Cheep Jokes
36 cheep jokes and hilarious cheep puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cheep that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
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Funniest Cheep Short Jokes
Short cheep jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The cheep humour may include short cheap jokes also.
- What did the bird say to the price tag? Cheep!
(As told to me this morning by my 7 year old son. He was quite proud of the joke.) - Why did the baby chick cross the road on the spring equinox? To say, Cheep cheep, happy spring!
- I just got back from my first session at the Bird Psychologist He comes highly recommended, but the tweetment won't be cheep.
- How much does a birdhouse cost? I don't know the exact price but I know they're pretty cheep
- What did one Jewish bird say to the other? "Cheep"
- What does sound does a Jewish bird say? Cheep Cheep!
- What do you call a date with a chick that's younger than you? A cheep date.
- Never buy a dead budgie, they don't go cheep....
- What did the avian electronics salesman say to the customer? TVs are going cheep
- Joke I made up for my wife Why don't birds go to restaurants?
Because they are "cheep cheep!'
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Cheep One Liners
Which cheep one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with cheep? I can suggest the ones about cheesy and affordable.
- FOR SALE: One dead budgie Not going cheep.
- What's the best way to get in touch with your inner self Cheep toilet paper
- What's the best time to buy a bird? When it goes cheep!
- Selling a dead bird Not going cheep
- When it comes to baby chickens... is *cheep*
- Three canaries walk in to a bar. The barman says "Is this some kind of cheep joke ?"
- For sale: Dead Canary Not going cheep.
- Never haggle with a baby chic All their offers are cheep
- A bird tried to sell me some leaves It said: 'Come on, they're very cheep cheep!'
- I'm a butcher and I sell dead chickens at work They aren't going cheep
- For sale: 2 dead birds (Not going cheep)
- What do you call a baby chick from the dollar store? A cheap cheep-cheep
- What's the best part about living in Flint, Michigan? Leaded gasoline is pretty cheep!
- I've got a dead Budgie for sale. It's not going cheep.
- When should you buy a bird? When it's going Cheep.
Uproarious Cheep Jokes to Have a Laugh Out Loud Good Time
What funny jokes about cheep you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean peep jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make cheep pranks.
What did the s**... bird say to the poor bird?
*Cheep, cheep.*
What's yellow and goes "cheep cheep"?
A Chinese p**...