
Column Jokes

22 column jokes and hilarious column puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about column that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Column Short Jokes

Short column jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The column humour may include short colon jokes also.

  1. A friend just called me to tell me he has changed his name to 'Spinal Column'. I asked if I could call him Back.
  2. Called my daughter up and explained I've changed my name to spinal column. She replied that she was very busy and would... ...have to call me back.
  3. A friend of mine called me while I was at work. He said he was going to change his name to "Spinal Column".
    I said, "Look, I'm really busy right now. I'll call you back."
  4. My pal called me and told me he's changing his name to Spinal Column. I said, "I'll call you back !!"
  5. Nelson was 5ft 4". His statue on top of the column in London is 18ft. Thats Horatio of about 3:1
  6. Why was Noah the best businessman? He floated his stock while the rest of the world was in liquidation.
    The greatest journalist? Samson. He took two columns and made an impression on everyone.
  7. What did the pillar say when he forgot to wish his friend happy birthday? I'll column later.
  8. My wife asked me, "Do you think it's because of a potential revolution or school shootings that the government keeps trying to take our guns?" I said, "A little of column A, a little of Columbine."
  9. The three orders of classical columns are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. Sometimes Ionic is called Ionian. I guess it's a less charged word.
  10. You know those buildings in ancient Greece with all those pillars? I think they column pavilions.

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Column One Liners

Which column one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with column? I can suggest the ones about cell and table.

  1. Today I saw a phone number written on a pillar... Should I column?
  2. What do you call a column with a degree? A graduated cylinder
  3. Why was the null column condemned by the church? Because it didn't have any values.
  4. What's the best way to get a Roman architect started on building your house? Column
  5. What's black and slides down Nelson's column? Winnie Mandela.
  6. What's a white women's favorite type of Roman column? A Karenthian.
  7. Hey, have you been able to reach row? I haven't been able to column.
  8. I saw this advice column titled "Askhenazi"
  9. What is a policeman's favorite news column? Miranda Writes
  10. Lava can't melt marble columns. Pompeii was an inside job! WAKE UP ROME!
  11. Why did the Ancient Greeks build their fortresses on columns? To defend against rows!

Column joke, Why did the Ancient Greeks build their fortresses on columns?

Share Hilarious Column Jokes and Enjoy Unforgettable Laughter

What funny jokes about column you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean rows jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make column pranks.

a lil' Boudreaux joke for y'all.

Mrs. Boudreaux went to the the local newspaper and said she wanted to put in the Obituary Column that Boudreaux died. They told her it would be $1.00 per word.
She said, "Here ya go, 2 dollahs - put in dere dat Boudreaux Died."
They said, "Mrs. Boudreaux, surely you want more dan dat."
She said "Mais, no, just 'Boudreaux died'."
The editor said, "Well, you a lil' upset. Bring yaself back tomorruh and you probably tink of sumtin else."
She came back the next day, and said, "Yeh, I tought of sumtin else.. 'BOAT FOR SALE'."

In the early 90's, a lonely stray dog wanted a friend and got an idea when reading an old paper...

So the dog walked into the local paper to place an advert in the social column. "I'm lonely" advised the dog "please place an ad that reads: *Woof woof woof. Woof woof. Woof woof woof woof woof woof. Woof. Woof*."
The sales consultant writes it all down before offering "I'll let you in on a secret, for the same price, I can actually add two more woofs?".
Came the reply from the dog "But - then it wouldn't make sense?"

Dad and his son are sitting on the front porch.

Meanwhile a column of cars are passing by and honking their horns.
"Dad why are they honking their horns?" asked the son.
"They are going to a wedding" responds the father
"But in school we learned that horns should be used only as a warning"

Column joke, What did the pillar say when he forgot to wish his friend happy birthday?