Clip Jokes
53 clip jokes and hilarious clip puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about clip that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Laugh out loud with these funny paper clip, hair clip, and YouTube jokes from rar to cut! Whether you're looking for a funny story or something to share with friends, you'll be sure to find something to make you chuckle.
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Funniest Clip Short Jokes
Short clip jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The clip humour may include short snap jokes also.
- How does the sun get its hair cut? 'E clips it!!!
(My son told me that one. I'll be going now....) - Watched an episode of a classic sitcom last night. The episode dealt with the topic of circumcision. I didn't enjoy watching it... I hate when sitcoms run clip shows.
- I love the TV show with all the different video clips of things going disastrously wrong all the time. What's it called?
Oh yes, the news. - My favourite TV show is the one that shows funny clips of things being destroyed and everything going wrong! Or, as some people call it...the news.
- I keep seeing clips from An Inconvenient Truth on my YouTube homepage... Must just be the Al Gore-ithim
- Meanwhile, in Pennsylvania Q. What goes "Clip, Clop, Clip, Clop, BANG!! ClipClopClipClopClipClopClipClop"
A. An Amish drive-by shooting - An Amish joke for you... What goes clip-clop, clip-clop, silence....?
A drive-by shunning - What goes clip clop clip clop bang bang bang clip clop clip clop An Amish drive by shooting
- My therapist told me that if I have a problem with somebody, I should sever ties with them. My coworker just asked me what I was doing to his clip-on.
- Did you hear that the Great Flying Phoenix decided to get his wings clipped? Now he just goes by Joaquin Phoenix.
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Clip One Liners
Which clip one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with clip? I can suggest the ones about cope and plug.
- Horseshoes look more like sandals than shoes... They should be called Clip Clops.
- What do you put in an oragami gun? Paper clips.
- clip clop clip clop clip clop BANG clip clop clip clop Amish drive-by shooting.
- What makes the sound 'Clip clop bang clip clop'? An Amish drive-by
- What goes clip clop clip clop bang bang? An amish drive-by shooting
- What do you call a Paper Clip that is not used for paper? Useless.
- My land lord stole all my cloth hanging clips She is a cliptomaniac.
- What was the name of the online barber? E-Clips
.... Couldn't resist - Why do they call it a 'roach clip'? Because the term 'pot holder' was already taken.
- Where does a book go to get a trim? Paper Clips.
- How do you reload a cardboard gun? With paper clips.
- What makes a clip clop clip clop peng peng clip clop noise? An amish drive by shooting
- How does the moon shave? Eclipse it.
(He clips it) - What wouldn't MacGyver be able to escape from using a paper clip? A desk job
- Why are aliens green? Because of the lawn clippings!
Paper Clip Jokes
Here is a list of funny paper clip jokes and even better paper clip puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- What did the paper clip say? It looks like you're writing unsubstantiated nonsense. Would you like to turn on all caps?
- I'm rubber and you're glue. She's tape. He's a stapler. Those guys are paper clips. All my friends are office supplies.
- Among office supplies, one always finds paper clips. One might say they are staples.
- Engineering tip: you can always improvise a high voltage tester with two paper clips, a rubber band... ... and an intern.
- My Pikachu started eating paper clips, paint chips, pencils... When I asked her what's wrong, she said "Pica. Pica."
- how to keep all your work you've typed up in microsoft word. you need a paper clip and a chainsaw to tell clippy to stop telling me to turn all caps.
- What did the paper clip say to the magnet? I find you very attractive.
- If you type Chuck Norris into Microsoft Word, the little paper-clip just hangs himself.
- What's the do a snowman and paper clip have in common? Neither of them is a potato.

Comical Puns & Laughs: Enjoy Fun, Witty Clip Jokes with Friends.
What funny jokes about clip you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean tape jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make clip pranks.
A guy walked into a crowded bar waving his
unholstered p**... and yelled "I have a 45 Caliber Colt 1911 with a seven round clip plus one in the chamber and I want to know who has been sleeping with my wife."
A voice from the back of the room called out "you need more ammo!"
You know, studies show that keeping a ladder inside the house is more dangerous than a loaded gun.
That's why I own ten guns. In case some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder!
^(Source: Gravity Falls. Can't find a good clip of the moment)
What goes clippity-clop bang, clippity-clop bang, clippity-clop bang?
An Amish drive by.
My girlfriend: Oh baby I want you to tease me.
Me: Plays three seconds of the SpongeBob Sweet Victory clip.
My Girlfriend: Oooh you dirty tease!
I'm going to have to clip my finger nails soon...
There getting out of hand
I just clipped the worst ingrown toe-nail...
It was a feet.
What goes "clip clip BANG"
What goes, "Clip clop clip clop clip clop clip clop BANG BANG clip clop clip clop clip clop..."
An Amish drive-by shooting.
Time to clip my toenails
There's no talon when i'll cut em
Why was Clippy let go from Microsoft?
He got bent out of shape when they threatened to replace him, and just couldn't hold anything together.
Why is something that keeps you from burning your fingers on a joint called a roach clip?
Because potholder was already taken
People with Bluetooth headsets need a clip round the ear!
Remember that audio clip that went viral?
The one where different people heard different a word? Well, the person who discovered that clip hasn't found another internet sensation since. Guess you could say they're resting on their Yannys.
I just had to clip my nails...
They were getting out of hand.
I like to play russian roulette...
with only one bullet in the clip.
Watched a YouTube clip staring a special needs comedian
I wanted to post below about how inspiring it was but it said, "comments are disabled" [True story]
Youve heard of a dine-and-dash, but what's it called when you're getting a haircut?
A clip and dip.