
Clue Jokes

112 clue jokes and hilarious clue puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about clue that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

If you're looking for a good laugh, look no further than these hilarious crossword clue jokes. From wrong eaters to wrong indications, this collection of jokes will have you laughing aloud. Dive into these funny clues and enjoy reading some of the best—and worst—jokes funny minds have to offer.

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Funniest Clue Short Jokes

Short clue jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The clue humour may include short hint jokes also.

  1. I asked my wife, I'm stuck on this crossword clue Overworked postman — can you help? She said, Sure. How many letters?
    Me: I'm guessing—- Too many.
  2. Why is there no black character in the game "Clue"? Because then it would be called "Solved."
  3. What's the difference between an ISIS outpost and an Afghanistan elementary school? I have no clue, I just fly the drone.
  4. My girlfriend is like an advanced calculus class. I don't have a clue what's going on but seems like those others guys are getting it.
  5. How many flies does it take to screw in a light bulb? Two, but I have no clue how they got in there.
  6. I asked my wife, I'm stuck on a Crossword clue—-'Overworked Postman'. Can you help? She said, Sure. How many letters?
    I said, Too many.
  7. How many cannibals does it take to screw in one light bulb? I have no clue but you really shouldn't be in the dark with cannibals.
  8. Did you hear about the family of racist chicken detectives? They're called the Clue Clucks Clan
  9. Why do snowmen love reading mystery novels? They're always on the hunt for the chilling clues!
  10. I was trying to come up with a name for my group of mystery-solving chickens Apparently the Clue Clucks Clan was already taken.

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Clue One Liners

Which clue one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with clue? I can suggest the ones about riddle and clam.

  1. What do you call symptoms of depression? "Blues Clues"
  2. Lucy, In the Sky, With Diamonds John Lennon, proving he was a terrible Clue player
  3. Why are there no black people in clue? Because then it wouldn't be a mystery.
  4. Women are like magnets... I have no clue how they work.
  5. Let's play Clue: Royal Edition I'm guessing Charles, with a pillow, in the bedroom.
  6. Life is a lot like a helicopter. I have no clue how to operate it.
  7. (From my son) What comes after Blue's Clues? Blue's Poos!
  8. What's the funniest type of bribery? No clue. But I'll give you $20 if you laugh.
  9. We surprised my brother with a board game for his birthday And he didn't have a clue!
  10. What do you call a Children's show with some Alcohol added in? Booze Clues.
  11. Why is a red herring called a red herring? Not a clue.
  12. What did little Johnny say when he was asked who Camila Cabello was? "I havanna clue"
  13. What does the detective get on adding up the clues one by one? The way to make odds even.
  14. How did Steve get the clues? Blew the dog
  15. What do you get if you cross Santa with a detective? Santa Clues.

Crossword Clue Jokes

Here is a list of funny crossword clue jokes and even better crossword clue puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • "I'm stuck on the last piece of a crossword. 12 letters, the clue is: 'getting in your way'". He said, "That's 'inconvenient'."
    I said, "I know. That's why I need your help."
  • I'm doing a crossword, and I'm stuck on seven down. It's seven letters long and the clue is Lemonade drink, not Sprite . Oh no wait sorry that's not seven down, that's Seven Up.
  • I'm making my own Crossword Puzzle but I'm struggling to think up a clue for 3 down, 'Armageddon'. Ah well, it's not the end of the world.
  • What do you call a stable female? A mare.
    (This was a clue on the Daily Crossword app today which I couldn't figure out. I thought it was cute.)
  • A Wrong Answer While doing a crossword puzzle, I asked for my husband's help.
    "The word is eight letters long and starts with m, and the clue is 'tiresome sameness.'"
    "Monogamy," he answered
  • got in trouble for helping an African co-worker with the crossword during break. apparently the answer to the clue, Word with "black" or "photo", is not "shoot".
  • What did Han Solo say when Leia asked for help with a crossword clue? I don't know
  • Crossword clue: F**k, used by Gordon Ramsay a lot more than the average person Fork
Clue joke, Crossword clue: F**k, used by Gordon Ramsay a lot more than the average person

Hilarious Clue Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What funny jokes about clue you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean mystery jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make clue pranks.

Two guys were out on a lake ice fishing

One looks at the other and sees that he's got a pile of fish, and asks him,
"hey buddy, how'd you catch so many fish and I'm sitting here with nothing?"
"Eep or orms orm" the man grumbled
"Eep or orms orm!"
"Buddy, i got no clue what you're saying!"
The man spat in exasperation and said, "Keep your worms warm!"

A very sexist from my high school days

Person 1, "Your dishwasher stops working and like any good mechanic you hit it and tell it to get back to work, and it does. You return later to find dishes that are only half clean. Why?"
Person 2, "I have no clue."
Person 1, "You must have hit her in the eye."

Doctor joke

Two doctors mortally offend each other and resolve to fight a duel. But they have no clue about the traditional dueling weapons -- swords, pistols, etc. After some thought, they decide to use the most deadly weapon of which each is an undoubted expert: They exchange prescriptions.

The difference between men and women... [OC]

The difference between men and women? When men go shopping they know what they want, but not where it is. When women go shopping they have no clue what they want, but know exactly where it is.

A man asks a bartender for a drink...

"Do you have a bottle of less?" asks the man
The bartender looks confused, and says "Never heard of that one. you know what it is, what the bottle looks like?"
The man says "I have no clue what it looks like, but when I went to the doctor yesterday he said I should start drinking less."

Two british men are sitting at a bus stop...

When a man, clearly not from their town, comes up towards them.
"Parlez-vous Français?" The man asks the two Brits.
Confused, they stare blankly at the foreigner.
"Hablan ustedes Español?" The man tries again - still no reaction from the two men.
Frustrated, the foreigner tries one more time.
"Sprechen sie Deutsch?"
but the two men at the bus stop still have no clue what he's saying, and the foreigner storms off in a huff.
A couple seconds later, one of the men sitting on the bench turns to the other and says, "We should probably learn a language."
The other man turns to him and says, "Why? He knew three, and it didn't do him any good!"

A little boy and his grandfather...

...were walking through a meadow on a beautiful summer day.
"Grandpa," said the boy, "why is the grass green?"
The old man shrugged. "No idea," he grunted.
Then the boy asked, "Grandpa, why do the flowers smell so nice?"
"Beats me," said the old man.
"Grandpa, what makes the wind blow?"
"No clue."
"Grandpa," said the boy, "do you mind me asking you all these questions?"
"Of course not," said the old man. "How else will you learn anything?"

The Town's 90 year old Duan Juan is asked of his seducing methods...

"What's so special 'bout you that makes women 70 years younger than you crave your company, if ye know what I mean?"

"I honestly got no clue young man"-He answered, as he began to
slowly lick his own eyebrows.

Whats for Dinner

A man kills a Deer and takes it home to cook for dinner.
Both he and his Wife, decide that they won't tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess.
The kids were eager to know what the
meat was on their plates, so they begged their dad for the clue.
"Well," he said,
"It's what Mummy calls me, sometimes."
The little girl screams to her Brother,
"Don't eat it, it's an a**....."

Why are there no black characters in clue?

Becuase if there were it would be called solved

Heisenberg got pulled over by the cops for speeding

Winding down his window, he was greeted by a shout of "Do you know how fast you were going?!"
"Not a clue, but I know *exactly* where I was."

A blonde is about to solve a crossword...

... but still misses some answers.
She asks for a help her best friend,
"Jane, could you help me solving this pls. - the clue says 'Feminine i**... part' - with 4 letters.."
"Across or down?" asks her friend.
"It's across"
"Then it should be lips"

What's the most confusing holiday in the hood?

Kwanzaa. I don't think anyone has a clue what that holiday is.

What do you call an elite group of detectives that are comprised of hens?

The Clue Clucks Clan

My 4 year old son just got me with a dad joke I hadn't heard before.

My son was playing with his teenage mutant ninja turtle action figures, and was making them fight each other.
Me: "Where are their weapons? Are they just fighting with their bare hands?"
Son: "No, they are fighting with their turtle hands."
Doesn't have a clue why I was laughing so hard.

A new version of clue is coming out this year

It's called Flint River Clue. The only weapon is a lead pipe.

What did our parents do to kill time before the internet?

I asked my 21 brothers and sisters and they had no clue either.

Watching Olympic rowing with my wife.

Me: Oh, the announcer just said the Germans got in via the repechage.
Wife: What's that?
Me: I have no clue.
Wife: I think it means they went through Belgium.

A Jew, a Catholic and a m**... were having drinks at the bar following an interfaith meeting...

The Jew, bragging on his virility, said, "I have four sons. One more and I'll have a basketball team."
The Catholic, pooh-poohed this accomplishment, stating, "That's nothing, boy. I have 10 sons, one more and I'll have a football team."
To which the m**... replied, "You fellas ain't got a clue. I have 17 wives. One more and I'll have a golf course."

So the other day I was standing in a line for an ATM...

There was an old lady there who looked like she had absolutely no clue what she was doing, after a bit of fumbling with the keys, she turned to me and said, "You look like a helpful young lad, Could you help me check my balance."
So I pushed her over.

I wondered what my parents did to kill boredom before the internet.

I mean, I asked my 26 brothers and sisters and none of them had a clue.

Why isnt there a black guy in the board game, "clue"?

Because then it would be called "solved".

The local barber was arrested for selling drugs

I think it's completely insane! I've been his customer for years and I had no clue he was a barber.

Roses are red, violets are blue.

When it comes to flower colours, the person who made this has no clue.

Four across...

Two men are sat completing a crossword puzzle on a train, sat across from them is a Priest. The first man starts to scratch his head, and he asks the man across from him:
"A word, four across, ending with unt..."
The other man asks him:
"Well, what's the clue?"
He replies:
"It just says 'a woman,' that's all."
"Ah, yes it is!"
The man looks down, nodding in agreement. Across the carriage a feeble voice, the Priest.
"Can I borrow an eraser?"

My girlfriend hung a note on the fridge...

...which said: "I can't do it, it's not working anymore."
Door could be opened. Light is fully functional. Beer is cold.
I got no clue what she was talking about

There's an old native American man that sits in a teepee along the road I take to work.

Every morning for a while now I stop in and ask him what the weather will be that day. Rain, snow, sun, clouds. He's always right.
Well yesterday I stopped in just like normal and asked what the weather was going to be like.
"Got no clue", he said.
I was shocked. "What's different about today that you don't know?"
He just shook his head sadly. "Radio broke."

I once met this p**... that went by the nickname "Watergate"

I had no clue why until she began to d**... me in a parking garage

Life is like operating a crane.

Early on, you figure out how to make it up to the controls... Only to realize you have no clue what to do once you get there.

Why doesn't the game Clue have any black characters?

Because then it'd be called "Sorry!" and that's already a game.

Wanna hear the joke about the detective?

Actually, nevermind. I don't have a clue how it goes!

Two blondes solving a crossword

Two blondes are spending some time together, the one is watching TV while the other struggles with one particular crossword question for some time now...
After a while she decides to ask her friend for help..
- Do you know the answer to the clue "Female s**... o**..."?
-- Hmmmm. Horizontally or vertically?
- Horizontally
-- Oh yes! "Mouth"

I just had the most clueless Uber driver in Gettysburg, PA

He didn't even know the address.

The average person has s**... 90 times a year.

Man this going to be an epic new years eve!

My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now.

And we still have no clue where she is.

My grandma started walking 2 miles every single day when she turned 60.

She's 70 now and doesn't have a clue where she is.

I was going to write a poem about fitted sheets...

But I don't have a clue on where to start

My local hairdresser just got arrested for selling drugs.

Unbelievable! I've been her customer for 10 years and had no clue she was a hairdresser!

My cab ride was free this morning, really nice guy.

No clue why he was chasing me though..

I'm a clueless drinker.

I only drink on days that end with "why".

My approach to s**... is like the government's approach to Brexit

I go in hard and pull out when I realise I have no clue what I'm doing

On Blue's Clues, Steve didn't leave to go to college - he was sent to prison.

He realized far too late that he shouldn't have brought Slippery Soap with him.

This mechanic in my area went to jail for dealing drugs

I've been his customer for over 5 years...I had no clue he was a mechanic.

My wife didn't speak to me for 3 days last week and I haven't got a clue what I did to cause it.

Which is a shame because I'd like to do it again next week.

Two Romans were talking with each other

Roman 1: Hey what year are we living in?
Roman 2: 50 BC
Roman 1: What's BC?
Roman 2: Before Christ
Roman 1: Who's Christ?
Roman 2: I have no clue man

My friend lost his board game.

He's asking me to investigate, but then suspected me.
One thing for sure, I have no Clue.

I had to turn to Google for help with a crossword puzzle.

I had to turn to Google for help with a crossword puzzle. The clue was "Dishonestly gaining a advantage," eight letters.
I immediately felt bad for looking it up, that was cheating.

Kim Jong Un decided to send donald trump a letter in his own handwriting to let him know he was still alive.

Trump opened the letter which appeared to contain a single-line coded message:
370HSSV - 0773H
Trump was baffled, so he emailed it to the his aides, who had no clue either, so they sent it to the FBI
No one could solve it at FBI, so it went to the CIA. With no clue as to its meaning, FBI finally asked MSS (Ministry of State Security in China for help.
Within a few seconds MSS cabled back with this reply:
"Tell The President he's holding the message upside down."

If I had a pound coin for everytime I had no clue what was going on

i'd just be wondering why I have so much money

Two drunk men are talking in a bar

- You know? my uncle is now resting in peace
- I had no clue your uncle had died
- No, the one who died was my aunt

An electron is breaking the speed limit going along a motorway...

...when he is pulled over by a Proton. Proton: do you know how fast you were going?
Electron: yes, but now I have no clue as to where I am.

The year is 2040, and a curious kid wonders what their parents did to pass the time during Quarantine back in 2020.

The kid asked their 10 brothers and sisters, but they had no clue either.

Put these letters together to form a word. P N E I S Clue: a body part that is very important when e**....

The answer is spine.

What do you call a book club that's been reading the same book for years - and yet the members still have no clue as to what it's about?

An Evangelical Christian church.

What do you call a group of racist chickens playing mystery board games?

A Clue Clucks Clan

A man gets pulled over for swerving

Officer says, "sir do you know why I pulled you over?"
*"I have no clue". The man replied.*
"Have you been drinking, sir?"
*"Not any alcoholic drinks, officer".*
"Then what is that in your cup holder?"
"*that's a half-drank Smirnoff Ice.*"
"I thought you said you didn't drink any alcohol tonight?"
"*No, officer. I said I haven't had any "alcoholic drinks". All of my friends are alcoholics and not a single one of them drinks that s**...."*

Dad cooks dinner.

He gives his kids deer meat, but doesn't tell them but gives them a clue.
Dad: What kind of meat is this, it's something mom calls me every day.
Sarah: o**... Billy, It's an a**... don't eat it.

Heard of the nun that stole a fortune to fund her gambling habit?

The first clue probably should have been that she spent a fortune on a habit specifically for gambling.

David Beckham gets in a taxi at Dublin Airport and notices the driver keep looking in his rear view mirror at him.

After about 5 minutes the driver says "Go on then give me a clue!?"
Beckham replies, "I had a glittering career with Man Utd, played over 100 times for England and married a spice girl, is that enough?".
Driver says "No mate, I meant where are you going?"

Don't Eat It

A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won't tell the kids what kind of meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess. The dad said, "Well it's what Mommy calls me sometimes." The little girl screamed to her brother, "Don't eat it. Its an a**...!

Clue joke, Don't Eat It

jokes about clue