
Chest Jokes

170 chest jokes and hilarious chest puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chest that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

These hilarious chest jokes will leave you clutching your stomach in stitches. From jokes about hairy chests, small chests, treasure chests, bird chests, and more, to jokes about chest pain, chest infections and even jokes about other body parts such as the heart and belly, there's something for everyone - even some thigh-slapping puns! Get ready to laugh.

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Funniest Chest Short Jokes

Short chest jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chest humour may include short lung jokes also.

  1. Dad: [grabs chest] Quick! Call me an ambulance. Me: [hesitantly] You're... an ambulance.
    Dad: I'm- I'm so proud of you, son [dies]
  2. A trans man went to his therapist and then a gender reassignment surgeon. To both of them he said the same thing... I need to get something off my chest.
  3. What does it mean when a man looks deep into your eyes? it means that you are flat chested.
  4. Yesterday, my wife told me she has breast cancer Honey, she said, there's a couple things I need to get off my chest.
  5. I was digging in the garden when I found a chest full of gold coins. I was about to run inside and tell my wife. But then I remembered why I was digging a hole in the garden.
  6. I was digging in the woods and found a chest filled with gold coins I ran back home excitedly to tell my wife the good news.
    Then I remembered why I was digging in the woods.
  7. Who's got two thumbs and dissociative identity disorder? *points thumbs at chest*
    That guy.
  8. I think my cholesterol might be too high, A mosquito bit me, grabbed it's little chest and keeled over.
  9. I was digging in our garden and found a chest full of gold coins Excited, I was about to run indoors to tell the wife, but then I remembered why I was digging in the garden...
  10. Funny unknown historical fact: Pharoahs were burried with their hands crossed their chest because it was a historical belief there would be countless water slide in the after life.

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Chest One Liners

Which chest one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chest? I can suggest the ones about arms and heart.

  1. Sometimes I tuck my knees up into my chest and lean forward. That's just how I roll.
  2. Why does Superman have a lower case "s" on his chest? Because not all heroes wear caps.
  3. How do Vampires like their steak? Any way is fine other than through their chest
  4. What do you call a T-Rex with a bomb strapped to it's chest? Dinomite
  5. What did the transgender boy tell his parents? "I need to get something off my chest."
  6. How do you kill a walrus? Tell him there's something on its chest
  7. What do you call a flat chested musician? She♭
  8. I had to get a Mastectomy last year... Whew, glad I got that off my chest.
  9. I found a chest buried in the backyard I can't remember what I did with the rest of her
  10. What did the Heron get tattooed on his chest? No Egrets.
  11. I went to the doctor with a chest infection. I asked the doctor, "TB or not TB?"
  12. My wife loves a hairy chest... But I personally think she looks better without it.
  13. Roses are red, violets ain't black Your mamma's chest, is as flat as her back.
  14. What does Davy Jones like to work out the most on his body? His dead man's chest.
  15. Roses are Red, Tires are Black So why is your chest as flat as your back?

Chest Hair Jokes

Here is a list of funny chest hair jokes and even better chest hair puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • My wife claims that she can wax off my chest hair without causing any pain, but I'm a little nervous. I don't think she will be able to pull it off.
  • Daughter asks her father if she is showing too much cleavage. Father replies:"If you don't have chest hair, then yes."
  • A trip to the barbers... That'll put hairs on your chest.
  • As a guy, I used to shave my chest hair... But now it's starting to grow on me.
  • I hate the idea of men shaving their chest hair but when your baby is pulling them then it has to go, we can always make another one.
  • In an effort to be sexier for my wife, I figured I'd pluck 60% of my chest hair... 3 of the 5.
  • Chuck Norris is so powerful he can jumpstart a car by attaching the cables to his chest hair.
  • Q: What's the difference between Chuck Norris and a bear?
    A: Chuck Norris has more chest hair.
  • Wonder Woman's magic Lasso is actually one of Chuck Norris' chest hairs.
  • Fur Coats will make you into a Man They really put hair on your chest.

Flat Chest Jokes

Here is a list of funny flat chest jokes and even better flat chest puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • So a 70ish year old grandpa randomly walked up to me in the gym and laid this one on me: What's the similarity between a flat chested woman and a stone?
    You skip them both.
  • Me and my flat chested wife went to see a marriage counsellor today. The counsellor asked us; "What seems to be the problem?" "Well," I said, "Dolly Parton here thinks I'm too sarcastic."
  • What can you tell, when a man gazes deeply into your eyes at the end of a date If at the end of the date, the man is gazing deeply into your eyes, it tells you one thing; you are flat chested
  • What does a brick and your mom have in common? They are both flat-chested and laid by Mexicans.
    Source: My old middle school.
  • Yo' Mama is so flat, pirates can't wait to get their hands her a sunken chest.
  • What do you do When you come across a flat chested stripper?
    Aim for her face.
  • What do you call a nun with a flat chest? Unleavened bread
  • Why did she fell face flat on the floor? because she was flat chested.
  • Who translated "The Flat-Chested Woman" from the original Russian? Vasily Bithertitoff
  • What do you call a flat chested girl? Manchester
    (translation from hindi : lover)
Chest joke, What do you call a flat chested girl?

Chest Pain Jokes

Here is a list of funny chest pain jokes and even better chest pain puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Wife has chest pains and is examined at ER Doc comes out and says to husband,
    "She has acute angina"
    Husband says, "I know.....I know..but what is wrong with her?"
  • A blonde teen goes to the doctor complaining of chest pain Doctor : I guess I need see an x Ray to determine any damage to ribs
    Blonde : Promise to delete after seeing
  • Wife: "I am having chest pain" Husband: "show it to the doctor"
    Wife: "I already did"
    Husband: "What did he say?"
    Wife: "WOW"
  • My wife was recently submitted to hospital with chest pains. The consultant said, "Mr Smith, your wife has acute angina"
    I said, "Yes I know that, but how's her heart ?"
  • After Rudy Giuliani held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, he experienced chest pains. He was quickly rushed to Mount Sinai Heating & Plumbing.
  • angina. you know what that word sounds like? chest pain.
  • I've had chronic chest pain and headaches for a while so I went to a family doctor for an X-ray, but he wouldn't help me. I'm a orphan.
  • I've always been terrible at Karate, so my Sensei told me "Wax on, Wax off." I'm now in burning pain, but my chest is *spotless.*
    What does this have to do with Karate?
  • Someone posted an ad claiming she can wax my chest without any pain at all. Sounds nice, but I'm kind of nervous. Do you really think she could pull it off?
  • I'm gonna open a business to wax chests with no pain at all. ...But can I really pull it off?

Chest Press Jokes

Here is a list of funny chest press jokes and even better chest press puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • Today a large breasted woman beat me up in an elevator. I was staring at her chest when she asked me, "Could you please press one?"
  • Why didn't the weightlifter like doing chest exercises with Coke cans? Because it was soda pressing.
  • I just have something I need to get off my chest... I do bench presses without a spotter.
  • Why don't I recommend accompanying Coca-Cola on chest day? It's soda pressing.
  • I have a dollar bill pressed between my chin and my chest.....who am i? Christopher Reeve at a s**... club.

Hairy Chest Jokes

Here is a list of funny hairy chest jokes and even better hairy chest puns that will make you laugh with friends.

  • I once dated a twin, and everyone always asked me how I told them apart But it was super easy. One of them had a long beard, huge arms, and a super hairy chest. And the other was a man
  • "Eat your vegetables.... ... it puts hairs on your chest, look, I'm as hairy as a gorilla."
    "Stop it mom, that's g**...."
Chest joke, "Eat your vegetables....

Uproarious Chest Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time

What funny jokes about chest you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean neck jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chest pranks.

What makes a sad pirate?

Sunken chest, hidden b**...

A young girl goes to the doctor and tells him she is feeling ill

So the doctor places the end of the stethoscope on her chest and says "Big breaths".
To which the girl replies "Thankth, I'm only thickthteen."

Driving Home Drunk

An Irishman who had a little too much to drink is driving home from the city one night and, of course, his car is weaving violently all over the road.
A cop pulls him over. "So," says the cop to the driver, "where have ya been?" "Why, I've been to the pub of course," slurs the drunk.
"Well," says the cop, "it looks like you've had quite a few to drink this evening." "I did all right," the drunk says with a smile.
"Did you know," says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms across his chest, "that a few intersections back, your wife fell out of your car?"
"Oh, thank heavens," sighs the drunk.
"For a minute there, I thought I'd gone deaf."

What is a male pirates biggest fear?

A sunken chest with no b**....

3 soccer players, one plays for Manchester United, one for Liverpool and one for Arsenal, are lost in the desert.

They come across a dead camel and are having trouble deciding who gets what? So the guy from Manchester says, well since I'm from ManCHESTer, i'll get the chest. The player from Liverpool goes, well in that case I'll eat the LIVER. Then guy from ARSEnal says...i'm not hungry....

You shouldn't tell lawyer jokes

Lawyers are people, just like you and me. In fact, I bet if you split open a lawyer's chest, you'll find a heart of gold. And if you don't, hey, at least you split open his chest.

Sometimes I squat...

...and pull my legs up to my chest and lean forward.
That's how I roll.

Its not a profession.

Two people meet at a bar and start talking about work.
The first person says 'so mate, what do you do for a living?'
The second, aroggently puffs out his chest and full of pride says with a smirk 'I sir happen to be an artist'
To which the first person reply's 'hey that's ironic I'm unemployed as well!'

A Foot And A Half

Maria had just got married and being a traditional Italian, she was still a v**.... So, on her wedding night, staying at her mother's house, she was nervous. But her mother reassured her. Don't worry, Maria. Tony's a good man. Go upstairs and he'll take care of you.
So up she went. When she got upstairs, Tony took off his shirt and exposed his hairy chest. Maria ran downstairs to her mother and says, Mama, Mama, Tony's got a big hairy chest.
Don't worry, Maria, says the mother, all good men have hairy chests. Go upstairs. He'll take good care of you.
So, up she went again. When she got up in the bedroom, Tony took off his pants exposing his hairy legs. Again, Maria ran downstairs to her mother. Mama, Mama, Tony took off his pants and he's got hairy legs!
Don't worry. All good men have hairy legs. Tony's a good man. Go upstairs and he'll take good care of you.
So up she went again. When she got up there, Tony took off his socks and on his left foot he was missing three toes. When Maria saw this, she ran downstairs. Mama, Mama, Tony's got a foot and a half!
Stay here and stir the pasta, says the mother.
This is a job for Mama.

Two Grandma's Are Walking Down The Street...

One says to the other 'My chest is tight, and I feel heavy'. The other one replies 'That's because you're standing on your left t**....'.

Pirate jokes I've heard throughout my life

What did the pirate say when the steering wheel was shoved down his pants?
ARGHHHHH your driven me nuts!
Why was the pirate dissatisfied with his blind date?
She had a sunken chest and no b**....
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
They can spend years stuck at sea!
And of course: Why couldn't the teenagers watch the pirate movie?

Since We're Doing Pirate Jokes. What Does Every Pirate Hate?

A small chest with no b**....

I was laying on my SO's chest and commented on how comfortable it was...

And she hits me with a "It's like it's MAMMorey foam!" line. I was quite impressed.

What is the difference between a lentil and chick pea?

No one pays $300 to have a lentil on their chest.

"What are those things on mommy's chest?"

A young boy once asked his father: "DAD, what are those things on mommy's chest?" The father replied: "Son, those are mommy's balloons you see, before she dies they get pumped up and she floats to heaven."
A couple days later, the father comes home early from work and sits on the couch. The young boy runs downstairs screaming: "DAD! DAD! MOM'S DYING!" The father get's up quickly and asks: "WHAT'S WRONG!!" The young boy replies: "UNCLE JAKE'S UPSTAIRS BLOWING UP MOMMY'S BALLOONS AND SHE'S YELLING OH GOD I'M COMING!"

What's the difference between a garbanzo bean and a chickpea?

I wouldn't pay $39 to have a garbanzo bean on my chest.

What is a pirate's worst nightmare?

A sunken chest and no b**....

A blonde is dying

A blonde lady walks into her Dr's office and says 'oh Doctor, I'm dying, I'm dying. The Dr says 'oh my, what's the problem?' She taps her forehead and says 'it hurts here'. She taps her neck and says 'it hurts here', she taps her chest and says 'it hurts here', she taps her stomach and says 'it hurts here'. 'I hurt everywhere Dr, I'm dying'.
The doctor exams her and says 'lady, you've got a broken finger!'.

if I'm ever trying to m**... someone...

If I'm ever trying to m**... someone and they're getting away, I'm just gonna yell "WAIT! YOU'RE ON SCARE TACTICS!"
and as they come back laughing I'll stab them 47 times in the chest.

The wife asks: "Honey, is the neckline on this dress to deep?". The husband looks at her and says: "No babe, but I can see your chest hair." She replies: "But I don't have chest hair!". "Then it's to deep." says the husband.

'Calm Your t**...' is derogatory.

Feminists reccomend, instead :
'De-stress the b**...",'Soothe your b**...', 'Give that Chest a Rest', 'Don't have a Rack Attack'
'Hakuna the Tattas'

What Do you Call Neil Degrasse Tyson when he pours champagne on his bare chest?

**An astro-fizzy-t**...**

An elderly wife is on her death bed and calls her husband...

An elderly wife is on her death bed and calls her husband to lean in, and whispers, "I'm sorry, forgive me..
in the chest in the attic is one million two hundred thousand dollars and five cents.. I earned it hooking, while you were busy working your entire life."
The husband is mad, but forgives her, and asks, "but which cheapskate gave you the nickel?"
She replies, "They all did."
Credit goes to u/umm_umm_

How to tell time in a forest

Here's how to tell time in a forest.
Try and face north, or make your best approximation as to which way is north. Stand straight and tall. Extend both arms so that they are parallel with the ground. Lower your left arm back down to your side. Bend your right arm so that your hand is against the left side of your chest. Now lower your chin to your chest and look at your watch.

I was having trouble getting to sleep last night

After about an hour of tossing and turning, my wife rolled over, snuck her hand under the covers, and trailed it playfully down my chest.
"Want meeee to help you get to sleep", She whispered coyly into my ear.
"Yeah", I replied. "Tell me again how your day went".
Couch was comfy.

Two hunters are strolling through the woods ...

When suddenly, one of them gasps, grabs hit chest, and collapses on the floor, eyes open and non-responsive.
In a panic, the other hunter dials 911: "I think my friend is dead! What can I do?!"
"Sir, please calm down. First of all, lets make sure he's dead"
There is a silence, and then a gunshot is heard
"Okay, so now what?"

Funny f**... Jokes (family friendly)...

A boy comes home proudly announces to his parents "Mom, dad, the teacher asked the class a question today and I was the only one who knew the right answer!"
The parents are very happy and ask, "That's amazing Lenny! And what was the question?"
Sticking out his chest, the boys says, "Who f**...?"

What's a pirate's greatest fear on the first date?

A sunken chest with no b**....

A king gets murdered in his sleep...

Two of his most loyal servants found the body, with a sword in the king's chest. One the servants turns to the other and says "Wow, he must have had a bad knight."

A body builder takes off his shirt.

A blonde says, "Wow, what a great chest you have!"

He says, "100lbs of dynamite, babe!"

He takes off his pants and the blonde says "What massive calves you have!"
He replies, "That's 100lbs of dynamite, babe!"

He then removes his underwear and the blonde runs off screaming in fear. He puts his clothes back on and chases behind her. He finally catches up with her and asks why she ran like that.

She says, "I was afraid to be around all that dynamite after I saw how short the fuse was!"

What's the difference between a chickpea and a lima bean?

I've never paid to have a lima bean on my chest.

Two guys meet up at a high school reunion

They start talking about people from their past.
"Hey, remember that flat chested girl Sam?"
"Oh yea, how she doing?"
"I just saw her like 15 minutes ago and now she's like this" - He holds his hands in front of his chest, fingers curled in.
"Oh, she got breast e**...?"
"No, she's got severe arthritis"

Bacon tree

Two soldiers are sat on top of a hill looking for targets. One says to the other
"Hey bob, is that a bacon tree?"
"I don't know Jim, go have a look while I stay here and cover our backs"
Jim goes for a closer look and Bob stays on the hill eating his lunch. After a while Jim returns with about ten arrows in his chest.
"My god what happened? Was it a bacon tree?"
"No Bob, turned out to be a ham bush"

I got a new job at a quarry today, and the foreman was showing me around when

I saw this huge rock. I told him, "Wow! That's a really big rock!"
"Boulder." He says.
**"WOW!!!! THATS A REALLY MASSIVE ROCK,"** I say while puffing my chest out.

Last night I let my boyfriend indulge his "s**..." fantasy...

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

I'm playing Monopoly with Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton...

Trump grabbed Community Chest as fast as he could, is building hotels on properties he doesn't really own and is refusing to pay income tax
Clinton started out with a house on Illinois Ave, somehow always has a "Get out of jail free" card and keeps saying she respects any opponent holding Vermont Ave
However, in the end, I have a feeling neither will be satisfied until they get a house on Pennsylvania Ave

The bra my boyfriend gave me is really uncomfortable.

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.


My friend was on duty in the main computer lab on a quiet afternoon he noticed a young woman sitting in front of one of the workstations with her arms crossed across her chest, staring at the screen.
After about 15 minutes he noticed that she was still in the same position, only now she was impatiently tapping her foot.
Finally, he approached her and asked if she needed help.
She replied, "It's about time! I pressed the F1 button over twenty minutes ago!

My ex girlfriend was like a pirate's quest...

...she had a sunken chest and always kept me searching for the b**....

BodyBuilder and a Blonde

The body builder takes off his shirt and the blonde says, 'What a great chest you have!'
He tells her, 'That's 100 lbs. of dynamite, baby.'
He takes off his pants and the blonde says, 'What massive calves you have!'
The body builder tells her, 'That's 100 lbs. of dynamite, baby.'
He then removes his underwear, and the blonde goes running out of the apartment screaming in fear.
The body builder puts his clothes back on and chases after her. He catches up to her and asks why she ran out of the apartment like that.
The blonde replies, 'I was afraid to be around all that dynamite after I saw how short the fuse was

What is a pirates favourite letter

It is clearly double D as they are mostly males who can't stand a sunken chest and no b**....
(New original take on old joke)

Queen Elizabeth and Dolly Parton die on the same day, but are told only one can get into the pearly gates.

St. Peter asks Queen Elizabeth what makes her special enough to enter Heaven. Elizabeth takes out a d**... bottle and douches herself.
St. Peter asks Dolly what makes her special enough to get into Heaven. Dolly opens up her shirt and flashes her chest.
St. Peter lets Queen Elizabeth in instead of Dolly, because a royal flush always beats a good pair.

A girl goes to the doctor...

Putting his stethoscope to the young woman's chest, the doctor said, "Big breaths, dear."
She smiled. "Yup. And I'm not even thixteen yet!"

Unemployment at its best!

An Israeli doctor says: "In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver put them on another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work."
The German doctor says: "That's nothing,
in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work."
The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work."
The American doctor laughs: "You all are behind us. Two days ago, we took a man with no brains, no heart, and no liver and made him President.
Now, the whole country is looking for work!"


Three old Catholic men and one old Catholic woman were sitting a a table one morning. The first old man said, "My son is a priest, when he walks into a room people say Father." The second old man said, "My son is a Bishop, when he walks into a room people say Your Eminence." Third old man says, my son is the Pope, when he walks into a room people say Your Holiness." The old woman says,"My daughter has a 42 inch chest and a 24 inch waist, when she walks into a room people say 'JESUS'."

A blonde goes to the doctor...

A blonde goes to the doctor. The doctor looks at her and asks what seems to be the problem?

"Everything hurts! No matter where I touch."
"My arms, my thighs, my chest, my head! All of it!"
He looks her over completely and finally looks at her in amazement.
"Lady, your *finger* is broken."

What goes "Chest, Chest, Chest, Chest"?

A T Rex doing "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes".

When a wife keeps her head on your chest and slowly asks

"Dear, do have any woman in your life other than me"?
Remember answer is not important at this time..Important is heartbeats.

I'm like a s**... vest.

If you do me right I'll explode on your chest.

Two young girls were talking

Girl 1: What does your daddy do for a living?
Girl 2: He's a lawyer. What about your daddy?
Girl 1: My daddy's dead
Girl 2: What did he do before he died?
Girl 1: He sort of clutched at his chest and fell over
From Garrison Keillor's "pretty good joke book"

A brunette goes to the doctor

A brunette goes to the doctor and says, "Everywhere I touch it hurts."
He asks "What do you mean?"
So she showed him what she meant. She touched her knee and said "Ouch!" Then she touched her chest and said, "Ouch!" Then her shoulder, "Ouch!"
The doctor looks at her and asks, "You're really blonde, aren't you?"
She replies "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. How did you guess?"
Doctor says, "Well your finger is broken."

A black person is walking down the road...

When all of a sudden he peels over with a massive throbbing pain in his heart. He grabs his chest and screams in pain. A man sees this and runs to his aid.
"Sir, listen to me, you are going into cardiac arrest." the helpful citizen says.
"But I didn't even do nothing!"

Sometimes women are overly suspicious of their husbands

When Adam stayed out very late for a few nights, Eve became upset.
You're running around with other women, she charged.
You're being unreasonable, Adam responded. You're the only woman on Earth. The quarrel continued until Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him in the chest. It was Eve.
What do you think you're doing? Adam demanded. Counting your ribs!

There once was a farmer with three daughters.

They were all going on their first date at the same time. The farmer, being protective of his daughters, grabbed a shotgun and stood by the door. The first guy came to the door and said
"Hi, my names Joe, I'm here for Flo, we are going to the show, is she ready too go?"
The farmer thought he was ok, so they went out.
The next boy came and said
"Hi, my names Kenny, I'm here for Benny, we are going to Denny's, is she ready?
The farmer thought he was ok too, so they went off. The last boy came and said
"Hi, my names Chuck-"
The farmer shot him in the chest.

The doorbell rang and the lady of the house discovered a workman, complete with tool chest, on the front door.

Lady, he announced, I'm the piano tuner.
The lady exclaimed, Why, I didn't send for a piano tuner.
The man replied, I know, but our neighbors did.

What's the fastest way to a man's heart?

Through his chest with a sharp knife................

How do you make a walrus commit s**...?

Point at its chest and say 'What's that?'

My ex wife and I have decided to quit arguing and bury the hatchet.

Now we just have to decide whether it should be in her chest or mine!

What's a pirates worst fear on a blind date?

A sunken chest and no b**....

I have the head of a watermelon, the arms of two French baguettes, the chest of two pillows. What am I?

Banned from the supermarket.

With trembling hands, my doctor looked up from my x-ray and stammered, "This is exactly what I was afraid of." Gripping my chest, I rasped, "What?"

Eyes wide, he whispered, "Skeletons!"

A robber corners a well-dressed man in an alleyway...

Take out your wallet and give me all your money! The robber says, holding a gun to the man's chest.
You can't do this! says the well-dressed man. I'm a senator in the U.S. Congress!
The robber doesn't lower his gun and replies:
Well in that case, take out your wallet and give me all MY money!

Little Johnny, The UPS Guy, And Johnny's Mom

Little Johnny attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horse's legs and r**..., and chest. After a few minutes, Johnny asked, "Dad, why are you doing that?" His father replied, "Because when I'm buying horses, I have to make sure that they are healthy and in good shape before I buy. Johnny, looking worried, said, "Dad, I think the UPS guy wants to buy Mom."

A man was standing in front of his bathroom mirror shaving

His young son came in the room and said: "Dad, when I grow up I want to be just like you!"
The man puffed up his chest proudly and asked: "Why's that son?"
His son replied: "So I can have a son just like me"

After I stole the priceless statue and turned the corner, I collided into the female security guard's chest...

...It was a huge bust.

What's the difference between a Lima Bean and a Chick Pea?

Donald Trump has never had a Lima Bean on his chest.

A British doctor says: "In Britain, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's liver, put it in another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for a job."...

...The German doctor says: "That's nothing, in Germany we took part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for a job."
The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we took half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for a job."
The American doctor laughs: "You are all behind us. A few months ago, we took a man with no brain, no heart, and no liver and made him President.
Now, the whole country is looking for a job!"

A Buddhist monk walks up to a hot dog vendor and says Make me one with everything .

The hot dog vendor hands over the sausage and bun with all the trimmings, and the Buddhist hands over a twenty. The vendor pockets it.
The Buddhist asks Where's my change? and the vendor replies change must come from within .
A gun then extends from the Buddhist's chest and he asks again.
The vendor says Whoa, man, where did that come from?
The Buddhist replies This is my inner piece .

Whats the difference between a pickle and a chick pea

~~I've never had a pickle on my chest before~~
The texture

My friend just confessed to me that he had a third n**... and he's had it operated.

He really needed to get it off his chest.

Chest joke, My friend just confessed to me that he had a third n**... and he's had it operated.

jokes about chest