Chine Jokes
105 chine jokes and hilarious chine puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chine that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Laughable Chine Jokes for Instant Grins & Giggles
What is a good chine joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.
What did one Chinese man say to the other Chinese man?
Chinese takeout $15.00, gas to get there $1.50
Getting home to find they've forgotten one of your dishes.
I just saw my chinese waiter give my order to someone who looks nothing like me. I get it now.
Oh wait, my bad. That wasn't my waiter.
Chinese takeout $20.00.. Gas to pick it up $10.00..
Getting home and realising they have forgotten one of your containers..
I was at a Chinese restaurant...
when I realized that a duckling is a small duck. So I decided to cancel my order of steamed dumplings.
A Chinese woman storms into a bank and up to the front of the line.
She slams her hand down on the counter and demands the teller's attention.
"My stock," she says, "yesterday was worth one hundred dollar a share! Now is ninety five! Why? You try to rip me off?"
The teller smiles and says "No ma'am. Fluctuations."
The lady's face turns a bright shade of crimson and she screams "We'll fluc you white people too!"
Chinese Proverb
Catch a man a fish and he eats for day. Teach a man to fish and you never see him on weekends.
Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
Because he felt crumby. - my 4 y.o. daughter
A Chinese farmer tells a judge he wants a divorce...
So the judge asks him why. The farmer says, "I'm just a simple farmer, I never went to school, and I don't know very much. But I do know this: when I plant corn, I get corn; when I plant rice, I get rice; now when I plant Chinese boy and black boy comes out, something's wrong."
The Chinese government is trying to help working women by providing breast milk couriers...
The couriers take the breast milk from the factory where the mother works to the factory where the baby works.
There were 3 Chinese men...
Han, Chan and Fan were planning on migrating to the USA.
They all wanted to assimilate as quickly as possible, so they decided to adopt more traditional American sounding names.
Han decided that he would be Huck.
Chan decided that he would be Chuck.
And Fan...well Fan decided that he`d stay in China.
What does a Chinese bear fry eggs in?
A pan, duh!
Chinese takeout
Chinese food to go $15. Gas to go pick it up $1.50. Getting home and realizing they forgot one of my containers.... Riceless.
I am sorry five.
A Chinese man is walking down the street after just arriving in the U.S. for the first time. He possesses a limited understanding of English. While caught up in the splendor of the city he accidentally bumps into another person.
The Chinese man quickly responds "I'm Sorry!"
The American man says, "I am sorry too."
The Chinese man says "I am sorry three."
The American says "What are you sorry for?"
The Chinese man replies "I am sorry five."
Did you know that 50% of the Chinese have cataracts?
The rest drive rincolns.
Chinese man in a London bank
A Chinese man living in London went to the bank and asked the banker, "Why I have less money in my account than yesterday?" The banker replied, "Fluctuations." The Chinese man said, "Oh yeah? Well fluck you Blitish too!"
The Chinese have successfully tested their new Stealth Drones.
Not only will they be used in Recon and Combat missions but they will have the ability to drop vital equipment onto the battlefield.
They will have the element of supplies.
A Chinese couple named Mr. and Mrs. Wong went to the hospital to have a baby...
Mrs. Wong had the baby soon after they arrived, and after they got to see their child, a nurse took it away for medical examinations. When she returned, she was carrying a white baby, not an Asian one. Mr. Wong was surprised and a little annoyed at the mistake and curtly told the nurse to go back and get their actual baby. The nurse insisted that it was the correct child, but Mr. Wong was positive that a mistake had been made, because, as he put it, "Two Wongs don't make a white."
Chinese magican
Did you hear about the Chinese Magican who did magic with Chocolate?
I heard he had loads of Twix up his sleeve.
I went out for Chinese last night, I told the waiter that the chicken was rubbery...
He thanked me.
Chinese takeout: $10.25. Gas to get there and back: $3.25.
Realizing that you got all the way home without one of the containers: riceless
A chinese man goes to the eye doctor...
The doctor says "You have cataract. " and the chinese guy says "No, I have a rinkin continental."
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Chine One Liners
Which chine one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chine? I can suggest the ones about chip and maker.
- If you are chines man and you name are Lee Do yo never feel LoneLee
- There are two things that can be seen from space: 1. The Great Wall of Chine
2. Yo Momma