
Chicken Road Jokes

103 chicken road jokes and hilarious chicken road puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chicken road that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Chicken Road Short Jokes

Short chicken road jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chicken road humour may include short chicken cross road jokes also.

  1. Why did the pig cross the road? Because the chicken told him to teargas protestors for a photo-op
  2. A chicken saw a duck standing by the side of the road. The chicken called out to the duck: Don't do it pal. You'll never hear the end of it!
  3. From my 9 year old yesterday... Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To visit the idiot...
    Knock Knock
    Who's there?
    The chicken.
  4. A Duck is about to cross the road When a chicken runs out to stop him screaming "Don't do it man - you'll never hear the end of it!"
  5. Ok my 4 year old came up with this one, not sure he really understands how clever it is though... Why did the Dragon Cross the Road? He wanted to eat some chicken.
  6. A duck was waiting to cross the road, when a chicken came running up. "Whatever you do, don't do it!" shouted the chicken. "You'll never hear the end of it!"
  7. A Duck is standing on the side of the road waiting a for break in the traffic... A chicken walks up to him and says Don't do it, you'll never hear the end of it.
  8. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the dummies house.
    Knock knock... Who's there?
    A chicken.
    My 6 year old nephew's favorite joke. Tells it every chance he gets.
  9. A chicken walks up to a duck that's considering crossing the road. Don't do it, pal, the chicken says, you'll never hear the end of it.
  10. I grilled a chicken for over two hours last night... he still wouldn't tell me why he crossed the road

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Chicken Road One Liners

Which chicken road one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chicken road? I can suggest the ones about chicken crossing road and chicken cross the road.

  1. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because of a rotten banana or whatever.
  2. Why did the chicken cross the road? To take a photo in front of a church.
  3. Why did Bill Barr gas protestors? So the chicken could cross the road
  4. Why did the chicken cross the road? To escape Kim Jong Un's long range missiles.
  5. Why did the plant-based chicken cross the road? Idk, it's beyond meat.
  6. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.
  7. Turkey cross the road Why did the turkey cross the road?
    To prove he wasn't chicken.
  8. I grilled a chicken for 2 hours. It still wouldn't tell me why it crossed the road.
  9. Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove it wasn't chicken.
  10. Why did the turkey cross the road twice? To prove to everyone he wasn't chicken
  11. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the accordion player.
  12. Why did the depressed chicken stop in the middle of the road? To get to the Other Side
  13. Why didn't the chicken cross the road? He was a chicken
  14. Why did the chicken cross the road? To find people who care about its cake day.
  15. Why did the chicken cross the road? To get away from the accordion recital.

Humorous Chicken Road Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about chicken road you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chicken crossing the road jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chicken road pranks.

The Horse and the Chicken

One day the horse and the chicken were walking along the road near the farm, merrily chatting away. Suddenly, the horse fell into a muddy hole and couldn't get out.
"Help help Chicken! I've fallen and I can't get out of this hole!", the Horse yelled. "Don't worry," said the chicken. "I'll just get the farmer's BMW and pull you out!"
The chicken did this, and all was well. The following day, without thinking the chicken fell into the same hole.
"Help help Horse! I've fallen into this hole and I can't get out!"
The horse smiled and said, "Don't worry Chicken. Just grab a hold of my w**...!"
"Well, when you're hung like a horse, you don't need BMWs to pick up chicks."

My nieces joke

I was telling my little niece some jokes, and she loved them and started making up her own, but she doesn't quite understand how jokes work yet.
Her: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: I don't know, why DID the chicken cross the road?

What did grandpa say before he kicked the bucket?

How far do you think i can kick this bucket?
Also, Why did the chicken cross the road?
[He was in the bucket](/spoiler)

Dark Joke from my sister when she was 6.

Her: How did the dead baby get across the road?
Me: How?
Her: It was stapled to the chicken.
Me: .....

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To push Jake off a cliff.... he really hates Jake.
as told by my 6 year old who hates a kid named Jake.

A joke I am stealing from a little girl

Her: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: Why?
Her: To get to the ugly guy's house.
Me: ???
Her: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Her: It's the chicken!

My cute younger brother's contribution.

Brother: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: Don't know, why?
Brother: To go to the ugly guy's house.
Me: Huh??
Brother: Knock, knock.
Me: Who's there?
Brother: The chicken.

A chicken walks in to a bar...

A chicken walks in to a bar. The bartender says, "What'll be, chicken?"
The chicken says, "I'd like a nice pale ale with some type of a fruit flavor."
The bartender says, "You want the bar across the road."

TIL The chicken crossing the road jokes real meaning

To get to the other side was also a comment on the afterlife, as in the "other side" as in knowing he'd die crossing the road. I'm 37, heard this joke so many times, and not once put this together till now. /mind blown

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Me: Why?
Him: To get to the s**... persons house.
Me: *voluntary laugh as older cousin*
Him: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
Him: It's the chicken!

This is My "classic" joke

A Catholic Priest, a Rabbi, and an Atheist walk into a bar. The bartender says, "Oh g**..., no! We don't like jokes in here and if you guys are a part of one, you're gonna have to leave right now!" So the catholic priest, rabbi, and atheist leave the bar and a chicken walks in. The bartender says, "OH COME ON! We don't serve CHICKENS in here!" The chicken says, "Do you know somewhere that does?" The bartender says, "Yeah.." The chicken asks, "Well, where is it?" The bartender says, "It's across the road."

Why did the duck cross the road?

Waiter:"I don't know and I don't care, how exactly do you plan to pay for the meal you just bought Mr.Chicken?"
Chicken:"Just put it on my bill."
Waiter:"You don't have a bill..."
Chicken:"No bill? oh you shouldn't have, I'll see myself out!"

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Me:I don't know why?
6: He didnt, he got hit by a truck!

Two blondes meet on a village road.

One of the blondes was carrying a large gunny bag over her shoulder.
'Hey there,' hailed second blonde, 'what is in the bag?'
'Chickens,' came the reply.
'If I guess how many, can I have one?'
'You can have both of them.'
'OK.. five?' Said the second blonde.

A chicken joke

Son: Dad, why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: I don't know. Why?
Son: To get to the ugly man's house.
Me: Hmm...
Son: Knock! Knock!
Me: Who's there?
Son: The Chicken!
Me: You're no son of mine.

Knock !!!!

My daughter told me this one. I hadn't heard it before.
daughter: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: I don't know.
daughter: She was going to visit the d**....
Me: ?
daughter: Knock, knock
Me: Who's there?
daughter: The Chicken
Me: :/

A Rabbi, an atheist, and a Priest walk into a bar.

The bartender says, "What?! If this is some sort of joke you have to leave!" So they all walk out.
A few minutes later a chicken walks into the bar. The bartender yells, "Come on! We don't even serve chickens!"
The chicken asks, "Do you know anywhere that does?"
The bartender replies, "Yeah... It's right across the road."

Two Blondes....

Two blondes are walking down a road, one has a large sports bag.
1st blonde: "What have you got in that bag?"
2nd blonde: "Chickens."
1st blonde: "If I can guess how many chickens you've got in that bag, can I have one of them?"
2nd blonde: "If you can guess how many chickens I've got in this bag, you can have BOTH of them!!"
1st blonde: "Well, I think you've got three."

A Priest, Rabbi and Atheist walk into a bar and each ask for a drink

The bartender, saying nothing and looking disdained, points to a sign clearly labelled: **NO JOKES SERVED HERE**
Without a fight the Priest, Rabbi and Atheist leave the bar, heads hanging.
The next day a chicken walks in and plops down on the barstool.
Wiping the inside of a glass, the bartender approached and asks the chicken Are you part of this joke?
Yeah. the chicken replies.
Again, he points to the sign: **NO JOKES SERVED HERE**
The chicks argues Well then how's a chicken supposed to get his beak wet?
The bartender pointed out the window and said There's another bar across the road.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because America's aging infrastructure doesn't adequately provide footbridges or pedestrian underpasses.

Why did the duck stand in the middle of the road?

He wanted to prove he's not a chicken!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The road betrayed it first.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the idiots house.
Knock , knock.

Who's there?
The chicken.

Why did the pervert cross the road?

He was still stuck to the chicken.

My daughter pulled this on her aunt

Her: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Aunt: I don't know. Why?
Her: To get to the old lady's house
Aunt: ???
Her: Knock knock
Aunt: Who's there?
Her: The chicken

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Colonel Sanders wanted to show him a secret...

There was once a chicken who was in a loving relationship with a salad. Unfortunately, the salad died and went to heaven. A few years later, the chicken got run over trying to cross the road. The chicken died and went to heaven.

Finally, the chicken Caesar salad.

A duck was standing by the road

A chicken walked up and said don't do it. You will never hear the end of it

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The road was inanimate and couldn't cross the chicken.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To bock traffic.
(A kid I work with told this to me with the biggest grin on their face, I had a laugh and felt the need to share this.)

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: Because the other chickens weren't wearing masks

Why did the chicken cross the road? (Courtesy of my 5 year old)

Because chickens are s**...!

A duck is standing next to a busy road, cars are zooming by, while he waits for a break in traffic. Then a Chicken walks by and says " don't do it.. "

" .. you'll never hear the end of it "

The best Knock Knock joke

Me- "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Dad- "Why"
Me- "To get to the idiots house BAHAHA"
Dad- "That's s**..."
Me- "Fine this one is better, Knock Knock"
Dad- "Who's there"
Me- "The chicken :)"

Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

Because chickens were not invented yet

Q:Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: To visit his friend the d**....
M: Knock knock
Y: Who's there
M: Your friend the chicken!
[My 7yo told me this one and caught me off guard...]

I saw Usain Bolt sprinting around the track shouting, "Why did the chicken cross the road!?"

It was a running joke.

Why did the depressed chicken crossed the road?

To get to the other sigh.

The other day I decided to grill a chicken for supper.

I grilled it for over TWO HOURS, but it still wouldn't tell me why it crossed the road.

I grilled a chicken

I grilled a chicken today for half the day......
And I still don't know why he crossed the road.

The blonde, the policeman, the jew, and the chicken from the other side of the road enter a bar.

The bartender stares at them for a few seconds, then asks: "Is this a joke?"

Why did the farmer cross the road?

To get his chicken back.
(Credit goes to my little sister. Did this one when she was eight. She's a legend.)

A turkey is about to cross the road...

When suddenly the chicken appears and says, 'Don't do it man! You'll never hear the end of it'

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it had crippling depression, it was constantly reminded that it's life was worthless to those it was looked down on by. A mere piece of meat, not a living creature, worthy of respect, and dignity. It didn't want to live in a constant state of fear and depression, knowing that it's only purpose in life would be death. So it escaped the farm, and took off to the highway... it saw the lights, and though the creature feared death, it was relieved to be free from the fear that plagued it.
So in short... to get to the other side.

Why did the chicken cross the road?

For some fowl reason, probably.

My 10 y/o son told me this.

Him: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Me: Why?
Him: To find the idiot.
Him: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Him: The chicken...
I saw it coming with the knock knock joke but it made me laugh.

Inspired by the chicken jokes

Why did Adele cross the road?
To sing hello from the otherside

Why did the rooster cross the road?

He saw a sign that said "Chicken strips for a buck"!

I grilled a chicken for over 2 hours yesterday.

And he still didn't tell me why he crossed the road!

Why did the chicken cross the road?

He was feeling cooped up.
In so sorry, I know its lame, but I heard it at work and had to share...

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because it wanted to show the other chickens that it had guts. (Courtesy of my daughter)

A truck driver was speeding down a country road and ran over a rooster. Being an honest man, he walked to the farm house and knocked on the door. An old man answered the door. Sir, he said, I would like to replace your rooster .

Suite yourself he said. The chickens are out back

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To show the possum it could be done...

Why did the Texan chicken cross the road?

To prove to the armadillo that it could be done.

What do you call a chicken who crosses the road, rolls in the mud, and then crosses back again?

A dirty double-crosser.

I bought a chicken to make sandwiches.

It doesn't. It s**... on the floor, after it crosses the road.

A turkey tries crossing the road

But a chicken stops him and says 'Don't do it, man. You'll never hear the end of it.'

Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the d**...'s house. Knock knock.
(Who's there?)
The chicken.
(As told by my 4th grader today)

Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road?

To get to the other side

jokes about chicken road