Church Of Christ Jokes
21 church of christ jokes and hilarious church of christ puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about church of christ that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Church Of Christ Short Jokes
Short church of christ jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The church of christ humour may include short church holy jokes also.
- I hate it when people at church always tell me Jesus Christ will return soon… Like dude, calm down, he was nailed to a cross, not a boomerang!
Food contamination scandal hits the church.
Communion wafers found to contain 0% Christ. - Church I'm going to start a religious sect for people who love both bible study and varietals of cheddar.
It shall be called The Church of Cheesus Christ. - The Pope, four cardinals, and 17 bishops walk into a Church. A parishioner sees this ensemble and says, Oh Christ, He's coming!
- Has anyone heard about the Fundamentalist Monkey Church? They all worship the word of Rhesus Christ.
- The Metro Church of Christ published a circular The circular says: Bored? Try a m**....
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Church Of Christ One Liners
Which church of christ one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with church of christ? I can suggest the ones about church offering and church.
- What's the motto for the church's spaceflight program? The Power of Christ Propels You!
- I asked my Japanese father why he drinks before church. "For Christ's sake, don't ask!"
- Do you know why churches don't have AC? Because it came After Christ.
Laughable Church Of Christ Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles
What funny jokes about church of christ you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean church pastor jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make church of christ pranks.
Convert today! $5000
Two elderly Jewish men were walking along when they came across a sign "Convert today! $5000." One of the men was interested and said he was going to see what it was all about. His friend had no interest and said he would wait on a bench. After 8 hours finally the man returns from the church.
"What happened that took forever?"
"Well the priest sat me down and explained to me all the things I have been doing wrong in my life. I realized he was right and I have converted."
"Yea yea but what about the $5000?"
"Jesus Christ is that all you people think about?"
An amateur group of Islamic film makers have posted a video on YouTube which mocks Christianity and Jesus Christ.
It is believed to be so offensive that St Mary's church in Dublin have postponed their tea and cake morning until next Wednesday, and Dorothy O'Neill from Dinlge has written a strongly worded letter.
When will the madness end?
A boy pokes a girl with a pin at church
The church priest asks the girl a question "who is our lord and savior?" *the boy stabs her with the pin* she yells "JESUS CHRIST" the priest says "good good, who created us" *the boy stabs her again* she yells "GOD ALMIGHTY" the priest says "good good, now, what did Eve say to Adam after they had their 42nd child?" *he stabs her again* the girl screams "IF YOU PUT THAT THING IN MY ONE MORE TIME IM GONNA SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR t**...!" The priest faints..
A drunk walks into a church.
Drunk: "I'm Jesus Christ!!!"
The pastor stops his sermon and just stares at him.
Drunk: "I'm Jesus Christ!!!"
Pastor: "Sir, you are not Jesus. Can you please leave?"
Drunk: "I am. And I can prove it. Follow me!"
The pastor and some church members follow him. He walks down the street a ways, crosses, and enters a bar. The pastor follows.
Bartender: "Jesus Christ! Are you here again?!"
Two Jews during the depression
Two Jewish guys are liking for work during the depression. They come across a atholic church that has a sign saying , "get saved; convert and receive $25".
One if the guys says, "my children are starving, I need that money" and goes in the church. His buddy waits for him and about am hour later he comes out. His buddy immediately ask, "did you get the money" to which the new follower of Christ responds, "is that all you people think about?"
You hear Pete Carroll is getting recruited for a new job..
Yeah, he is getting offers from the Pope at the Vatican! The Pope said that if he can make 100 million people say "Jesus Christ" at the same time, he needs to work for the Catholic Church
Because He Was Infected With Corona Virus
Mr. johnson went to Church on Sunday and gave testimony that he was infected with Corona virus and that God had healed him. When he finished, he tried to give the microphone to the second man who was waiting to give his own testimony, but the man refused to take it: The following conversation ensued:
2ndman – I have no testimony. Give it to Pastor.
(mr johnson tried to give the microphone to the Pastor)
Pastor – I'm not in charge of testimonies so give it to the Senior Pastor.
(mr johnson goes to the Senior Pastor)
Senior Pastor – Brother in Christ, the mic is yours. It's a gift from the Church. You may take it home.
Molly and Charlie were at Sunday school at their local church, and Molly, being tired, began to fall asleep. The Sunday school teacher then proceeded to ask:
''Who came down from heaven to save our souls?''
Charlie sticks a pin in Molly's arm as she wakes up with a start:
''Jesus christ!''
''Well done Molly, thats correct''
Molly then goes back to sleep. The teacher asks her another question:
''Who lives up in heaven and created the earth?''
Charlie again sticks the pin in her arm as she again wakes up:
''God almighty!''
''Correct again Molly''
Molly then goes to sleep for a third time, as the teacher asks her another question:
''What did Eve say to Adam after their 23rd baby?''
Charlie again sticks the pin in her arm as Molly wakes up and shouts:
''If you stick that thing in me one more time, I'll snap it in two!''
A visiting preacher in a small town...
is driving around, looking for the town's small church where he will do a community wide sermon. However, he can't seem to find it. As he drove on, he noticed a little boy walking down the side of the road. The preacher pulled over and asked him, "Hello son, what's your name? I need help finding your towns church."
The little boy replied, "Name's Johnny. Take a the next left, go down a block or so, drive past the school, and you'll see the church up on the small hill, sir."
"Why, thank you little Johnny." the preacher replied. Reaching into the glove box, he pulled out a flyer for the sermon. " Say, Johnny, why don't you come over to the sermon at noon today? I will be helping your community look for our savior Jesus Christ."
To which Johnny replied, "Fat chance. You can't even find the church."
(On mobile, sorry for any mistakes)