
Cheap People Jokes

10 cheap people jokes and hilarious cheap people puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about cheap people that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.

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Hilarious Cheap People Jokes to Make Your Friends Roar with Laughter

What is a good cheap people joke to make people laugh? Check out this list of funny stories that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth.

A guy walks into a bar

A guy walks into a bar and orders finest scotch.
Bartender: (giving him the drink) that would be $2 Sir.
Guy: woah, this is cheap. You are good people. I want to thank your manager. Where is he?
Bartender: in the hotel room Sir, with my wife.
Guy: What's he doing with your wife?
Bartender: The same thing I'm doing with his business.

I don't understand why people buy cheap boomerangs

They only throw them away.

Can Flemish and Dutch people understand each other?

Two Flemish men are in Holland and see a poster: "Shirts - 5 Euros". They turn to each other and say "Wow, that's cheap. Let's buy a dozen to resell them back in Belgium"
They enter the store and say, in their best possible Dutch: "We would like 10 shirts, please".
The man behind the counter answers "Ah, I see that you're Flemish" They reply: "Huh, how? Is our Dutch not that good?"
"No, you both speak it perfectly, but this is a dry cleaners"

Why doesn't Gandalf dress as a p**... for Halloween?

So people do not take him as a conjurer of cheap tricks.

A clinic was trialling a new, cheap way to numb a patient for surgery.

The new method involved blunt force trauma to the patient's head.
The strategy was such a success that people would line up around the block to receive the new anaesthetic.
A man asked the doctor what the line was for.
The doctor replied "that's the punchline."

Sandbox games

The newlyweds and young parents in town discover that the fine sand in the nearby nature resort makes for excellent sandbox sand. So people go in to get a big cart of sand and make some cheap garden sandboxes for their children. The park rangers forbid this and nobody can steal sand anymore. This guy sneaks in with a big cart and scoops it full but on his way out he sees a park ranger and starts to quickly shovel the sand out of his cart. "Oh no sir! You won't get away with it that easily!" the park ranger barks,
"You can't dump that here so take it right back home with you!"

You know what they say: if it ain't broke

Cheap people don't recommend it.

What is the object of American football played by really cheap people?

Get the quarter back.

I don't go on and on about how I can't roller skate

But apparently the whole world needs to know about how this w**... in the river can't swim.

Girl, are you a community college?

Because you're cheap, easy to get into, and people will settle for you if they can't do any better.

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