
Chris Christie Jokes

51 chris christie jokes and hilarious chris christie puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chris christie that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Chris Christie Short Jokes

Short chris christie jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chris christie humour may include short new jersey jokes also.

  1. I saw a single set of footprints in the sand... "Lord," I asked, "why is there but one set of footprints in the sand?"
    "My child," he tenderly replied, "Those are Chris Christie's."
  2. What did the beached whale say to Chris Christie? Well, looks like we both know how to empty a beach, huh?
  3. Chris Christie asked his staff... If they thought his image would recover from beach-gate.
    They told him "Fat chance!"
  4. Chris Christie's name... Is so dumb to me. It's just the male and female version of the same name. Like
    Eric Erica
    Daniel Danielle
    or Bruce Caitlyn
  5. Analysts are suprised Chris Christie ran for president in the first place They thought he'd walk
  6. So I heard Chris Christie is delving into sports radio... It would give all those people stuck on the bridge something to listen to.
  7. There was just an assassination attempt against Donald Trump... the terrorists found out that he was going to be appearing with Chris Christy and they replaced his bronzer with BBQ sauce.
  8. I asked Chris Christie if he was going to run for president in 2020 He said he'd cross that bridge when he got there.
  9. I was trying to decide on a good Chris Christie joke to tell at the party tonight... ...then I decided I would cross that bridge when I come to it.
  10. The reason Chris Christie didn't get into the Cabinet came out today He'd rather be in the Pantry.

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Chris Christie One Liners

Which chris christie one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chris christie? I can suggest the ones about christopher columbus and chris brown.

  1. Chris Christie is so fat, he plans on walking for president.
  2. Chris Christie stopped running... Go figure
  3. How did Chris Christie win office? No one knows. He certainly never runs.
  4. Why is Chris Christie such a successful man? Because he is too big to fail.
  5. Chris Christie's Favorite New Dessert??? Impeach Cobbler
  6. Did you hear about the new Chris Christie biopic? "Life of Pie."
  7. Chris Christies mom told him to run. She didn't mean for president though...
  8. Why is Chris Christie so sad? Drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars.
  9. Chris Christie's so fat... He takes up the whole beach.
  10. Three people walk into a room two of them are Chris Christie.
  11. What does this relationship have in common with Chris Christie? It's not working out.
  12. What is Chris Christie's favorite tv show? Not *The Bridge*.
  13. Why couldn't Ebola cross the bridge? Chris Christie blocked it.
  14. Why does Chris Christie play golf? For the chipping
  15. Chris Christie can't run... Literally.

Delightful Fun Chris Christie Jokes for a Roaring Good Time

What funny jokes about chris christie you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean christopher walken jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chris christie pranks.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has said that he may run for President, but analysts predict it is much more likely that he will walk.

Chris Christie is married to a fairly attractive woman...

Apparently they're pretty hot and heavy.

Chris Christie is running for president...

craziest thing he's done since he let Leia strangle him.

What is the difference between Donald Trump and Chris Christie?

When things go south,Trump burns bridges, Christie just shuts them down.

Why did Chris Christie endorse Donald Trump?

Christie wants the highest cabinet position possible because he knows - the higher cabinet is where they keep all the cookies!

Why didn't they tell Chris Christie they took his pony away?

He would've found it hard to digest.

Donald Trump's gut was to go with Chris Christie for VP,

...but Chris Christie's gut had already gone for the buffet.

Why did Donald Trump cross the road?

To get to the other side of Chris Christie.
From the book:
Donald Trump Is F**king Goofy: Jokes and Limericks

The good news for New Jersey, now that Donald Trump is president...

...Chris Christie will step down as governor to become the Secretary of Transportation.

Right now there's speculations as to whether Chris Christie will be part of the cabinet....

.... or stealing snacks from it.

Thank god Chris Christie wasn't wearing his Stars'n'Stripes speedo on the beach yesterday...

Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. v**... Islands, and the Marianas would've been automatically granted statehood.

jokes about chris christie