
Genie: Granted. Second wish?
Rich: I want lots of money. - My wife asked me "Are you even listening?!" My wife asked me "Are you even listening?!"
What a strange way to start a conversation. - My wife just stopped and said, "you weren't even listening were you"... I thought, that's a funny way to start a conversation
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Converse One Liners
Which converse one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with converse? I can suggest the ones about cones and vans.
- My wife asked me if "I was listening to her?!" Strange way to start a conversation....
- What's the only thing a vegan kills? A conversation.
- My wife is weird... She begins every conversation with "Were you even listening to me?"
- My wife yells at me "are you even listening?!" Strange way to start a conversation.....
- My dad asked me "are you even listening?" What a strange way to start a conversation.
- A conversation between a cobra and a librarian -Shhhh
- I'm not good with conversations, so I practice talking to large rocks It makes me boulder
- I graduated top of my class at gay conversion therapy Everyone else wanted to be bottoms
- I hate the part of the conversation where the other person says things.
- Why did the ChatGPT cross the road? To get to the other side of the conversation.
- I talked to my Republican parents about immigration. The conversation really went south.
- I love to have deep conversations at 12:59 I love those 1-to-1 conversations
- Two Hispanic guys are having a private conversation A little Juan on Juan.
- Why was king Henry the 8th terrible at conversations? He would always cut people off.
- Nobody knew she had a dental implant until it slipped out in conversation.
Converse Shoe Jokes
Here is a list of funny converse shoe jokes and even better converse shoe puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- I met an extroverted Norwegian the other day. The whole conversation he was staring at my shoes and not his own.
- Two shoes met and.. They had a converse-ation.
- do you know what are the most chatty shoes? The converse.
- Elvis Presley reportedly sent back shoes because they said "Made In China". He always wanted a little less Converse Asian
- What is a statistician's favorite shoe brand? Converse
- Why do hipsters like to meet and trade shoes? Because they enjoy conversing.
- My brother has a strange relationship with shoes He converses with them
- Friend:Nice shoes! are those converse? Me:No, they're contrapositive!
- Shoe language Q) What language do shoes converse in?
A) Polish - Chinese salesman I had a long talk with a Chinese man selling shoes the other day. It was a pleasant converse-asian.

Hilarious Converse Jokes that Bring Laughter with Friends
What funny jokes about converse you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean cons jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make converse pranks.
I had the best Dad moment last night... *actual conversation with my 8 year old*
Son: Dad... how many kidneys do I have?
Me: Two. You have two, son.
Son: Nope... I have four. *point to belly* Two kidneys here... *points to legs* ...and two kid knees here!
The student has become the teacher.
It's a conversation between me and my 6 y o cousin...Sorry if it is not funny enough for you
him: Knock knock
me: Who's there?
him: A snail
me: a snail who?
him: a snail you threw out of the window two weeks ago asking why
A Sith, a Jedi, and a Mandalorian walk into a bar...
They start talking and after a few drinks the conversation shifts to cars. The Jedi living a life of austerity and frugality only has a 1991 Camry. The Sith and Mando laughs at him saying he has a Bad Car. The Sith having manipulated others into giving him their wealth shows off his McClaren F1. The patrons at the bar are amazed and even the Jedi has to admit it's a nice ride. They both end up saying it's a Good Car. The Mandalorian walks around the corner and after a few minutes comes screaming back on his jet pack and blows up the other cars. He has the Beskar.
I have a friend who always subtly mentions that he went to MIT
I simply hate his behavior. He'd somehow figure out a way to drop it into a conversation just to let people know he's an MIT alumni.
He's always been like this. Even when we were in college together.
This was an actual conversation that took place between my wife and my 7 yr old son just now.
My wife has been teaching my son to fold his own laundry but he complains about it everytime. My wife, trying to convince my son, said to him "If you pick up this habit, your future wife will love you very much."
My son replied "I don't want my future wife to love me very much. I want my future wife to help me fold my laundry."
I busted out laughing. But the end result is that now I have to fold my own laundry going forward.
A conversation with god about Trump
John (while writing Revelations): "So Lord, the end will be signaled by trumpets?"
God: "No... I said Trump/Pence."
John: Yeah, trumpets.
God: "Never mind. They'll know."
Actual conversation today. My wife: "i'm tired of anaesthesiology. What other area of medicine should I try?"
Me: I don't know. Emerg?
Wife: Nah, I want something lower stress. Hey, what about sleep medicine?
Me: Sleep medicine?
Wife: Like, helping people with sleep disorders and such. I wonder what sort of education i'd need?
Me: Probably night school.