
Chem Jokes

108 chem jokes and hilarious chem puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about chem that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Funniest Chem Short Jokes

Short chem jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The chem humour may include short biology jokes also.

  1. I asked my chem teacher wether he knew the formula for nitrous oxide Unfortunately he said no
  2. Why did the chemist wear gloves to brush his teeth? His mouth was 4 molar
    Post your favorite nerd chem jokes!
  3. Why are compounds so cheap? Because they are free of charge.
    Thought of this one while in chem class
  4. My Chem professor said he'd give bonus points for the most original chemistry joke on the final, hit me with your best shot!
  5. A Hurricane and a Divorce in Virginia I learned this joke from my chem teacher:
    What do a hurricane and a divorce in Virginia have in common?
    Screaming, crying, and somebody loses a trailer!
  6. How I know the World is NOT flat You can see the curve in a plane's chem trail as it approaches the horizon.
  7. What's the definition of avocado's number The amount of particles in one guacamole.
    Credit to my chem professor.
  8. WANTED: Fun for Chemists (type jokes pls) I'd tell you a good chem joke but the best ones argon.
  9. Did you know the government puts ground beef in the chem trails? That explains the meatier showers.
  10. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel The real question is whether or not a train is behind it.
    (Told to me by my chem teacher)

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Chem One Liners

Which chem one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with chem? I can suggest the ones about tech and charm.

  1. I fell asleep in my chem class on atomic structure. It was too bohring.
  2. My chem exam just came back today I thought I did well. It was 24K golden. Pure "Au"ful.
  3. Chem students do it on the table periodically.
  4. The truth about Chemistry Chemistry is all about experiments. Because Chem-is-try.

Chem joke, The truth about Chemistry

Humorous Chem Jokes to Bring Fun and Laughter to Your Life

What funny jokes about chem you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean chap jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make chem pranks.

How can you tell a chemist from a plumber without seeing them?

Ask them to pronounce "unionized."
A plumber would say- 'you-niun-ized' ,whereas a chemist would say- 'un-ayon-ized'.

Two chemists walk into a bar

the first one says "can I have a glass of H2O" and the second chemist says "Can I have a glass of H20 too". and then he dies.

A chemist and a biologist walk into a bar...

The chemist calls over the bartender and says, "I'll have an H2O please." The bartender nods and looks at the biologist. "I'll have an H2O too."
The biologist died.

A chemist walks into a bar...

A chemist walks into a bar and says: "I would like H20" And the guy next to him says "I would like H20 too!" The second man died.

Two chemists walk into a bar.

Two chemists walk into a bar.
The first one says, "I'll have some H2O."
The second says, "I'll have some water too. But why'd you order it like that? We aren't at work."
The first chemist excuses himself and weeps in the bathroom.
His assassination plot had failed.

A Chemist, a Biologist, and a Mathematician are all sitting at an outdoor cafe...

A chemist, a biologist, and a mathematician are all sitting at an outdoor cafe. Across the street is an old, abandoned house. As they sit, they watch two people go into the house. A short while later, three come out.
The chemist says: "the measurements were wrong."
The biologist says: "they reproduced."
The mathematician says "if one more person goes in, the house will be empty again!"

I was going to say a chemistry joke...

But I was afraid I wouldn't get a reaction.

A Chemist and a Psychologist walk into a bar....

A Chemist and a Psychologist walk into a bar. The chemist says to the bartender "I'll have one h two oh please". The psychologist, in a fleeting fit of flaunting his intelligence, said "I'll have a jack and coke, it's all my mother's fault."

For our chemistry exam we had to write a thousand words on acid.

Unfortunately my pen turned into a gorilla and the floor melted.

How do you tell a chemist no?

Nitrogen Monoxide

A chemistry lab is a lot like a party...

Some people drop acid while others drop the base.

A Chemist, a Biologist, and a Mathematician...

Were sitting on a bench in front of a hotel, and see two people enter, then three people exit. The Chemist claims that they must have been an error in the initial measurements, the biologist says they must have procreated, thus creating another person, the mathematician states that if one more person enters the building, the building would then be empty.

Two chemists walk into a bar.

The first chemist says "I'd like a glass of H2O." So the bartender gives him water. The second chemist says "I'd like a glass of H2O too." So the bartender also gives him water, because he knows what he meant and had no conceivable reason to be carrying hydrogen peroxide, much less to be giving it as a drink.

Why do chemists call helium, curium, and barium 'the medical elements'?

Because, if you can't 'helium' or 'curium', you 'BARIUM'!

A chemist, a physicist, and an economist...

are all trapped on a desert island, trying to figure out how to open a can of food.
"Let's heat the can over the fire until the can explodes" says the chemist.
"No, no," says the physicist, "lets drop the can onto the rocks from the top of a tall tree"
"I have an idea," says the economist. "First, we assume a can opener..."

Having a chemistry teacher with a heavy Chinese accent is okay until...

Having a chemistry teacher with a heavy Chinese accent is okay until he tries to explain the difference between molarity and molality...

Chemistry joke about dry ice.

There are two guys: Bob and Steve. Bob is carving "Drink Coke" into a block of dry ice. Steve asks "why are you carving drink coke into that block of dry ice?" Bob replies "I just heard about this thing called subliminal advertising and I thought I would give it a try."

Chemists in a pub

After a long day, two chemists, Bill and Bob, go to a pub to unwind. Bob says to the barkeeper, "I'll just have a glass of H^2 0." Bill chimes in, "I'll have a glass of water too". They take a seat as he asks Bob, "Why did you refer to water with its chemical composition?" Bob did not answer, fuming that his assassination attempt had failed.

Chemistry Humor...

"What do you get when you cut an avocado into 6.02214129×10^23 pieces?"

Chemistry Joke

This came to me while studying for an exam....
**What did Sodium say when Hypobromite said that it wanted to bond?**
Sodium said "NaBrO"

The Chemical Formula For Water

Teacher: "What is the chemical formula for water?"
Student: "HIJKLMNO."
Teacher: "What are you talking about?"
Student: "Yesterday you said it's H to O!"

Two chemists get married and decide to have children. What did they name their second son?


What does a chemistry lesson and a night club have in common?

Someone drops the acid and someone drops the base.

Two chemists walk into a bar

The first chemist tells the bartender "I'll have some H2O, please." The second chemist agrees: "I'll have some H2O also, please."
The second chemist died of aluminum, sulfur, and oxygen poisoning.

How do you tell a chemist from a plumber?

When and where do chemists have s**...?

Periodically, on the table.

Why do chemists love bad jokes?

Their jobs get a lot easier when there are no reactions

Why did the Chemist give up a singing career?

He could not hit any of the ketones.

Chemistry Hotel

So I was driving down the road, getting pretty tired on my way home and saw a sign that said "Chemistry Hotel"
the sign said:
*"Cheap Day Rates, and Even Cheaper NO3-'s"*

A chemist walks into a bar...

He says to the bartender, "Tonight all drinks are on me!"
The bartender says to him, "you must've had a good day today, what happened?"
"I finally found a way to make a stable molecule from a barium atom, two sodium atoms, and a sulfur atom!" the chemist proudly replies.
"Wow," says the bartender, "that's BaNaNaS!"

Use chemicals to remove polish and no one bats an eye

Use chemicals to remove the polish and you're literally h**....

A chemist walks into a bar...

Chemist: Do you have any Sodium Hypobromite?
Bartender: NaBrO

What do chemists make guacamole out of?


A chemistry teacher is having problems with her desktop...

So she asks the class:
"How do I unfreeze my computer?"
After a few seconds, one student raises their hand and responds:
"What's the melting point?"

Chemistry Joke!

Hydrogen and Carbon are walking down the street when they run into each other.
The Carbon says to Hydrogen, "Are you all right? You don't look so good."
"I'm not feeling very well," says the Hydrogen. "I lost an electron!"
"Are you sure?" asks the Carbon.
"Yeah, I'm positive." says the Hydrogen.

Why couldn't the chemist laugh at the queens f**...?

Because noble gases are nonreactive.

What do chemists say when they wanna play a song at guitar?

"Anyway, here's van der Waal."

What are the chemicals in a midget's body that make them happy?


A chemist decided to plagiarize a man's work.

He made a carbon-copy.

Two chemists walk into a bar...

The first says the the bartender,
"I'll have some H2O,"
After which the second says
"I'll have some H2O too."
And they both enjoy their water, and get home safely to their families, because the bartender is a nice, reasonable man who would never serve Hydrogen Peroxide to a customer.

Two chemists walk into a bar

The bartender asks "What shall I get you two tonight"
The first chemist says "I'll take it easy tonight, just give me H2O"
The second chemist says "I'll have some H2O as well"
The first chemist is then filled with anger as the joke he heard gave him false hope in his assassination attempt

Two chemists walk into a bar

They walk up to the bartender and the first one says:
"I'll have a glass of H2O."
The other then says to his companion:
"Why don't you just say water? I understand that we're chemists an all that, but you don't need to walk around using random terms!"
The first chemist, frustrated, needs to rethink his assassination plot.

Using chemicals to remove polish is fine...

But use chemicals to remove the Polish and you're suddenly h**...!

As a chemist, i'm not very good at the guitar...

...anyway, here's van der Waal

I have so many Chemistry jokes to tell

I'm just afraid they won't get a good reaction...

Where do chemicals come from?

The chemistree.
yeah i wanna die

Two chemists walk into a bar.

The first chemist, who had a major disagreement with the second and knows the second chemist only drink water, says to the bartender, "I'll take some H2O."
The second chemist automatically responds, "I'll take some H2O too."
The bartender shrugs then turns around and promptly gives the first chemist his glass of water, and the second chemist a glass of water too... because the bartender is an adult and can infer meaning from contextual clues.

What do you do to chemists when they die?

You barium.

Two chemists walk into a bar...

The first chemist says "I'll have some H20"
The second chemist says, "I'll have some H20 as well."
The first chemist kicks himself as his assassination attempt fails.

Two chemists walk into a bar.

One asks for a glass of H*_2_*O.
The other one says, "I'll have a glass of H*_2_*O too."
He dies.

The chemistry department cafeteria has good food, but finding a place to sit can be a challenge.

They only have periodic tables.

Chemistry teacher: can you give me the formula for water?

Student: h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-. Chemistry teacher: where did you get an idea like that? Student: you told us the other day it was h to o.

The chemistry professor says to his students:

"There's deadly gas in this bottle. What steps do we take in case it breaks?"
"Fast steps"

In a chemistry class, the teacher asks a girl

- Mary, what is H2SO4?
- Oh god, this is so easy, why can't I remember, it's on the tip of my tongue.
Quickly, Johnny says:
- Then spit it out, that's sulfuric acid!

According to chemistry,

Alcohol is definately a solution.

Two chemists walk into a bar.

The first chemist says "I'll have some H20."

The second chemist says "I'll have some H20 too."

The bartender, catching on quickly, gives them both glasses of water.

The second chemist steps out behind the bar and begins crying, realizing that his s**... attempt has failed.

Two chemists walk into a restaurant after work

Two chemists walk into a restaurant after work, they sit down at there table and order drinks. The first chemist says, "I will have some H20", the second chemist says, "I will have a glass of water, and dude why are you referring to it so strangely, we aren't at work anymore."
The first chemist then goes into the bathroom and cries as his assassination plot has failed.

Why are so many chemists addicted to alcohol?

Because they are sure alcohol is a solution.

Two chemists go into a bar. The first one says "I think I'll have an H2O." The second one says "I think I'll have an H2O too".

The bartender then gives them two glasses of water because he doesn't keep freaking Hydrogen Peroxide on the bar counter.

A chemist, a biologist, and a statistician are out hunting...

The chemist spots a deer and takes a shot at it, but misses by 5 feet to the left. The biologist then fires but misses by 5 feet to the right. The statistician then proclaims "We got 'em!"

What is the chemical formula for Holy Water?


Two chemists walk into a bar..

"I'll have H2O," one says.
"I'll have H20, too," says the other.

Neither die, because the bartender understands the context.

Why do chemists like nitrates so much?

They're cheaper than day rates.

If chemistry has taught me anything...

It's that alcohol is always a solution

My chemistry teacher asked me a question in class.

She told to me to rank all the bonds.
So I did.
1) Connery
2) Craig
3) Brosnan
4) Dalton
5) Lazenby
She sent me outside the class. I still wonder if there were any Moore?

As a chemist I can conclude that Freddie Mercury's voice is full of beryllium, gold and titanium

Because his voice is Be-Au-t**...-full

A chemist froze himself at-273C

Everyone said he was crazy. But he was 0K

Chemistry Jokes

Me :Is it a crime to throw Sodium Chloride at a woman?
Judge: Yes, that's assault
Me: I know it's a salt but is it a crime?

Two chemists walk into a bar. The first says I'll take a glass of H2O. The second says I'll take a glass of H2O too.

*Since the bartender is not a chemist, he has no idea that H2O2 is the chemical formula for hydrogen peroxide, and gives both chemists a glass of water.* 

Two chemists walk into a bar. The first one says to the bartender "I'll have a H20". The second one says "I'll have a H2O as well", making sure to not have his order confused with H2O2.

The second chemist died anyway, because the bartender was a chemistry student who had been waiting his whole life for this.

I was in the chemist...

and I said to the assistant, "What gets rid of coronavirus?"
She said, "Ammonia cleaner."
I said, "Oh sorry, I thought you worked here!"

A chemist froze himself at -273.15°C. Everyone said he was crazy..

..But he was 0K

For my chemistry homework, I was supposed to write a thousand words on acid.

I tried, but my pen turned into a rainbow-coloured giraffe and then the desk melted.

How a Chemist reads the alphabets

A B C D E F G water P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

I went to the Chemist today.

I asked the assistant 'What gets rid of coronavirus?'
She replied 'Ammonia Cleaner.'
I said 'I'm sorry, I thought you worked here.'

A chemist walks into a pharmacy...

With a pained expression the chemist asks the pharmacist for some acetylsalicylic acid.
The pharmacist looks confused as he asks, "You mean aspirin?"
The chemist, still in pain replies with exasperation, "Yes! I can never remember that word." (Credit to Mr. Wilgus, my high school chemistry teacher 43 years ago.)
[edit for formatting]

What chemical is released in your brain when you see something funny on the internet?


In chemistry class the experiment called for 36 grams of the 83rd element on the periodic table. I could see that the girl next to me had weighed out 42 grams. When I told her she was getting a bit heavy she said....

I should mind my own bismuth.

How often are chemistry jokes posted to reddit?


Chemistry joke

Proton and neutron were chilling in the nucleus one day, then proton asks neutron: Why you only hangout with me in here instead of electron?
Neutron replies: He was too negative to begin with.

What did the chemist say in response to a clever joke about helium?

He He :))

Chem joke, What did the chemist say in response to a clever joke about helium?

jokes about chem