Charm Jokes
54 charm jokes and hilarious charm puns to laugh out loud. Read jokes about charm that are clean and suitable for kids and friends.
Discover the greatest collection of charm jokes to bring a smile of delight to the faces of your friends and family. Explore a variety of Southern charm, lucky charms, and spell-binding necklaces that will make all the ladies swoon. Enjoy these delightful charm jokes and ignite your imagination!
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Funniest Charm Short Jokes
Short charm jokes and puns are one of the best ways to have fun with word play in English. The charm humour may include short lover jokes also.
- Did you ever hear about the Lucky Charms leprechaun's evil twin? He was tragically malicious.
- I keep a photo of my mother flexing inside the charm of my necklace Because she is a strong, in the pendant woman
- What's the difference between Notre Dame and Lucky Charms cereal? One of them belongs in a bowl.
- I'm at an awkward weight I'm fat enough to not look good with my shirt off, but not fat enough for it to become part of my charm.
I'm caught between a rock and a lard place. - Fruit Loops is putting marshmallows in their cereal like Lucky Charms I guess Toucan play that game
- What's the difference between a hot girl and a mouse? One charms the he's and the other harms the cheese.
- My marriage is like a fairytale. I was charming and my wife was beautiful, Once upon a time...
- What's the difference between a beautiful woman and a mouse? One charms the he's and the other harms the cheese.
- Boris Johnson is the most dangerous politician in Britain precisely because of his charm. Funny and likeable, even when he errs it's cute, like a shaved Winnie the Pooh eating all the honey
- As a good luck charm my baseball team eats taco bell before every game. To help us get more runs than our opponent.
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Charm One Liners
Which charm one liners are funny enough to crack down and make fun with charm? I can suggest the ones about chap and character.
- Why did the snake want to learn the accordion? To charm the ladies with its scales.
- Would a charming vampire be a neck-romancer?
- Third time's a charm... Is a much darker phrase in Germany
- Why couldn't the snake charmer charm his snake? He had a reptile dysfunction
- My wife left me after I slept with my third cousin Guess the third time isn't a charm.
- What's sticky and charming? Seduct tape
- Ted Bundy was attractive, charming, intelligent... He always killed it on a first date.
- If Lucky Charms are magically delicious... it should be called Ethereal box.
- What sort of cereal does Thor eat? Loki Charms.
- Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast Not unlike a good sports bra
- Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
- Third times the charm... ...said god before he accidentally created down syndrome.
- Maybe you need to try a magic poultice. I heard they work like a charm.
- What is Jeb Bush's campaign slogan? Third time's the charm
- Why World War 3 will be the end Because third time's a charm.
Lucky Charm Jokes
Here is a list of funny lucky charm jokes and even better lucky charm puns that will make you laugh with friends.
- The mile-high club is different in Ireland. It's all about air lingus. The woman gets lucky and the man gets charmed.
- What's Ed Sheeran's favorite Lucky Charms? The Rainbow and Horseshoe. He's in love with the shape of U.
- What do you call an Irish dwarf with a hot wife? Lucky Charms
- Lucky Charms could save your Life from a cereal killer
- lucky charms removed the hourglass recently.. looks like it ran out of time
- Have you tried the cereal Lucky Charms? They're Magically Suspicious!
- My wife said I was a serial cheater. I said, "That's ridiculous! You know I only eat Lucky Charms."

Cheeky Charm Jokes to Experience Good Cheer & Frivolity
What funny jokes about charm you can tell and make people laugh? An example I can give is a clean scar jokes that will for sure put a smile on everyones mouth and help you make charm pranks.
An identity thief and a r**... get convicted in a poor town...
The judge decides that the best punishment is to tie them up in a courtyard and for $5 you can punch the identity thief so he can never use his charm to con again, or for $10 you can kick the r**... in the nuts. The police officer in charge of this spots a girl kick the identity thief in the nuts and says, "Hey! You can't do that!" The girl asks, "Why not?" And the cop says, "Because this is the punchline."
45 year old charming guy
Having recently turned 45, I thought I had lost all the appeal and charm I used to have with the ladies, until today that is. At my local gas station, the pretty young girl who has served me every other day or so for several weeks asked for my number. I was taken aback. I explained how I was flattered but was perhaps a bit too old for her and that if I were 20 or so years younger I would happily take her up on her offer, I explained how love and s**... attraction, when intertwined, can be exciting and that I hadn't felt this way in years and asked that she save her love for someone who will truly care for her and respect her not only as a woman, but as a person.
. . . . "No," she said. "Your pump number, sir."
The god Thor is bored one day and decided to try out having s**... with a mortal woman...
He heads down to earth and finds a beautiful young woman. Pouring on the charm, he convinces her to go to bed with him. He goes back to her place and enjoys her in every possible way, absolutely plowing her with all his god-like strength and endurance. 7 hours later, he rolls off. She's laying there, gasping and panting, shaking, and exhausted from the most incredible s**... she's ever had in her life. She can't even speak. All she can do is s**... his chest with a trembling hand. He understands her point, though. He was amazing.
"I've got a confession to make," he says. "I'm actually Thor."
"You're thor!? I'm tho thor, I won't be able to thit down for a week!
A quantum physicist and his friend go out for ice cream.
"What's your favourite flavour?" asks the friend.
"Charm," replies the physicist.
His friend looks at him.
"Why is it that whenever I ask you a question," begins the friend, "your answer is always strange?"
"Well it's strange *now*," the physicist protests, "shouldn't have waited a picosecond."
Why are charming pirates always the richest?
Because they get all the b**...
What did Charmander say to Pikachu after seeing him surf?
A student asks a scientist about the types of quarks...
A student asks a scientist about the types of quarks. The scientist replies "Up, Down, Charm, Top, Bottom"
The student says "I think you missed one?" The scientist replies "Huh, thats Strange."
The Tourist
An out-of-towner in New York at the height of the tourist season decided to revisit an uptown restaurant he'd enjoyed on a previous trip to the city.
Finally catching the eye of an overworked waiter, he said, "You know, it's been over five years since I first came in here."
"I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait your turn, sir," replied the waiter with typical New York charm. "I can only serve one table at a time."
How many s**... orientations does a physicist have?
Six: Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Top and Bottom.
A woman looks at herself in the mirror in disgust.
Woman: I feel really horrible. Look at me, old, fat and ugly. I think I have lost my charm.
Man: Hmmm, well it isn't all bad.
Woman: What do you mean?
Man: At least you have perfect eyesight.
Did you know that nobody's having i**... at the Quantum gay club?
Apparently, all tops turn into bottoms.
That explains the weak interaction.
We're witnessing the world in decay.
It's strange, and I find no charm in it.
Ok, I'm out.
I'll be having some Lepton tea.
Sinatra is diagnosed with schizophrenia...
He goes to see a psychologist and starts talking about his split personalities.
One is the charismatic singer who can perform and woo crowds with his talent and charm.
The other is Steve, who is reserved and shy and can't even speak in front of a more than a few people.
He starts off talking, timid and soft spoken.
The psychologist stops him and says Listen, first I'm gonna need you to be Frank with me
A guy asks his friend how he lost so much weight.
His friend says, "I took up drinking and driving. It works like a charm!"
The guy says "Oh man, you need to stop, you're going to get yourself killed!"
His friend replies back, "Yeah, it was a bit of a c**... diet."
A charming man walks into a bar and shouts: "THE QUEEN IS DEAD, BOYS!"
The barman says: "Too soon, Morrissey"
The oddly pleasant feeling of looking down on a physicist while he c**... the last of his beer...
The strange charm of a top down bottom's up
A woman wearing a necklace with an airplane charm notices a guy starting at her chest
She asks him "Do you like the airplane?"
He say "No, I like the airport!"
I honestly think that words can bring people to their knees, even in very tense situations where a fight can break out any second
Just say "I have a gun" and it works like a charm
I cut the prong off a fork and am wearing it on a necklace for luck.
As they say, third tine's the charm.
Why does nobody like the Charmin bears?
Because they can be real a**....
Beauty and charm of British women
Beauty and charm of British women made the best sailors, explorers and adventurers from British men.
What do you call a necklace with a writing utensil shaped charm?
A pen-dant