Chinese Food Jokes
110 chinese food jokes and hilarious chinese food puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chinese food that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Funniest Chinese Food Short Jokes
Short chinese food jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chinese food humour may include short chinese meal jokes also.
- My Chinese waiter thinks all white people look alike and gave my food to the wrong customer. Wait. Never mind. That wasn't my waiter.
- There is one thing that United got right: their food is just great. I hear they even serve a Chinese take-out now.
- Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because he felt crumby. - my 4 y.o. daughter
- Chinese Food: $16.72 Gas to Get to Restaurant: $1.94 Getting Home and Realizing They Forgot One of Your Food Containers: Riceless
- I told a Chinese guy that they always smell like Chinese food. He said "aw that's lo, mein."
- Chinese takeout Chinese food to go $15. Gas to go pick it up $1.50. Getting home and realizing they forgot one of my containers.... Riceless.
- My Chinese waiter thinks all white people look alike and gave my food to the wrong person. Oh wait, that wasn't my waiter
- Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant Ten minutes into the meal, Luke's still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, *Use the fork, Luke.*
- I just had dinner at a Chinese-German fusion restaurant a couple of hours ago The food was great but now I'm hungry for power.
- I hear the Star Wars universe is so advanced, you can get Chinese food directly over the internet... They use an e-wok.
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Chinese Food One Liners
Which chinese food one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chinese food? I can suggest the ones about chinese restaurant and chinese takeout.
- How much do you weigh after eating Chinese food? Wonton
- Chinese Food is amazing but I do find it hard to believe that a chicken fried this rice
- Did you hear about the food fight at the Chinese buffet? It was wanton violence.
- Why does Fozzie Bear make lots of Chinese food ? He loves to use his wokka wokka!
- What does 2,000 pounds of Chinese food weigh? Won ton.
- What is the world record for the most Chinese food eaten in one sitting? Roughly wonton.
- I ordered 2205lbs of Chinese food the other day... It was Wonton
- I ordered 2000lbs of Chinese food It was won ton
- What do you call a chinese food truck? A Wok in the Park
- Refusing dessert after eating Chinese food... Will cost you a fortune.
- I was cooking Chinese food down in Yosemite ... It was a Wok in the park.
- What do you call a Chinese woman with a food mixer on her head? Brenda.
- How do you make the best Americanized Chinese food? Like Tso.
- What's the heaviest Chinese food? wonton :3
- What food does United Airlines serve? Chinese take out.
Loads of Fun with Charming Humor Chinese Food Jokes
What funny jokes about chinese food you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chinese takeaway jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chinese food pranks.
We have so many nationalities.
It's gotten to the point now that you can go into any fast food place, and you can find out what kind of neighborhood you're in just by the ethnic group that works there.
It's like, if Chinese people work there, you're in a Chinese neighborhood; if black people work there, you're in a black neighborhood; if white people work there, then you're in Utah.
An international school teacher asks a question: "What's your own opinion on food scarcity in other countries?"
**An African student:** What's food?
**A European student:** What's scarcity?
**An American student:** What are 'other countries'?
**A Chinese student:** What's 'my own opinion'?
Lately, i called a chinese restaurant for a reservation
i also mentioned that i would bring my little dog.
They told me: "No outside food allowed!"
Did you hear about the Chinese-German restaurant?
Great food but half an hour later, you are hungry for power.
So a teacher asks his class the question...
"What's your opinion on donating food to foreign countries?" The African student says, "What's food?" The Indian student says, "What's donating?" The American student says, " What's foreign countries?" And the Chinese student says, "What's my opinion?"
Four kids walk into an interview...
Four kids walk into an interview. One is American, one is British, one is African, and one is Chinese. The interviewer asks them all the same question: "In your own opinion, what do you think of the scarcity of food in other countries?" The British kid asks "What is scarcity?" The American kid asks "What are other countries?" The African kid asks "What is food?" And the Chinese kid asks "What is my own opinion?"
A teacher at an international school...
asks her class what their opinion is on giving food to people in other countries.
The Jewish kid asks "What is giving?"
The African kid asks "What is food?"
The Chinese kid asks "What is my opinion?"
And the American kid asks "What are other countries?"
Eating Chinese food is like getting an o**... transplant
There's always a chance your body will reject it.
An International School Teacher
...starts a lesson with her 4 students, who are an American kid, an African kid, a European kid and a Chinese kid. She asks "what's your opinion on food scarcity in other countries?"
first, the African kid asks "what's food?"
the European kid asks "what's scarcity?"
the American kid asks "what's other countries?"
and finally the Chinese kid asks "what's my own opinion?"
What kind of chinese food goes on adventures?
Crab ragoonies
How much did Juan weigh after eating Chinese food?
Juan ton
The U.N. initiates a poll...
The United Nations initiated a poll with the request, "Please tell us your honest opinion about the lack of food in the rest of the world."
The poll was a total failure.
The Russians did not understand "Please". The Italians did not know the word "honest". The Chinese did not know what an "opinion" was. The Europeans did not know "lack", while the Africans did not know "food". Finally, the Americans didn't know anything about the "rest of the world".
A Muslim man went to China...
And went to a nearby Chinese restaurant. He orders his food and, being the faithful Muslim man he is, he wants to make sure that his food isn't pork.
He asks the waiter "Is this pork?" but the waiter doesn't know any English.
So instead he points at his food and says "Oink?"
The waiter quickly shakes his head and says "Meow"
What do you call an easy lifestyle revolving around eating Chinese food?
Lo Meintenance
There were two chefs who got married, she was Chinese and he was German.
They opened a restaurant together.
The food is good, but a half hour after you eat dinner, you're hungry for power.
You know what they say when you gamble with Chinese food,
you dim sum, you lose some.
There were two chefs. She was Chinese, he was German.
They fell in love, got married, and opened a restaurant together. The food is terrific, and very interesting; however...
A half hour after you eat there, you are hungry for power.
Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant.
Luke and Obi-Wan walk into a Chinese restaurant. Ten minutes into the meal, Luke's still having trouble with the chopsticks, dropping food everywhere. Obi-Wan finally snaps, Use the forks, Luke.
The Jewish Year is 5776. As of yesterday, the Chinese year is 4714...
That means Jews had to exist for 1,062 years without Chinese Food. They call this time, "The Dark Age."
What did Picard say when Riker asked him what kind of Chinese food he wanted?
"Make it Tso's Number One."
Spanish Dad Joke
A mexican father and son were at the mall and the son finally convinced his dad to try Chinese food.
"But it's so dry!" said the father.
"No it's not, they put lots of stuff on their plates," replied the son.
"Like what?" the father asked.
"Soy Sauce" he answered.
The father stared for a minute and then said, "Hola Sauce... *soy Dad*"
German Chinese food is great but it only has one problem.
An hour later you're hungry for power.
A Dutch, English and Chinese man wash up on an island
A Dutch, English and Chinese man survive a boat accident and wash up on an island. They need food, water and supplies to survive the night.
The Dutch guys says that he will gather the food, the English man will get water and the Chinese man is send for supplies.
When the Dutch and the English man come back with food and water the Chinese man is nowhere to be found. They wait a bit till they can't wait longer and start preparing the food.
The Dutch and English guy start eating and out of nowhere the Chinese guy jumps out the bushes and shouts: " SUPPLIES ".
What do you call a dog in a sub?
A subwoofer!
Now again:
What do you call a dog in a sub?
Chinese food!
A man was arrested for dumping Chinese food on his neighbor's computer
He was charged with wonton destruction of property
I just had some mediocre chinese food ...
it was Tso Tso
I just had dessert after my Chinese food, but there was no paper in my cookie.
That's unfortunate.
My girlfriend is amazing, she is a Chinese food chef
So shes very Lo Mein-tenance
If i get a rat tail...
If i get a rat tail on my chinese food, should i complain or is it on the house?
What do Chinese food and entropy calculations have in common?
they both feature some dim sums
Every province in China has its own, unique foods.
Panda Chinese Kitchen comes from the Heatlamp province.
TIL that in China, Chinese foods is called "food"
Sometimes, they are pet too.
Which is the best Asian food, Vietnamese or Chinese?
It's a Thai.
Apparently George Lucas got tired of retirement
These days he's working on a new Internet Protocol, specifically for delivering Chinese food.
He's calling it eWok.
What's the problem with German-Chinese food?
An hour after you eat it you're hungry for power again!
What app did the Star Wars fan use to order Chinese food?
Hear about the guy who was prejudiced against Chinese food?
What a riceist.
One day, Obi-Wan and Luke visit a Chinese restaurant...
Obi-Wan is eating normally, but Luke is having so much trouble with the chopsticks he's spilling the food all over the table.
Eventually, Obi-Wan becomes angry and says, "Use the forks, Luke!"
I destroyed a bag of leftover Chinese food
It was an act of won ton destruction.
So there was a shopkeeper who didn't liked Chinese
One day a Chinese man came to him and asked:
-I want buy dog food.
-I won't sell you dog food unless you come with dog.
-But I not want to come to shop with a dog.
Later he came with his dog and got his dog food.
The next day he came again and said:
-I want buy cat food.
-I won't sell you cat food unless you come with a cat.
-But I not want to come to shop with cat.
Later he came with his cat and got his cat food.
The next day he came with a paper bag:
-Put hand inside.
-Just put hand inside.
-I want buy toilet paper.
What does a one night stand and cooking bad Chinese food have in common?
Both end in a wok of shame
Have you ever had German Chinese food?
An hour after you eat it, you're hungry for power.
UN sent a survey to children from different country: " Regarding the problem of food shortage in other countries, what's your opinion?" Surprisingly no kids understand the question.
American kids: "what's other countries ...?"
European kids: "what's shortage ...?"
Africa kids: "what's food ...?"
Chinese kids: "what's my opinion ...?"
Why can't paraplegics cook Chinese food?
Because they can't "wok."
Note: May be cheesy and offensive, but I coined this joke when humor could be silly and irreverent, and y'all were begging for non-reposts.
What does Lorena Bobbitt use to eat Chinese food?
A man was arrested after running a red light and hitting a Chinese food delivery car.
He is charged with careless driving and wonton destruction.
Elton John hates ordering Chinese food
Soya seems to be the hardest word
An American brings a Chinese Man to a hotdog stand.
The American orders a hotdog and assures the Chinese Man that the food here is very good.
When the hotdog is finished cooking and served, the Chinese Man begins to look pale.
The American asks, What's wrong?
The Chinese Man replies, When we eat dogs, we typically remove this part of the body.
How I eat Chinese food and how I have s**... are exactly the same.
As hard as I can for 5 minutes, a 20 minute break, as hard as I can for 5 minutes, then a look of disgust.
I like my women like my Chinese food
Sweet, sour, and cheap
I don't care for much Chinese food, but when I see a big plate of egg noodles I go nuts
I'm kind of a Lo meiniac
I was just minding my business at lunch when a police officer came and took a handful of my Chinese food...
it was a blatant violation of my rice.
What do you call a crazy song chorus about Chinese food?
An Insane lo main refrain
What do you call it when you have s**... with Chinese food
Raw dog
A Chinese woman goes to a local fast food restaurant.
The cashier: What can I get you ma'am?
The woman orders.
The cashier then jumps over the counter and begins groping and attempting to kiss the woman in public,
The woman freaks out and pushed him away screaming Why you do dis??
The cashier says: You said you wanted dirty s**...?!
The woman: I say I wanna number 36!
What do we want?
Chinese food!
*When do we want it?*
Fifteen minute.
Ordered Chinese food last night
When the delivery guy showed up to deliver it I went out to meet him saw it was a little Chinese man and he started shouting isolate isolate I looked at him and laughed and said you're not late it's only been 15 minutes since I ordered
Chinese food....
Have you ever tried Chinese Meat b**...?
....They are the dogs b**...!
First we discovered TikTok was a Chinese spying app, then we discovered China was putting spyware in the electronics they sell us...
And today the fortune cookie in my Chinese food reminded me I needed to buy milk.
A man rang the Chinese restaurant to order some food...
"Can I speak to Ha-Fin?"
"No, Ha-Fin is out."
"Is that Ha-Fout?"
"No, Ha-Fout is not in."
"Well, who is that?"
"I'm Ha-Fup, the receptionist."
"Sorry, I'll call you back when you're not busy."
An international school teacher asks: What's your own honest opinion on food scarcity in other countries?
An African student responds: What's food?
A Western European student: What's scarcity?
An Eastern European student: What's honest?
A Chinese student: What's opinion?
A Russian student: What's your?
An American student: What's other countries?