
Citrus Fruit Jokes

20 citrus fruit jokes and hilarious citrus fruit puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about citrus fruit that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Citrus Fruit Short Jokes

Short citrus fruit jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The citrus fruit humour may include short citrus jokes also.

  1. Instead of mistletoe, we should hang up green citrus fruits so when you stand under them, you'll feel sublime.
  2. TIFU by getting k**... with a variety of citrus fruits... Ive just tested positive for lemonaids.
  3. Why you shouldn't have s**... i**... with a citrus fruit.... You may contract lemonaids.

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Citrus Fruit One Liners

Which citrus fruit one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with citrus fruit? I can suggest the ones about apple fruit and lemon lime.

  1. How many citrus fruits does it take to kill a pirate? None.
  2. What do you call assistants that help citrus fruit? Lemonade.
  3. You know what I think of submissive citrus fruits. They are sublime.
  4. Where do baby citrus fruits go to learn? A lemon tree school
  5. What do you call a citrus fruit underwater?
  6. Limes are the best sour citrus fruit. And lemons are absolutely sub-lime.
  7. Two promiscuous citrus fruits have unprotected s**... They get lemon-aids
  8. Did you hear the one about the s**... promiscuous citrus fruit? He got lemon aids.

Cheerful Fun Citrus Fruit Jokes for Lovely Laughter

What funny jokes about citrus fruit you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean lemons limes jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make citrus fruit pranks.

Ron, an elderly man in Florida...

Ron, an elderly man in Florida, had owned a large farm with a big pond in the backyard for several years. The pond was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nicely with picnic tables, horseshoe pits, and citrus trees.
One evening the old farmer decided to go down and check on the swimming hole, because he hadn't been to that area of the property in a while. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee.
As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence, and they all went to the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"
Ron frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim n**...."
Rob held the bucket up high and said, "I'm here to feed the alligator."