
Computerized Jokes

6 computerized jokes and hilarious computerized puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about computerized that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Comical Computerized Jokes and Gems that Will Get You in Laughter Land

What is a good computerized joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

They finally figured out why the computerized self driving car has crashed...

They didn't install the driver.

What does a computerized frog say?

Reboot, reboot, reboot,...

Apple just announced their first computerized car, but there is a setback ...

They're having trouble installing Windows.

When a computer gets a virus, it crashes. When a computerized car gets a virus

It *crashes*

Stallman, Torvalds and Knuth have a conversation.

Richard M. Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and Donald E. Knuth
engage in a discussion on whose impact
on the computerized world was the greatest.
Stallman: "God told me I have programmed the best editor in the world!"
Torvalds: "Well, God told *me* that I have programmed the best operating system in the world!"
Knuth: "Wait, wait - I never said that."

What do you call a computerized rock band?


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