
Controll Jokes

4 controll jokes and hilarious controll puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about controll that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Fun Controll Jokes That Will Have You Rolling with Laughter

What is a good controll joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.


Sorry lost control there

My wife asked me whether I experimented with s**... and drugs when I was in high school.

I said, Yes, but I was part of the control group.

3 drunk guys entered a taxi

The taxi driver knew that they were drunk so he started the engine & turned it off again. Then said, "We have reached your destination". The 1st guy gave him money & the 2nd guy said "Thank you".
The 3rd guy slapped the driver. The driver was shocked thinking the 3rd drunk knew what he did. But then he asked "What was that for?". The 3rd guy replied, "Control your speed next time, you nearly killed us!"

Elon Musk lands on mars and steps out of his spaceship

### "It's a small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind," says the ground control officer and cuts off all communications.

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