Combine Jokes
101 combine jokes and hilarious combine puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about combine that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Ever wondered what would happen if you combined a combine harvester and a Gleaner combine? Or a beatbox and an avocado? Well, now you can find out with this exciting article about hybrid jokes — combining two seemingly unrelated components to create one funny joke! Don't miss out on the comedy gold!
Funniest Combine Short Jokes
Short combine jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The combine humour may include short combination jokes also.
- Why can't you combine religion and science? Because science gives us skyscrapers and airplanes,
Religion combines them together. - TIL America has more museums than Starbucks and McDonald's combined. starbucks and McDonald's have a combined total of 0 museums.
- There's 26 letters in the English language, combined to make millions of words, which are used to make infinite sentences for any event imaginable. . . Yet I see the same jokes posted every day.
- "What did you think of my new Fibonacci joke?" the man asked. "It was as bad as your previous two Fibonacci jokes combined," she taunted.
- How does an ant put on a tie? With a considerable deal of practice and skill and the correct combination of knots in the tie so it can properly be secured on the neck. It's an ant-tie joke.
- Just got this in a text from my dad. "I've just combined laxative and alaphabet soup... I call it letter rip!"
- What's the worst disease combination to have? Alzheimer and Diarrhea. You don't know where to run
- Two best friends meet. "I have two bad news" says one to the other... "OK, combine them."
"Your wife is cheating on us." - A UNIX Salesperson A unix salesperson named Lenore
Loved her job, but loved the beach more.
She devised such a way
to combine work and play:
She sells C-shells by the seashore
- Green is my favorite color. Green is my favorite color. I love it even more than blue and yellow combined.
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Combine One Liners
Which combine one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with combine? I can suggest the ones about combo and merge.
- Purple is my favorite color! I like it more than blue and red combined.
- I thought up this fibonacci joke .. But it's worse than my last two combined
- What do you get when you combine Titantic with the Sixth Sense? Icy dead people.
- I accidentally combined Fahrenheit and milliliters FmL
- How much does the combined laundry of everyone in the White House weigh? A Washington.
- Purple is my least favourite color I hate it more than red and blue combined.
- One in 3 Americans weighs as much as the other two combined
- Green is my favorite color. I like it better than blue and yellow combined.
- What happens when you combine alcohol and literature? Tequila Mockingbird
- I heard many Fibonacci jokes Every one of them made me laugh like the previous 2 combined
- What do you get when you combine a gay man and a Jew? A hit broadway musical
- What do you get when you combine tragedy and comedy? American politics.
- Today I'm combining Alphabet Soup & laxatives… I call it Letter Rip.
- I hate the color purple I hate it more than red and blue combined
- Titanium is a most amorous metal... When it gets hot, it'll combine with anything.
Combine Harvester Jokes
Here is a list of funny combine harvester jokes and even better combine harvester puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- How many lawyers does it take to grease a combine harvester? Just one, but you squeeze them through really slowly.
- A well known local man has fell into a combine harvester trying to steal it last night The police have confirmed he's been bailed.
- Why did Gordon Freeman's vehicle dismember the metrocop and pulverize his limbs? Because he was driving a Combine harvester.
- My Dad ran over my brother in a combine harvester He got bailed
- Optimus Prime has had a s**... change and is now a Combine Harvester He's a Trans-Farmer

Great Combine Jokes to Share, Laugh and Enjoy with Friends
What funny jokes about combine you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean comp jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make combine pranks.
A good groaner
What do you get when you combine an elephant and a poodle?
A dead poodle, split in half.
What do you get when you combine Robert Frost and James Bond?
The Road Not Shaken but Stirred.
In the divorce court today
In the divorce court today an 85-year old farmer divorced his 17-year old wife, claiming he could not keep his hands off her.
He has since fired all of his hands and bought a combine harvester.
They tried to combine a networked hard drive with a device that brewed drinks...
It was NAS-tea
What do you get when you combine a watch and a bottle of beer?
A really good watch.
What do you get when you combine g**... with the mafia?
A flash mob
What happens when you combine an alpha particle and a beta particle?
They become alpha-beta-cle
If you combined all the female rap artists, what would you get?
Nicki Mélange
What do you get when you combine a parrot and a centipede?
A walkie talkie!
What are OP's like alone, as compared to when they are combined?
Alone, An OP is not very strong, he cannot do very much alone, Much like a stick; But, When you combine all of these sticks together, you get a massive heap of faggots.
What do you get when you combine a goat egg and a goat s**...?
A Zy-Goat
I'll e**... myself out.
What do you get when you combine a watch with a dog?
An eternally suffering abomination...YOU MONSTER!
What do you get when you combine Soccer and Baseball?
So, they're going to combine Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter into one website.
It's going to be called "YouTwitFace".
I'm going to combine a s**... shop and a restaurant...
The motto is going to be "First come first serve".
What do you get when you combine Helium, Yttrium, Selenium, and Xenon?
I combined National pancake day with International Women's Day
Took my wife to IHOP and ordered a stack of pancakes for myself, and 8/10ths of a stack for her.
What does your money become when you combine "the" and "IRS"?
I combined all my wrist watches to make a belt
I guess you could say it was a *waist* of time
What do you get when you combine two Japanese demons?
A two-eyed onion.
What do you get if you combine your mom and a giraffe?
A fat giraffe
If you combined all the movies of Rob Schneider and made them into one single movie,
it would be an extremely long movie.
Theory vs practice
Theory is when you think you know something but it doesn't work.
Practice is when something works but you don't know why.
Usually we combine theory and practice: nothing works and we don't know why.
What do you get when you combine someone from Colorado and someone from Idaho?
A Baked Potato
I want to start a competitor website to Farmers Only...
I want to start a competitor website to Farmers Only. I wanted to call it eFarmony, but I realized that there's a way better name.
Attractor. Where technology and love combine. Meet someone on a tractor.
What do you get when you combine a Christmas tree with an iPad?
A pineapple
What do you get when you combine Avogadro's number of avocados?
What do you get when you combine north beach and south beach?
Sum of beaches.
What do you get if you combine an o**... and jam?
A hearty breakfast
What do you get when you combine Richard Simmons with Stephen Hawking?
A fruit and a vegetable.
Yesterday was star wars day (May The Fourth be with you). Today is Cinco de Mayo. Combine the two and tomorrow is...
Revenge of the Sixth
How many farmers does it take to grease a combine?
...only two, if you feed them in real slow.
What do you get when you combine an overpass and a nuclear reactor?
An overreaction.
What fruit do you get when you combine a sheep and with some salt?
What do you get when you combine a pickle and a deer ?
A dill doe
What happens when you combine Emoji Movie and Bee Movie?
🅱️ Movie
TIL how to combine sodium and potassium.
There's a NaK to it.
I'm going to combine my love for political activism with my love of archery
so that I can stick it to the man from a distance
What do you get when you combine an equally strong acid and base?
Net neutrality.
What charge do you get when you combine sodium and chlorine?
What do you get when you combine Battlefront II with the internet of 2018?
Pai to play
What do you get when you combine a mommy and a daddy?
I don't know, but my dad said it's a mistake.
A Man Wins the Lottery
A man wins the lottery and calls his wife.
Honey, I have good news and bad news.
The wife, having no idea of what could be going on says, Combine them.
The man thinks for a second and says, My new wife and I just won the lottery!
What do you get when you combine How I Met Your Mother, 2 and a Half Men, and The Big Bang Theory
How 2 and a Half Men Banged Your Mother.
What do you get if you combine a dog and a tv aerial?
A Golden Receiver!
What do you get when you combine . . .
50 female pigs and 50 male deer?
A hundred sows and bucks!
(Say it out loud)
I'm going to combine my hobbies of taxidermy and bomb making
And make you an otter that you can't defuse.
A joke a coworker told me today: What do you get when you combine a cow, a duck, a piece of wood, and a rhino?
Cow the duck wood rhino?
What do you get when you combine two coups?
A Sudan
What do you get if you combine two Gs, an I, an E, an R, an S, and an N. I'll tell you, you get the worst kind o man in the world:
What do you get when you combine Mr Clean with a 60's surf band?
The Bleach Boys
What do you get if you combine 2000 Tunas?
T2000 Cybernetic organism.
What do you get when you combine an octopus and a bear?
You get a Frenchman pronouncing October
God created scorpions and he said...
"I'm going combine spiders plus lobsters plus wasps plus nightmares! Good luck!"
My dad walked into my room and said...
My dad walked into my room and said what do you get when you combine a joke with a rhetorical question? He then walked out of my room.
What do you get when you combine the Girl with a Dragon Tattoo, Forrest Gump and a Pixar animation?
Runtatooie, run!
What do you get when you combine silver, a personal pronoun, a tattoo, and the short form of Edward?
What do you get when you combine silver, a personal pronoun, a tattoo, and the short form of Edward?
Ag I tat Ed.
I'm veeeerrrryyyyy agitated.
Why don't In n Out and Chick-Fil-A combine restaurants?
They're too scared and would just Chick n Out.
What do you get if you combine a insomniac, a Agnostic with a Schizophrenic and a dyslexic?
A person who argues with himself all night about whether or not there is a dog.
A guy who is blind in his left eye and a guy who is blind in his right eye decide to team up.
After they combine forces, they realize they weren't specific enough.
Guy number 1 turns to guy number 2 and says "Didn't see that coming."
What do you get when you combine the Rock and E.T.?
(From my little brother)
A rocket
What do you get when you combine seal and ink?
A mess.
As told to me by my daughter.
What do you get when you combine a Crocodile and a Shitzu?
A Crockashit.
The other day my friend messaged by saying bro I have two pieces of bad news for you. I told him to combine them.
He replied with your girlfriend is cheating on both of us.
If a combined breakfast and lunch is called brunch. What is combining your breakfast, lunch, and dinner called?
...being poor.
Three Engineers are eating lunch together and arguing.
The mechanical engineer is adamant that God must be a mechanical engineer because the human body is so well designed. The software engineer is just as sure that God must be a software engineer as the human mind is the most sophisticated software in the known universe. Suddenly they stop arguing and look at the civil engineer, "you've been awefully quiet?"
"Well it's pretty obvious that God isn't a civil engineer. No civil engineer would combine a recreational area with a sewage treatment plant."
What do you get when you combine human DNA with whale DNA?
Kicked out of Sea World, apparently.
Yes, I know it's a repost. But I love this joke.
I heard that there's a chef attempting to combine macaroni with a potato pancake
I mean, it's not impastable, but it's not very latkely either.