
Chocolate Cake Jokes

22 chocolate cake jokes and hilarious chocolate cake puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chocolate cake that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Chocolate Cake Short Jokes

Short chocolate cake jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chocolate cake humour may include short chocolate jokes also.

  1. I've started calling my girlfriend names like custard, Ice cream, Pudding, Chocolate cake, or Apple pie. I'm planning to desert her.
  2. My son is so ungrateful I bought him a peanut butter chocolate chip cake for his birthday. He just grabbed his EpiPen and complained to me about it; selfish brat!
  3. Irony: I baked a Death By Chocolate Cake... and gave it to my dog to celebrate his birthday.
  4. Today is the Dali Lamas 82nd birthday but he couldn't decide if he wanted a vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry birthday cake... he decided to be made one with everything.
  5. If brown cake tastes like chocolate and white cake tastes like vanilla, what does yellow cake taste like? Uranium
  6. My wife accused me of cheating today. I didn't mean to But today was cheat day and that chocolate cake was good.
  7. The dark chocolate cake we had at Christmas dinner was so unbelievably rich ... ... it actually benefitted from the Republican tax plan.
  8. I really enjoy a nicely deconstructed Black Forrest cake It's fantastic, I just leave out the cream, the chocolate, the sponge and the cherries, allowing me to enjoy the wholesome Kirsch
  9. My friend says he has lots of chocolate at home I said "Jaffa cake?"
    He said, "only on my birthday"
  10. What do you call someone who would do *anything* for a chocolate snack cake? A h**... h**... h**....
    (merry xmas!)

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Chocolate Cake One Liners

Which chocolate cake one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chocolate cake? I can suggest the ones about chocolate ice cream and baking cake.

  1. Why do Jews like chocolate cake? Because its really rich
  2. Pardon me? Are you Chocolate Cake sir?
    That depends who's frosting?
  3. How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin? First, invade ze kitchen...
  4. Happy birthday amazing cup cake wallpapers,chocolate cake pictures
  5. What do you call a chocolate cake?? A dindonuffin muffin

Amusing & Witty Chocolate Cake Jokes for Laughter-Filled Fun

What funny jokes about chocolate cake you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean wedding cake jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chocolate cake pranks.

Finish what you start!

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start.
So far today, I have finished two bags of chips and a chocolate cake.
I feel better already.

Timmy and Billy compare Christmas presents...

Two 9 year old boys, Timmy and Billy, met after Christmas. Billy asked, "How was your Christmas, Timmy? Did you get any nice presents?"
Timmy's eyes opened wide. "It was amazing!" he said. "I got an Xbox One with all of the games, PLUS a Playstation, a brand new remote control car, a helicopter, an iPad, an iPhone 6, a drone camera, and all the Transformers toys, and a whole bunch of candy and chocolates, a big cake, and a new bike! I got everything I asked for and more."

"Oh my God!" Billy said. "That's so cool. You're so lucky. I didn't get much. I got a new sweater and some puzzles."
"That's too bad," Timmy said. "How come that's all you got?"
Billy looked at his feet. "Because *I* don't have cancer."