
Controversial Jokes

49 controversial jokes and hilarious controversial puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about controversial that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Controversial Short Jokes

Short controversial jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The controversial humour may include short controversy jokes also.

  1. What's the difference between a cow and the Trump-Russia controversy? You can't milk a cow 24/7 for six months straight.
  2. Did you hear NASCAR and Formula One we're trying to make an Ultimate Showdown race but it got cancelled due to controversy? Apparently nascar fans didn't want to mix the races....
  3. There was a lot of controversy with the bald man's will Turns out he didn't have any heirs
  4. With all this controversy about being friend zoned made me nervous,so one day I bent down and hugged my best friend and told her I love her,and she licked my face and wagged her tail!
  5. I don't get why Clubbing Seals is so controversial? I mean, I'm kinda curious what sort of music they listen to?
  6. There's so much controversy surrounding school zones I swear, I see a sign saying "end school zone" in every single one.
  7. Straight to controversial, I know. What did the millennial get on his wedding day?
    A participation trophy wife.
  8. I don't get what this whole NFL anthem controversy is about... I thought the right-wingers *WANTED* to see black people on their knees.
  9. If you want to get in a canoe go ahead. If you want to enjoy the lake without a canoe that's fine too. I just don't get why row vs wade is so controversial. Can't we all just enjoy the lake together?
  10. Bill Clinton was seeing his counselor... And his counselor asked how Hillary's head was doing with all this e-mail controversy. Bill replied, "Still not as good as Monica's."

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Controversial One Liners

Which controversial one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with controversial? I can suggest the ones about problematic and outrageous.

  1. What do you call a controversy surrounding toothpaste. Colgate.
  2. Why is Stephen Hawking so controversial? He never changes his position.
  3. What's the most controversial animal product? A boar shin.
  4. Waking the Dead One letter shy of being the most controversial show on tv
  5. I can't wait until a google maps controversy. We can call it Navi-Gate
  6. What is the most controversial topic in the pirate world? Aarghbortion
  7. Why is Antarctica controversial? It's a polarizing topic.
  8. What is the Name of a controversial camping book? "my camp"
  9. Slightly controversial?
  10. Controversy in the binary race? Zero won.
  11. Should I draw controversial drawings? Charlie Hebdont
  12. Accounting for news media Dr Cash
    Cr Controversy
  13. Who is the most controversial rapper of 2019?
  14. Who would still buy a Note 7 after all the controversy? A Muslim
  15. Pacquiao beats Mayweather in controversial fight psyche

Controversial joke, Pacquiao beats Mayweather in controversial fight

Laughter Controversial Jokes for Everyone for Fun and Frivolity

What funny jokes about controversial you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean revolutionary jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make controversial pranks.

So, little jonny came back from the church...

and asked his mom: "Mom, is god man or a woman".
Mom didn't want to spoil his mind so she said: "Both."
Little jonny went to his room and thought for sometime.
He came back and asked her: "Mom, is god black or white".
Again, the mom didn't want any controversy so she said: "Both."
Jonny again went back to his room and thought for sometime.
Then he came back and asked: "Mom, is god a straight or gay?"
Again, mom didn't want to create any controversy, so again she said: "Both."
This time jonny went to his room and thought really hard.
He came back and said: "Mom I finally figured it out. michael jackson is god"

I'm making a documentary...

I'm making a controversial documentary that reveals decades of covered-up s**... misconduct in youth tennis programs across the country. It's called *15 - Love*.

After record breaking single day sales at Chic-Fil-a amid the same s**... controversy

today CEO of Jack in the Box Ted Fuller said he "hates Jews and Mexicans."

Eddie Murphy Cosby joke - SNL joke controversy!

Eddie Murphy: But if you would have told me 30 years ago that I would be this boring, stay-at-home ... house dad and Bill Cosby would be in jail, even I would have took that bet.
Who is America's Dad now?

Apparently my great-grandpa was a controversial figure when he served in WWII

Which is weird, I thought he'd be praised more considering my family tells me he killed h**...

This may be controversial to most people, but i feel it must be said. I FULLY support flying the rebel flag.

How else are we supposed to show our support and remembrance of the battle of Hoth, and our willingness to topple the empire and bring peace to the galaxy?

There has been some controversy regarding priests delivering sermons using an iPad instead of the traditional bible.

I think its perfectly fine. After all, Moses delivered the ten commandments using two tablets.

Netflix and Disney should just join forces to create the most controversial movie ever: a young girl becomes infatuated with makeup and skimpy outfits, but first she must save China from the threat of the Uighur.

Call it *Mulan Rouge*

There has been some controversy lately...

...about what would happen if you put a lightsaber in water. Would it break? Would the water heat up or cool? Recent scientists have discovered the water will heat to about the internal temperature of a tauntaun...luke warm.

Iran has announced a controversial move to reopen outdoor markets

Experts have described the move as a bazaar decision

The most difficult, complex, confusing, controversial, enraging, emotional, and thought provoking question of the 21st century....

Are you male or female?

With all the recent name controversies, Tampa Bay Buccaneers will be renamed the Tampa Bay Tampons.

They are not the best team, but they are up there.

Have you heard about the controversy regarding asians westernizing their surnames?

Honestly, it's hard to know who's White or Wong.


Why don't white people get a white history month?
Answer: Because you typically don't give a participation trophy to the kid who got first place.

Tattoos used to be such a controversial subject

Now there's Botox and nobody even lifts an eyebrow.

Why are these low carb diets like keto so controversial?

Because they go against the grain

What do you get when you cross the Twitter community with a controversial celebrity?

Nothing. They cancel each other out.

Reddit was planning to promote some food subreddits on the featured page.

One of the featured subreddits was supposed to be about chocolate fountains, but there was a big controversy, and they decided to find a replacement. A former substitute teacher who was fired from her job had started a subreddit about bar food.
The mods selected it as a replacement. The subpar sub's pub sub sub subbed superbly.

First baby born with DNA from 3 people

This week the world's first baby was born with DNA from three different people using a new controversial technique developed by US scientists. The baby will be featured in the upcoming episode of Maury and spoiler alert, they're both the father.

A major American chain of stores may be on the receiving end of some recent controversy.

Although sources will not outright name the chain for legal purposes, they did say the stores have painted a giant target upon themselves.

I never understood why gay adoption is such a controversy.

Who would want to adopt a gay man anyway?

What's the easiest, yet longest way to get fired?

Say something controversial on Twitter and wait 5 years.

Controversial joke, What's the easiest, yet longest way to get fired?

jokes about controversial