
Climb Jokes

157 climb jokes and hilarious climb puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about climb that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

Looking for some funny rope climb jokes? Check out this article to get your climb on with puns ranging from mountaintops and rooftops to Everest and beams! Have a laugh as we explore the hilariously high life of climbing!

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Funniest Climb Short Jokes

Short climb jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The climb humour may include short ladder up jokes also.

  1. The other day, I saw a midget prisoner climbing down a wall. About halfway down he turned and sneered at me, and I thought, "That's a little condescending."
  2. Clever Insult joke If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up to your ego and jump down to your IQ level.
  3. Everyone is trying to climb the ladder to success And at the top is a guy named Sess, having the time of his life.
  4. Today I saw a dwarf laughing as he climbed down a prison wall And I thought, "That's a little condescending"
  5. If laziness was an Olympic sport I would've placed 4th so I wouldn't have to climb the winners' stairs
  6. I used to work as a bed salesman One day this guy came in and started climbing into the beds and asking really specific questions. Then it hit me, he was an undercover cop.
  7. Two drunks are crawling on the railroad. One says "I'm tired of climbing this ladder, when's our floor already?"
    "No worries, I see an elevator coming."
  8. Today, I saw a midget prisoner climbing down the fence. As we made eye contact, he glared at me and I thought to myself, "Well, that's a little condescending!"
  9. I feel bad for the people that have climbed Mount Everest. Their lives have been downhill ever since.
  10. If laziness was an olympic sport... I'd do my best to come in fourth, so I didn't have to climb onto the podium.

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Climb One Liners

Which climb one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with climb? I can suggest the ones about hike and cliff.

  1. I saw a dwarf climbing down a prison wall It was a little condescending
  2. TIFU by climbing into a German U-Boat Whoops. Wrong sub.
  3. Today I saw a dwarf climbing down a prison wall… I thought that's a little condescending
  4. Mountain climbers do so much climbing Don't they Everest?
  5. How to climb a ladder Step 1.
    Step 2.
    Step 3.
  6. Why did the blonde climb the roof of the pub? The drinks were on the house.
  7. I should never have climbed into this vat of curdled milk. I'm in whey over my head.
  8. Your momma so dumb she tried to climb Mountain Dew
  9. I tripped and fell while mountain-climbing... It all went down hill from there.
  10. What do you call a rock climbing cow? A high steak situation
  11. I saw a midget climbing over a prison wall It was a little condescending
  12. What's white and can't climb trees? A fridge.
  13. Why did King Kong climb the Empire State Building? He had a plane to catch
  14. Did I ever tell you the story about the time I climbed Mount Everest? I made it up.
  15. I tried to climb the Eiffel tower once But eiffel :/

Climb Trees Jokes

Here is a list of funny climb trees jokes and even better climb trees puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • An MBA graduate lost his mind and used to go climb a tree at 9 am everyday and sit on a branch until 5pm. He thought of himself as a branch manager.
  • What's big and white and can't climb a tree? A refrigerator
  • What's blue and white and can't climb trees? A fridge with a denim jacket on
  • How do you catch squirrels? Climb up a tree and pretend you're nuts.
  • The other day I was climbing a tree with a friend He was talking about life and I had some advice so I said alright I'm going out on a limb here...
  • What do you call a carabao who can climb a tree? Awesome!!!
  • Why do you never see a pig in a tree? Because pigs can't climb trees
  • What's the best way to catch a squirrel? Climb up a tree and act like a nut
  • X-ray doctors can't climb trees as well as... catscan.
  • I climbed on a tree with a suitcase. My aim is to become a branch manager.

Rope Climb Jokes

Here is a list of funny rope climb jokes and even better rope climb puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I saw a midget escaping from jail the other day He was looking down on me as he climbed down a rope.
    I though to myself, that's a little con descending
  • If I needed to climb something and I had to choose between a rope with knots in it or some parallel boards with spaced rungs... I'd choose the latter.
  • A man sees a midget in an orange jumpsuit climbing down a jail from a rope... ...he looks at him for a second, and says,"Well, that's a little condescending."
  • A midget is in prison plotting escape He waits til night, and throws a rope over the wall and climbs over. As he's climbing down, a guard notices and thinks, That's a little condescending.
  • My neighbour kept climbing my tree so I threw a rope around his neck and hung him from it. That taut him.
  • What do Icelandic baseball players climb in high school gym? Frozen Ropes.
Climb joke, What do Icelandic baseball players climb in high school gym?

Climb joke, What do Icelandic baseball players climb in high school gym?

Witty Climb Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun with Friends

What funny jokes about climb you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean ascends jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make climb pranks.

Prisoners attempt to escape from jail.

The first one throws a rope to the top of the fence, and quietly climbs to the top. But before his cellmate can do the same, the rope breaks.
"How will I get out now?" The unfortunate prisoner asks. The other one pulls out a flashlight.
"Don't worry," he replied, "I'll shine the light down and you can climb up the beam of light."
"Do you really think I'm that s**...?" He asked, "You'll turn it off when I'm halfway to the top!"

Bad News

Deep within a forest, a little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort, he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground. The turtle tried again and again, while a couple of birds sitting on a branch watched his sad efforts. Finally, the female bird turned to her mate. "Dear," she chirped, "I think it's time to tell him he's adopted."


3 guys are camping, and after a night of drinks & laughs around the fire, they climb into their tent and fall asleep side by side.
The next morning, the guy on the left wakes up smiling. "I had a dream I was getting j**... off all night by a supermodel!"
The guy on the right chimes in. "Me too, but it was my hot neighbour!"
The guy in the middle looks a bit dejected. "Lucky b**.... I just dreamed I was skiing."

Oh Grandma!

The little boy greeted his grandmother with a hug and said, "I'm so happy to see you grandma. Now maybe daddy will do the trick he has been promising us."
The grandmother was curious.
"What trick is that my dear?" she asked.
The little boy replied, "I heard daddy tell mommy that he would climb the walls if you came to visit us again."

Ireland's worst air disaster occurred early this morning

when a small two-seater Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery. Irish search and rescue workers have recovered 1826 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the night.

Why does the Mexican Olympic team always do so badly?

Because anyone who can swim, run, or climb is already in America.

Too Shy!!!

During her annual checkup, the well-constructed miss was asked to disrobe and climb onto the examining table.
"Doctor," she replied shyly, "I just can't undress in front of you."
"All right," said the physician, "I'll flick off the lights. You undress and tell me when you're through."
In a few moments, her voice rang out in the darkness: "Doctor, I've undressed. What shall I do with my clothes?"
"Put them on the chair, on top of mine.

I just climbed a mountain of fish, or you could say...

I scaled it.

Three starving guys are wandering in a desert...

They come across a tree, but instead of leaves, it has strips of bacon. They happily climb the tree and start eating the bacon, until they hear a gunshot and one of the guys falls over, dead.
It wasn't a bacon tree.
It was a ham-bush.
(Not sure if this has been posted before, hope you enjoy.)

Why did the blonde climb the chain-link fence?

To see what was on the other side.

"So do you want me to climb up with my bare hands or can I use some sort of climbing device?"

The latter.

2 Polish Guys

Were trying to measure the height of a flagpole. They had a tape measure with them and were trying to climb the flagpole, measure in hand. A man walks by and says, "why don't you guys just lay it on the ground and measure it?" One of the Poles replies, "Because we want to measure its height, not length!"

A black man and a white man are arguing about whether God is black or white

They decided to climb to the top of the tallest mountain and call out to God with the hopes of getting a response.
"God! Are you white or black?"
"I am who I am!" comes a booming response.
"See," says the white guy. "He is white!"
"Why would you assume that?!" asks the black guy. "He could just as easily be black!"
"If he was black, he would say, 'I is who I is."

Two drunk idiots are sitting on top of a building...

Staring at the moon, one of 'em says, "Give me your flashlight, I'll turn it on, aim it at the moon and then you go climb up to the moon using the beam."
"No! You idiot! What if you turn it off when I'm midway!"
(English, not my native language, apologies.)

A boy paid a girl $10 to climb a flagpole...

She agrees and climbs the flagpole. When she gets home she tells her mother what happened. Her mother said "honey, he just wanted to see your underwear." The next day the same boy was standing by the flagpole and said "I will give you $20 to climb the flagpole." Again she agrees and climbs. She goes home and tells her mother "mom the boy paid me to climb the flagpole again, but I outsmarted him this time. I didn't wear any underwear."

Tour guide in the mountain

A guide was leading a group of people on a hike through some mountains. He pointed at a fairly majestic looking peak and said "This one is most popular with mountain climbers. Most days you have a few teams doing a climb. The ascent, depending on your skill level can take between two and five hours. The descent, again depending on your skill level, takes anywhere between 4 hours and 30 seconds."

Two wires at sea

Two wires were on an ocean cruise when the ship sprung a leak and sank. The solid core wire managed to climb into a lifeboat and head to safety.
The other was stranded.

A guy walks in to his backyard and sees a gorilla in his tree

He gets online and finds a man who specializes in gorilla removal. When he arrives at the house he has a stick, a set of handcuffs, a chihuahua, and a shotgun.
He tells the homeowner "I'm going to climb up in the tree and use the stick to hit the gorilla until he falls out of the tree. Upon landing, the trained chihuahua will viciously lunge for the gorillas g**... and when he attempts to protect himself we will slap on the handcuffs."
The homeowner, a little bewildered, says "that's crazy enough it just might work, but what is the shotgun for?"
"If I fall out of the tree first....shoot the chihuahua."

A girl went to a doctor for a checkup....

During her annual checkup, the attractive woman was asked to disrobe and climb onto the examining table. Doctor… she replied shyly, I feel uncomfortable u**... in front of you. All right, said the physician, I'll flick off the lights. You undress and tell me when you're done. A few moments later her voice called out from the darkness, Doctor, I've undressed. What should I do with all my clothes? Put them on the chair, on top of mine.

75 story hotel

Phil, Jim, and John were at a convention together sharing a large suite at the top of a . After a long day of meetings, they were shocked to hear the elevators were broken, and they now had to climb 75 flights of stairs.
Phil said to Jim and John,"let's break the monotony of this unpleasant task by concentrating on something more interesting. Hmm, I'll tell jokes the first 25 floors, Jim, you can sing songs the next 25 floors and John you can say your collection of sad stories."
The others agreed and they started the climb for their hotel room. At the 26th floor Phil stopped with his jokes and Jim started his songs. At the 51st floor songs stopped and John's sad stories started.
"I guess I'll begin with my saddest story first. I forgot the room key in the car."

A man was walking down the street when he heard a distant voice say, "Climb the ladder to success."

The man then noticed a ladder leaning up against the building to his right. Again, he heard the voice: "Climb the ladder to success." The man shrugged and began to climb. The voice kept repeating itself and grew louder as the man approached the top. "Climb the ladder to success." Finally, the man reached the top of the building, where he found a fully n**... man. "Hi, I'm Sess."

A man is walking by a prison....

...when he sees a midget climbing out one of the cells at the top of the prison. The midget is climbing down a rope when he turns around and sees the man on the street. The midget flips off the men and continues to climb down the rope.

The man says to himself, "Wow, that's a little condescending."

I was disappointed when it turned out the axe I bought to climb with was useless for the job...

it was an anti-climb axe

How many McDonald's employees does it take to change a light bulb?

None. They can't climb the ladder.

People that climb mountains

just follow a natural inclination.

Air tragedy in Newfoundland...

A two-seater single engine Cessna 152 crashed in foggy conditions near the Gander airport, crashing into the nearby cemetery.
Newfie rescue squads have recovered 385 bodies so far, and that number is expected to climb as digging continues.

dirty minds

Hey s**... shut the door, drop your pants, climb on top of me, and satisfy your needs. love always your Toilet.

During a prison break, I saw a midget climb the fence of the prison yard. As he jumped down, he sneered at me...

I thought to myself, "well, that was a little con-descending."

How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?

Three, one to climb the ladder, one to shake it, and one to sue the ladder company.

How do you climb a triangle?

By scalene it

Cessna plane crashed into a cemetery

A small two-seater Cessna 152 plane crashed into a cemetery early this afternoon in central Poland. Polish search and rescue workers have recovered 300 bodies so far and expect that number to climb as digging continues into the evening.

swimming pool wishes

At a swimming pool: Three guys climb a high-dive tower and meet a good fairy who offers to fulfill a wish for each of them. One jumps and says, "Beer!" - and the pool is full of beer. The other one jumps, says, "Money!" and the pool is full of money. The last one starts to jump but slips and, falling, yells, "SHIIIIIIT!!!"

Midget scammer

So there was a midget scammer who was in a prison break. I watched him climb up and down the wall - it was a little condescending.

A nervous mountaineer looks at the steep mountain...

Which his guide had proposed to climb.
- Do people tumble down often here?
- No, the guide said, one time is usually enough.

Mommy! The boys at school pay me to climb trees!

"Honey, they only want you to do that so they can see your p**...!"
Yeah, I know, that's why I take them off.

I was walking today when i saw a man writing something on top of a lamp post

So i asked: "what are ye writing, mate?"
"Climb up here and read" - he answered
So i climbed up, read it and really shocked. It really said "climb up here and read"

If laziness were an olympic discipline...

... I'd want to finish 4th so I wouldn't have to climb the medals podium...

j**... sat proudly on his hazey steed

"Look at this!" He said, "I gave my horse a few puffs of the good herb, and he still managed to climb this towering mountain!"
"Get off your high horse, j**...." I replied.

While climbing barefoot up mountains to meditate, Ghandi would squeeze garlic into his mouth to deal with hunger pains from fasting

super calloused fragile mystic with extra halitosis

I've nicknamed my grandad Spiderman.

He doesn't have any superpowers, he just can't climb out of the bath.

A man enters a bar with a revolver

He climb up a table, looked around and yell.
The bar went silent for a minute when suddenly a man at the back says.
"you are gonna need more than 6 shots pal!"

How does a reptile climb a mountain?

It scales it

Two goats on top of a hill...

There are two goats on top of a hill eating grass. One says to the other I wish this was the kind of grass that gets you high. The other says did we not just climb this hill?

A cockroach's last words to a husband:

"Go ahead, kill me coward. You are just jealous I will make your wife scream more than you do when I climb her."

Boy: I'll pay you 10 bucks to climb up the flagpole.

Girl: ok.(climbs the flagpole) Girl: Mommy Mommy a boy paid me 10 bucks to climb the flagpole. Mom: He just wanted to see your underwear! ...Next Day... (Same boy): I'll pay you 20 BUCKS to climb the flagpole! Girl: OK thanks! (climbs the flagpole) Girl: Mommy Mommy today the boy paid me 20 BUCKS for climbing the flagpole, but today I tricked him this time I wasn't wearing underwear.

Jose and the Game.

Jose snuck across the border to America from Mexico and wanted to go a baseball game so when he went home, he could tell his family all about it. When he got there, the game was sold out, so he decided to climb to the top of a flag pole to get a better look. When he returned home, his family was anxious to hear about his experience:
"What happened?" asked his family.
"Well, America is the nicest place in the world!!" he said. "Before the game started, all the people in the stands and all the players stood up, looked at me and said, "Jose, can you see?"

Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team?

Because very one who can run, jump, climb, or swim is already in the US.

Two men are climbing a mountain. One of them slips and falls.

"Oh my god are you alive?!? Can you hear me?!?"
-- "Yes, I'm alive."
"Did you break your legs?"
-- "No, my legs are fine."
"Did you break your arms?
-- "No, they're OK."
"Well, thank goodness, climb back up!"
-- "I can't."
"Why not?"
-- "I'm still falling."

In 1939, an unusual farm animal named Gertrude became the first cow to climb to the peak of Everest carrying gear for the climbers, setting a world record that still stands unbroken.

Since then, the steaks have never been higher.

3 Belgians are sitting next to a river

3 Belgians are sitting next to a river, A crocodile swims past and they start to throw rocks at it. The crocodile gets angry and begins to swim towards them. 2 of them run and climb in a tree. They shout to the other "Why are you staying there, you better run before the crocodile comes!"
He replies "Why I didn't throw any Rocks"

Boy: I'll pay you 10 bucks to climb up the flagpole.

Boy: I'll pay you 10 bucks to climb up the flagpole.
Girl: ok.(climbs the flagpole)
Girl: Mommy Mommy a boy paid me 10 bucks to climb the flagpole. Mom: He just wanted to see your underwear!
...Next Day...
(Same boy): I'll pay you 20 BUCKS to climb the flagpole!
Girl: OK thanks! (climbs the flagpole)
Girl: Mommy Mommy today the boy paid me 20 BUCKS for climbing the flagpole, but today I tricked him this time I wasn't wearing underwear.

A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are running from the cops...

They duck into an abandoned warehouse, each find a an empty sack, and climb into it.
Cops follow and poke the bag with the brunette. The brunette goes woof! The policeman says, Oh, it's just a bag of dogs, and walks on.
They poke the bag with the redhead. The redhead goes meow! The policeman says, Oh, it's just a bag of cats, and walks on.
They poke the bag with the blonde and the blonde goes Potato. Potato.

Coffee filled to the brim

Boss : Muthu, how do you get it right? For 30 years you have been bringing me coffee filled to the brim every morning without spilling it?
Muthu: Before I climb up the stairs I take a big sip. As I get upstairs, I put it back.

My son asked me to give him a life lesson.

I said, "Son, you see that mountain over there?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "If you work really hard and you climb that moment, for days and says... what happens when you reach the top?"
He said, "You see amazing things?"
I said, "No, you realise you left your camera at the bottom. Then when you get back down there you realise that someone's stolen it. That's life."

A climber fell off a cliff, and, as he tumbled down, he caught hold of a small branch.

"Help! Is there anybody up there?" he shouted.
A majestic voice boomed through the gorge:
"I will help you, my son, but first you must have faith in me."
"Yes, yes, I trust you!" cried the man.
"Let go of the branch," boomed the voice.
There was a long pause, and the man shouted up again, "Is there anybody else up there?"

Why did the blonde climb on the glass wall?

To look over the other side.

My six year old daughters first non-knock knock joke, told as a knock knock joke

Her: Knock Knock
Me: Who's there?
Her: Why did the chicken climb up the ladder and back down again?
Me: Sweetie, this isn't a how knock knock jokes work.
Her: Dad, this isn't a knock knock joke
Me: Okay.....
Her: To get to the other slide

A young girl accepts a dare, and wins a dollar

she tells her mom about it, saying how the boys dared her to climb a post.
"Silly girl, that's so they could look up your skirt."
So the next day, the girl comes back and says "They tried to make me climb that post again, but I outsmarted them this time!"
"Really? What did you do?"
"I told them 'I'm not going to be fooled into reposting!"

I'm a roofer and earlier today my coworker asked me how I'm gonna get down from the roof of the house. I said I could jump or I could climb down.

I chose the latter

They say climbing stairs is like losing a child.

It never get's easier.

Anyone heard of the fugawee native american tribe?

Famous for being terrible navigators, would climb the highest mountains where ever they would travel, look around and yell "where the fugawee!!"

Welcome to my 3 step programme on how to climb ladders

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

A man is locked in a room with no doors or windows...

The only thing in there with him is a red marble and a blue marble.
He says, well, I have a red marble and I have a blue marble, and two haves make whole. And so he uses that whole to climb out.
You say, That's s**.... It's two *halves* that make a whole, not two 'haves.' And anyway a 'whole' isn't spelled the way he's using it.
Now that you pointed out the hole in his reasoning, he climbs out through that.

Why did the Dragonborn climb the 7000 steps?

He wanted to see what all the Fus was about.
(Credit to a youtube comment i saw)

Want to learn how to climb a flight of stairs?

Just follow these ten simple steps!

A blonde, brunette, and a red-head go to heaven

They meet St. Peter at a staircase with 100 stairs
St. Peter says, "To get to the gates, you need to climb the stairs, but on each stair is a joke or a riddle. If you laugh, you have to start over."
The red-head goes first. She gets to the first step and laughs.
The brunette goes next. She gets to the thirty second step, then laughs.
The blonde goes last. She got to the final step, and laughed.
St. Peter asks, "You were so close. Why did you laugh?"
The blonde replies, "I finally got the joke from the first step."

On my way to climb Mt. Everest, I came upon a local villager who said he had a rooster that laid eggs.

"How is that possible?" I asked.
"Himalayan rooster," he replied.

Climb joke, On my way to climb Mt. Everest, I came upon a local villager who said he had a rooster that laid egg

jokes about climb